What apples to cook the most delicious jams and preserves

There are so many varieties of apples that many of us are not even aware of this variety. But we all love this healthy fruit and often prepare it for the winter in the form of jam or jam. But here’s how to choose the right apples if we want to get a jar with whole apple slices or such a consistency that we can spread it on bread toast.

All these options are possible, the main thing is to take the right apples, we will help you a little with this.

For jams varieties with sour apples are suitable, such as

  • Slav,
  • Grushovka,
  • White filling,
  • Semerenko.

They contain a lot of pectin and when cooking apples, you will achieve the consistency of jam.


But for jamin which you want to see whole apple slices, sweeter and firmer varieties will do, for example: 

  • Antonovka,
  • Spartacus,
  • Champion,
  • Gloucester.

Delicious preserves and jams for you!

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