What animals teach us

Pets save us from loneliness and stress. And they can also teach important life lessons if we carefully observe pets and love them for who they are.

Contrary to popular belief that pets are usually single people, most cats and dogs live in families of at least three people.

According to a survey conducted on our website, 26% of owners of dogs, cats, rats and hamsters got pets because of their love for animals. And also because of the opportunity to have a true friend and take care of him. A beneficial effect on the development of the child is also an important factor: it is cited as a key argument by 8% of respondents.

19% insist on the exclusive “social role” of their pets, relieving their owners from loneliness. Another 34% found it difficult to give a specific answer to the question, saying that they simply cannot imagine life without a pet in the house.

“I want a kitten!”

So the child says, and we get a kitten. Or a hamster. Or a puppy. Our main motive at the same time: the child should grow up kind and responsible, and his own pet will become his assistant in this matter. Concerned about the development of children’s responsibility and independence, parents try to put the care of the newly acquired animal on the child’s shoulders. And they achieve the opposite result: it is really difficult for him to cope with new regular and not always pleasant duties alone. He feels confused and comes to the conclusion that caring for who is weaker and smaller is burdensome. So, if we want our children to be responsible for those who have been tamed, they need to be … taught. You can start by taking care of a new friend together.

Love for animals or love for yourself?

“Over the past half century, the attitude towards pets in Russia, as well as around the world, has changed significantly,” says Irina Novozhilova, president of the Vita animal rights center. – If earlier dogs lived in the family mainly because they guarded the house, and cats protected from rodents, now they are perceived as full members of the family. Among veterinarians, the term “companion animals” has even appeared.

Every year the demand for the services of zoopsychologists increases, many books and specialized magazines are published: people want to understand what their pets feel and even think.

Today, we show care in a completely different way than before: hairdressers, hotels, and even ateliers for dogs and cats, which appear in abundance around us, make their life similar to ours. We play this game with joy, without thinking – do the animals themselves need all this? Do they benefit from such humanization?

“When the owner feeds the dog or cat what he eats, dresses him up in clothes and puts him to bed, he, as it were, replaces his failed relationship with another person,” says zoopsychologist Elena Fedorovich.

“By forcing our dog or parrot to live an almost human life, we care not so much about his true desires as about our own needs, which for some reason we cannot satisfy,” continues Irina Novozhilova. “We are trying, for example, to make up for a lack of tenderness or a lack of self-confidence.”

“Infinitely loyal dog”, “sensitive, delicate cat” – we use a lot of language clichés when we talk about our pets. “Discussion of the smallest details of their life, character and habits often masks our narcissistic need to be in the spotlight,” says psychoanalyst Anna Skavitina, “and is often found in people who find it difficult to talk about themselves.”

A useful addition

Attributing to our pets an amazing gift to heal our mental ailments, we tend to exaggerate the psychotherapeutic abilities of pets.

“Communication with a dog or cat, of course, helps to cope with situational stress and tension, but does not solve deep psychological problems,” explains Elena Fedorovich. “Watching animals, we learn to understand without words, develop our intuition and powers of observation — I think this is precisely the positive effect of communicating with them in the first place.”

The phenomenon of “pet” developed along with the desire of man to conquer nature.

“Since ancient times, people have had an ambivalent attitude towards animals: on the one hand, many of them are a constant object of hunting, on the other hand, human society is interested in replenishing their population, and, therefore, it is necessary to establish relationships with them, and to expiate one’s guilt before them. , – says anthropologist Artem Kozmin. – That is why today, as in ancient times, good hunters “talk” with those who should become their prey. In many tribes that live by hunting, the bones of a killed and eaten animal are buried with honors … Perhaps our love for domestic animals partly continues the tradition. Surrounding the care and attention of cats, dogs, horses, we unconsciously atone for the massacre of cows, pigs and sheep.

In other words, attachment to domestic animals allows a person to relieve himself of guilt for the extermination of animals, the meat of which we eat daily, in the fur and skin of which we dress.

“In dealing with pets, their uncritical attitude towards us attracts,” Elena Fedorovich believes, “unconditional emotional acceptance and attentiveness to our actions and emotional states. Many of the skills we learn by living with them help us connect with others and understand ourselves better.”

Animals do not heal us in the literal sense of the word, but they teach us to accept and give love, not to be afraid to express feelings. In other words, our relationships with pets do not replace, do not imitate human relationships – they serve only as a useful and enriching addition to them.


The main features of the animal: sociability, devotion. The dog is ready to play a certain role in the family, for example, a watchman or a nanny.

Host character: People get a dog for a variety of reasons. Those who decide to take this step can be both open and reserved people – they are all united by an increased need for warm, emotional relationships. Owners of dogs especially appreciate their fidelity, which does not depend on any external circumstances.

What do dogs teach us? navigate the situation before starting a relationship. A dog is an attentive observer, surprisingly sensitive to the emotions and intentions of people.

If a dog gets into a new team, then it needs some time to understand how the roles are distributed: who is the leader, who is the breadwinner, who will play and walk with it. And only having orientated in the system of relations between people, the dog establishes a special relationship with each of them separately. Her tact and ability to connect with people based on their individual characteristics and preferences is really something to learn from.


Main features: independence and the ability to keep a distance. The cat is unobtrusive in communication, she carefully doses the signs of her love and decides for herself what to do.

Host character: The common stereotype that attributes the traits of a lone dreamer to a cat lover is not so far from the truth. To live in harmony with her, the owner must respect her territory and the rhythm of life, and this implies in him a tendency more to reflection than to action.

What do cats teach us? live and let live. The cat knows what he wants and unmistakably chooses what suits him best. That is why many tend to consider her cold and selfish.

But this is not true. A cat is a very sensitive creature, and her affection for the owner, although not as obvious as that of a dog, makes her a true friend, ready to support and reassure – mainly through gentle touches. Thus, the cat gives us a wonderful lesson in how to strike a balance between our own interests and the needs of others.


Main feature: curiosity. In search of food and new experiences, this little creature is ready to explore the most remote corners of human habitation. Rats are easy to train, distinguish people by smell and unmistakably recognize the owner among them.

Host character: rats are turned on by original natures. As a rule, they like that these rodents do not require special care and, due to their inquisitive nature, adapt perfectly to any situation. These qualities make the rat an excellent companion: you can constantly carry it with you, take it on trips and show it to others.

In addition, rats are often chosen by people who lack tactile sensations in everyday life: their miniature pets not only like to crawl on the hands, shoulders and head of the owner, but also get great pleasure from it.

What do rats teach us: acceptance of a close being in spite of the resistance of others. The ancient stereotypes that attribute a lot of negative qualities to rats are still strong enough, so anyone who dares to get this animal will have to assert their feelings for him, despite the condemnation and misunderstanding of others.

Despite the well-known unpretentiousness, the rat still needs to comply with certain norms: for example, it should always be clean in the cage. This teaches a person to be responsible and respectful of the observance of other people’s interests – however, in a rather mild and easy form.


Main feature: Zen behavior. Closed and unruffled in their sealed tank, they show us a peace of mind that is worth learning from.

Host character: it is hardly appropriate in this case to speak of the owner in the traditional sense of the word. Even an inveterate aquarist, most likely, would not think of sharing his experiences with his veiltails, who are unlikely to be able to distinguish his hand, which gives them food daily, from any other.

The one who starts the fish is rather contemplative and reserved. Without requiring emotions or active participation in their life from their owner, the fish will become ideal companions for such a person. In addition, they are often turned on by people who are used to controlling everything.

What do aquarium fish teach us: relax. It has long been noticed that these pets are an excellent object for meditation. In the harsh conditions of a big city, many of us have simply lost the ability to relax our body and soul, while the aquarium helps to restore this invaluable skill. In addition, it allows us to organically combine admiration for the unpredictability and beauty of wildlife with a natural desire for peace, comfort and safety. After all, an aquarium is a real ocean in miniature, but this ocean never experiences tsunamis or storms.

Return horses

Horseback riding combined with simple physical exercises is the basis of the method of hippotherapy, which began to be actively used in Russia in the early 90s. A walking horse transmits from 90 to 110 motor impulses per minute to a person sitting in the saddle, and therefore the rider, trying to maintain balance, strengthens his muscles, improves coordination of movements, gait and posture.

Hippotherapy has a beneficial effect not only on the musculoskeletal system: experts recommend it for gastrointestinal and cardiovascular diseases, various neurological disorders and sexual problems, since physical and emotional contact with horses can alleviate the course of many diseases (including childhood diseases). !), and sometimes cure them.

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