What and how much can and cannot be done with magnesia

What and how much can and cannot be done with magnesia

Magnesia or Magnesium sulfate is a drug that belongs to vasodilators and has a wide range of therapeutic effects. The drug can be used orally, and can be administered as injections (intravenously and intramuscularly).

Magnesia is available in the form of a solution for injection and in the form of a powder for suspension. The powder can be purchased in packages, the volume of which is 10 g, 20 g, 25 g and 50 g. Ampoules with a solution are available in a volume of 5 ml, 10 ml, 20 ml and 30 ml. The concentration of Magnesium sulfate in ampoules can be 20% and 25%.

Magnesia is used in a wide variety of pathological conditions, as it has the following properties:

  • Helps to reduce excitement, irritability and anxiety (sedative effect). With an increase in the dose, a hypnotic effect of the drug develops.

  • Promotes the removal of fluid from the body, due to the diuretic effect (diuretic effect).

  • It helps to relax the muscle layer of the arterial walls, thereby expanding their lumen (arteriodilating effect).

  • Promotes the elimination of convulsions (anticonvulsant effect).

  • Helps lower blood pressure (hypotensive effect).

  • Helps to eliminate pain caused by muscle spasms (antispasmodic effect).

  • Helps to reduce the excitability of myocytes, normalizes ionic balance (antiarrhythmic effect).

  • Helps prevent the formation of blood clots, protects the cardiovascular system from damage (cardioprotective effect).

  • It helps to increase blood flow in the uterus due to the expansion of its vessels, inhibits the contractility of the uterine muscles (tocolytic effect).

  • Helps to eliminate intoxication of the body in case of poisoning with salts of heavy metals, acting as an antidote.

In connection with such an extensive list of therapeutic effects, magnesia is prescribed for the following conditions:

What and how much can and cannot be done with magnesia

  • Hypertensive crisis with signs of cerebral edema;

  • Convulsions in eclampsia, in severe preeclampsia;

  • Removal of strong contractions of the uterine muscles;

  • Polymorphic ventricular tachycardia;

  • Increased need for magnesium, acute hypomagnesemia;

  • Intoxication of the body with heavy metals, including mercury, arsenic, tetraethyl lead.

If we consider the oral use of magnesia, then it is possible to achieve a laxative and choleretic effect, since the drug with this method of administration is not absorbed into the systemic circulation.

Therefore, indications for the use of magnesia inside are:

  • Acute constipation;

  • Cholecystitis and cholangitis;

  • duodenal sounding;

  • Dyskinesia of the gallbladder during tubage;

  • Bowel cleansing to diagnose its condition.

What can and cannot be done with magnesium?

Due to the fact that magnesia is widely used in medical practice, patients should know when you can and when you can not prescribe this drug:

  • Is it possible to inject magnesia intramuscularly?
  • Is it possible to inject magnesia during pregnancy?
  • Is it possible to inject magnesia during pregnancy?
  • Is it possible to inject magnesia every day?
  • Is it possible to inject magnesia during menstruation?
  • Is it possible to prick magnesia at high pressure?
  • Is it possible to prick magnesia at a temperature?

Is it possible to inject magnesia intramuscularly?

What and how much can and cannot be done with magnesia

Magnesia can be injected intramuscularly. However, injections of the drug are quite painful, so doctors prefer to use the drug for intravenous administration. To reduce pain during intramuscular injections, magnesium is recommended to be mixed with Novocaine. The dosage is selected individually, depending on the indications.

Among the indications for intramuscular administration: high blood pressure and hypertensive crisis, preeclampsia, tetany, epileptic seizures, poisoning with salts of heavy metals, urinary retention.

The drug is injected deep into the muscle, so the syringe needle should not be less than 4 cm. The drug should be injected slowly. If Novocain is used for anesthesia, then it is mixed in one syringe. For one ampoule of magnesia (20-25%) take one ampoule of Novocaine (1-2%). You should not practice self-administration of the drug, as this threatens to develop serious side effects.

Is it possible to inject magnesia during pregnancy?

What and how much can and cannot be done with magnesia

You can inject magnesia during pregnancy. However, the drug is used only if the possible benefits of its use outweigh the possible risks to the health of the woman and child.

Moreover, during pregnancy, magnesium is used only in injections. The amount and concentration of the drug depends on the severity of the patient’s condition. Most often, a single dose is 20 ml, at a 25% concentration of magnesium solution.

So, during pregnancy, the drug is prescribed for the following conditions:

  • There is a threat of premature birth, which is due to the increased tone of the muscles of the uterus.

  • Hypomagnesemia of a pregnant woman.

  • Complications of preeclampsia or high risks of their occurrence (convulsions and nephropathy).

In recent years, doctors have given preference to the intravenous administration of magnesia to pregnant women, since intramuscular injections are very painful and additional painkillers have to be used when they are administered.

What and how much can and cannot be done with magnesia

Is it possible to drink magnesia in ampoules inside?

Magnesia in ampoules is intended for intramuscular and intravenous administration. Therefore, the drug should not be taken orally. For this purpose it is necessary to use powdered magnesia.

What and how much can and cannot be done with magnesia

Is it possible to inject magnesia every day?

You can prick magnesia every day only if this recommendation is a medical prescription. The drug is used to relieve unwanted symptoms, so its administration is stopped after they can be stopped and the patient’s condition returns to normal.

Most often, pregnant women with a threatened miscarriage are prescribed a course of magnesia injections, which lasts from a week or more. In each case, the doctor determines the duration of the course of treatment individually. Independent use of the drug is unacceptable.

What and how much can and cannot be done with magnesia

Is it possible to inject magnesia during menstruation?

Magnesia can be injected during menstruation, if the injections are prescribed by a doctor. Menstruation is not a contraindication for the administration of this drug.

Is it possible to prick magnesia at high pressure?

What and how much can and cannot be done with magnesia

An indication for the implementation of an injection of magnesia at high pressure is only a hypertensive crisis, accompanied by signs of cerebral edema. Therefore, at high pressure, an injection of magnesia, as a rule, is given only by emergency doctors. It should be remembered that magnesium is not used to treat hypertension. The drug is a symptomatic agent, which, when administered intravenously, very quickly reduces the level of pressure. A hypertensive crisis is an emergency that is accompanied by a sharp jump in systolic and diastolic pressure and develops on average in 1% of patients with hypertension.

Many doctors refuse to use magnesia at high pressure, as it sharply lowers it, but does not bring it back to normal, which is very important. A sharp decrease in pressure is dangerous, especially if the dosage of the main active substance is incorrectly calculated. The pressure drop should be gradual. Therefore, only a doctor can inject magnesia at high pressure and only in critical conditions of the patient.

What and how much can and cannot be done with magnesia

Is it possible to prick magnesia at a temperature?

Magnesia can be pricked at elevated body temperature only in a hospital. If a person has a fever, then most often this indicates a disease. In this case, it is necessary to find out what exactly caused such a reaction of the body, and then decide on the possibility of using magnesia. In addition, the drug is most often used in serious pathological conditions, so only a doctor can decide on the possibility of administering magnesia injections at elevated body temperature.

How much and what is done with magnesium?

Magnesia is used to relieve many pathological conditions, but this drug, if administered incorrectly or if the dosage is not followed, can be harmful to health:

  • How much does magnesium cost?
  • How many days are magnesia dripping during pregnancy?
  • How long does a magnesium injection last?
  • How many times can you make magnesium?
  • How many times a day can you inject magnesium?

How much does magnesium cost?

What and how much can and cannot be done with magnesia

The price of magnesia is low, the drug is available for almost every person. The cost depends on the dosage of the drug, on the form of its release and on the concentration of the solution. It is possible that prices will vary slightly at different points of sale, however, the average price for magnesia is as follows:

  • 25 g of powder – 15-18 rubles.

  • 20 g of powder – 4-9 rubles.

  • 10 g of powder – 3-8 rubles.

  • 10 ampoules of a 25% solution, 5 ml each – 18-22 rubles.

  • 10 ampoules of a 25% solution, 10 ml each – 27-45 rubles.

What and how much can and cannot be done with magnesia

How many days are magnesia dripping during pregnancy?

The duration of the use of magnesia during pregnancy is completely individual. Sometimes the drug is prescribed once, to stabilize the woman’s condition. In some cases, especially with severe gestosis, a course of droppers is prescribed, which most often consists of 10 days. In any case, the duration of treatment will be determined by the doctor, focusing on the patient’s well-being.

What and how much can and cannot be done with magnesia

How long does a magnesium injection last?

The duration of the injection of magnesia depends on how the drug was administered. With intravenous administration, the effect persists for 30 minutes, and with intramuscular administration, it persists for a period of 3 to 4 hours.

If magnesia was administered intravenously, then the effect occurs almost instantly, and if intramuscularly, then after an hour.

What and how much can and cannot be done with magnesia

How many times can you make magnesium?

If the patient has no contraindications to the introduction of magnesia, then it can be done as many times as the patient’s condition requires.

How many times a day can you inject magnesium?

An injection of magnesia is done no more than 1-2 times a day.

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