What and how does it affect the condition of the skin, hair and nails?
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Impeccable complexion, healthy hair and nails – this is not only the effect of inherited genes. Our health, lifestyle, stress and diet have a huge impact on our appearance. What to do to look attractive?

Pregnancy, illness, antibiotic therapy and even stress affect the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Elimination or slimming diets also determine our beauty. This is because the skin, hair and nails are made of cells that nourish themselves “from the inside”, which means that each of our cells draws energy from the body. If the body is sick or lacking something, it affects the work of cells.

The lack of the necessary ingredients disfigures

Both nutritionists and doctors say: you are what you eat, and what you look like depends on what is on your plate. Unfortunately, many elimination diets, including slimming diets, cause our skin, hair and nails to suffer. The body begins to gradually increase its expenditure, which means that it supplies less valuable substances to various organs.

Additionally, elimination diets do not provide all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Avitaminosis is manifested by many skin problems. Many diseases also put a heavy burden on the skin, hair and nails. The hairstyle can get thinner after antibiotics, poorly selected contraceptive pills, anabolic steroids, drugs that lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Hair loss can be a consequence of pregnancy and high fever. Also, diseases of the thyroid gland or anemia can manifest themselves in poor hair condition.

Nails are weakened by a lack of zinc or iron caused by excessive menstruation, poor diet or diseases. If we are not able to provide all the necessary ingredients with food or we have an increased demand for them as a result of diseases, stress, fatigue or after pregnancy – it is worth reaching for proven dietary supplements. Merz Spezial dragees contain a set of vitamins and minerals that are most important for the good condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Beauty vitamins

Our body does not produce many of the vitamins it needs and must be provided in the diet. Some of them catch free radicals that have a destructive effect on the body’s cells. As a result of their action, collagen fibers die, which accelerates the aging process, and the skin loses its ability to defend itself against negative external factors.

Vitamins that neutralize free radicals are the so-called antioxidants. Ascorbic acid, otherwise known as vitamin C, is one of the most important. In combination with vitamins E, B2 and zinc, it protects the skin against damage caused by free radicals. Vitamin C is also needed for the formation of collagen, which guarantees skin elasticity.

Vitamin A is particularly important for cellular transformation processes. Thanks to it, our epidermis is peeling off all the time. If this were not the case, we would have skin that is thick and wrinkled, like elephants. Vitamin A is also an antioxidant and has photoprotective properties, i.e. protecting against photoaging. In addition, together with iron, it strengthens nails.

B vitamins, zinc and folic acid stimulate their growth, prevent breaking, splitting and the formation of white spots on the nails. Vitamin D protects skin cells from UV-induced death. For the good appearance of the skin, you also need vitamin H, i.e. biotin and niacin, which allow you to maintain an appropriate level of hydration. Zinc and biotin also prevent hair loss.

External care

In addition to nourishing skin cells, hair and nails, proper care is also important. Our skin is the organ most exposed to contact with the environment. It is harmed by dryness and air pollution, excessive sun exposure and allergens. In addition, it is also subject to aging processes. Collagen and hyaluronic acid are of key importance for the condition of the skin.

Collagen is a type of protein that our skin is made of, among other things. He is responsible for its flexibility. As a result of aging, we lose this valuable substance, which makes the skin lose its firmness. Hyaluronic acid binds water and affects hydration. There is an abundance of hyaluronic acid in young skin, which guarantees its elasticity and lack of wrinkles. Its quantity decreases with age.

Therefore, the oral treatment should be supplemented with appropriate care. The innovative formula of the cream mousse in the Merz Spezial Cream Mousse, which is easily absorbed and quickly transfers the active ingredients deep into the skin, enables the delivery of collagen and hyaluronic acid from the outside.

Merz Spezial Cream Mousse Collagen is a combination of collagen and vitamin C as well as substances that stimulate the production of collagen. Active collagen not only improves skin tone and hydration, but also stimulates it to produce its own active collagen, which delays aging.

Merz Spezial Cream Mousse Hyaluron stimulates the production of hyaluronic acid, which rejuvenates the skin. The aloe vera juice contained in the foam helps to restore the optimal balance of hydration, which soothes dehydrated skin. Sea glucosamine and sea algae extracts support the moisturizing effect by stimulating the natural production of hyaluronic acid in skin cells.

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