What alcohol can not be drunk in the bath

The bath is Russian, Finnish, Turkish, Roman, and each has its own characteristics, national features and characteristics.

In the understanding of a European, a bath is a place for receiving water procedures. But in the national Russian culture, visiting a bath is a “sacred act”.

Who does not remember the film “Irony of Fate”, where exactly because of the wrong combination of bath and alcohol, what happened happened? My friends and I often go to the bathhouse, and we also have a tradition to gather in the bathhouse on December 31st.

But we have always managed to avoid such consequences as in the film. Why? Yes, just turn on the head. And today I will share my many years of experience with you.

Why alcohol is not recommended to drink in the bath

“Where there is a bath, there is vodka” – this is the old Russian proverb. For some reason, no one drinks wine or vodka while washing in the shower. A normal person is unlikely to drink alcohol during a massage.

But the bath is almost synonymous with alcoholic beverages. Of course, a bathhouse is not a massage room where you can get a comment about a slight but alcoholic smell. However, there are objective reasons why you should not drink in the bath:

  • alcohol reduces attention and there is a risk of injury by slipping on a wet bath floor;
  • drinking alcohol speeds up the heartbeat and increases blood pressure. Such a state of the body when visiting a steam room with a high temperature can lead to sad, even fatal consequences.

If the bath is public, and not private, then drinking alcohol in it is generally prohibited – a fine for drinking alcohol can also be added to alcohol intoxication.

How long after the bath can you drink alcohol

Bath procedures in their classic for a Russian person, understanding, this is not only washing. A bath is, first of all, a steam room. Because of this, the load on the human body increases dramatically.

So, the temperature in the steam room of a Russian bath reaches 70 degrees with a humidity of 90%, and for a Finnish sauna, with a humidity of 15%, 100 degrees is not the limit. Naturally, for the body, such a regimen is a pleasant, but still a serious test.

Expansion of cerebral vessels, the work of internal organs in extreme mode – there are all the symptoms of heavy physical exertion.

If we draw an analogy between drinking after a bath and eating after active physical exertion, then the conclusion follows: you can drink alcohol one and a half to two hours after the bath, when the body has already cooled down, the work of the internal organs is normalized, and the state of the vessels will return to normal.

What alcohol can not be drunk in the bath

The first rule: you can not start drinking immediately after leaving the steam room – the body must cool down.

Do not drink really strong liquors: rum, armagnac or whiskey. Strong, from 45% alcohol will continue the process of dehydration of the body, launched in the bath.

No need to drink champagne – you will not quench your thirst, and the alcohol carried by bubbles of gas will instantly be absorbed into the blood.

It is not recommended to drink very cold, icy drinks – they increase the load on the cardiovascular system.

Alcoholic drinks that you can drink in the bath

The experience of the Russian tradition shows: you can’t drink in the bath, but you can drink after the bath. So, the Russian Generalissimo A.V. Suvorov, who led an ascetic life and was a follower of healthy habits, told his “miracle heroes”: “After the bath, sell at least a shirt, but drink a glass.”

Indeed, a glass of “Talki” or “Russian squadron” is acceptable for a healthy body. Beer won’t do any damage either. A glass of Baltika, Zhigulevsky or Imperial Standard, if used correctly, will help restore water balance and cheer you up.

Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health! Take care of yourself!

What to drink in the bath, and what after visiting it is a matter of personal choice, your own mind and common sense.

It’s not in vain that I didn’t write about wine after a bath in this article, because I don’t have a definite answer. Do you think wine is an acceptable drink for a Russian bath?

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