What after the diet? How to avoid the effect – Dietetics – Articles |

Lose weight, you reach your goal and what next? Do you continue to eat the same? Keep counting calories or can you go back to the way you eat? How to avoid yo-yo? This is one of the most common questions asked by dieters.

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In fact, to get out of the diet well and avoid yo-yo, you first need to lose weight wisely. If you eat little, you unfortunately slow down your metabolism. This, in turn, may cause problems in achieving the target body weight, good condition and health in the long run, but it is also easier then to gain weight after the end of fasting. Most often, after episodes of low energy diets, the body is so hungry that you quickly make up for lost kilos, often with a vengeance. Likewise, if you are on a mono-ingredient diet. Then it is in vain to look for strong will. The desire for food is so strong and the need for nutrients is so strong that it cannot be ignored. Hence, after this type of treatment, it is very easy to regain weight before the diet. So remember, if you want to lose weight permanently and avoid yo-yo, start by choosing an appropriate, balanced and varied diet, such as NSD.

Step by step

When you reach your goal, see the desired number on the weight or decide that you look and feel good at a given body weight, you should stop using a reduction diet, i.e. with a reduced energy supply. Because if you eat too little for a long time in relation to your energy needs, eventually the body begins to slow down the metabolic rate to somehow meet the requirements you set for it. Even if you do not move much, remember that the most energy is lost by the body on its own work, i.e. maintaining the processes taking place inside your body. Basic Metabolism is an expense, incl. on breathing, the work of the brain, heart, kidneys, digestion, and the rest of the biochemical and physiological changes taking place in the body at rest. So how to get out of the reduction phase and enter into stabilization? It cannot be a sudden leap, because then the system, accustomed to the lower supply, will start to accumulate excess and the body weight will increase again. Do it gradually. For example, increase the energy supply by 100 kcal every week. Up to what value? For the needs that suit you, taking into account your age, body weight and activity level. You can calculate them in the calculator.

In our diets, stabilization is the last stage of weight loss and we introduce it after achieving the goal. You then receive a meal plan tailored to the changing situation. However, if you want to lead out of the diet yourself, a calorie counter like Fitatu can help.

The duration of stabilization will be different for each person. It depends, among other things, on what energy deficit you had in your diet and whether there will be any gains in body weight during the increase in energy supply and you will have to suspend stabilization for some time. The rule is that the slower you increase your energy supply, the longer you stabilize your effects, the better.

Life after a diet

Will they always have to count calories? Often such a question is asked by a person who has lost weight. The answer is simple – no, you don’t always have to count calories anymore, as long as you intuitively learn the right portions for you. Therefore, stabilization should last as long as possible. It is worth following a normocaloric diet for a certain period of time to learn what the menu should look like in order to maintain the achieved body weight. Once the correct eating habits have entered your bloodstream, you can stop counting calories and focus on choosing valuable products in the store or meals in the restaurant. So does this mean that I will never eat pork chops, fries or cake again? Another question is asked. No, everything is for people. However, common sense and moderation are important here. Remember that if you go back to your old bad habits, unnecessary kilograms will come back. However, if you manage to eat healthy and only occasionally have a springboard in the form of caloric or less valuable dishes, nothing will happen. However, it is worth checking your body weight once a month as a preventive measure. However, remember that it should be after menstruation. Also, do not forget about exercise, which is not only an ally of a skinny figure, but also improves your efficiency and health after losing weight.

The photo comes from: flickr.com

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