What affects the intensity of training and how to properly manage it?

Does everyone need intense training? Principles of HIIT. Is it possible to lose weight and gain muscle mass with high-intensity training.

When moving on to intense training, you need to understand what goal you want to achieve. Athletes who have been training for a long time resort to high loads due to reaching a plateau: the indicators do not grow, so it makes sense to reduce the load and then gradually increase it. For beginners, it is better to consult an instructor in order to prevent injuries during the training process. In addition, contraindications must be taken into account: intensive training is contraindicated in cardiovascular diseases.

What affects the intensity of training?

Intensive training is necessary to improve physical qualities. If you need to increase endurance, further increase the volume of training.

The concepts of intensity for different types of training will be different:

  • For anaerobic it will be speed.
  • For strength exercises – weights.
  • For the development of flexibility – subjective pain sensations.

Intensity allows you to get improved results in a short period of time. But you need to take into account physical fitness: if for one person the training will be high-intensity, then for the other it will be low-intensity.

Intensive training and weight loss

To lose weight, the heart needs to work at 75-80% of its capacity. If you train with a 50% load, then you can take fat burners to achieve a better effect, but again, in consultation with your doctor. As in the case of muscles, in order to lose weight, you need to constantly increase the degree of load.

Muscles adapt to the conditions and, if you do not increase the training intensity, they stop growing. The same can be said about weight loss: for effective weight loss, you will need to increase the time of training or reduce the rest between sets.

How to increase the intensity of training?

Reducing rest time and increasing working weight are not all ways to increase the intensity of training. To achieve your goals, you can resort to the following types of training:

  • Supersets – performing the complex without a break.
  • Drop sets are weight loss exercises.
  • Forced repetitions with a partner.

Abusing a regular increase in intensity is not worth it. Without rest, the muscles do not have time to recover, the set of muscle mass stops. You should train to the limit for short periods, for example, in the last week of the month or 2-3 times a week. Training time – no more than 30 minutes.

After an intense training cycle, you should move on to moderate-intensity loads. For the speedy recovery of the body, you can include sports nutrition in the diet. Also Read: HIIT+ABS Blended Workouts

Benefits of intense training

If there is no progress, amateur athletes have the idea to abandon fitness training. But if you resort to interval training, the result will not be slow to appear.

What happens to the body when performing the HIIT complex:

  • The fat layer is reduced due to the intensive consumption of fat.
  • Muscles are strengthened.
  • Accelerates metabolism.
  • The hormonal background is normalized, in men, testosterone is produced more actively.
  • The functioning of the cardiovascular system improves and the stability of the nervous system increases.
  • The effectiveness is maintained while reducing the training time.

Intense training is stressful for the muscles. Only due to this they begin to grow, as adaptation slows down progress. Super series aimed at different muscle groups, a variety of exercises, and performing sets to failure help to avoid this.


High-intensity training is suitable for people who have been in sports for more than a month. Training helps them achieve results in a minimum period of time.

The task of sports training is not to harm. You can switch to intensive training only after visiting a doctor and in agreement with the trainer. High loads are contraindicated for beginners, athletes with injuries of the musculoskeletal system, people with obesity, patients with cardiovascular pathologies. You can also reduce weight and maintain muscle tone with the help of low and medium loads.

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