😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! Friends, what affects hair growth? This article lists the main factors that an educated person needs to know about.
Each of us loses 60 to 100 hairs per day, but this is considered the norm. Large losses indicate that there are problems in the functioning of hair follicles associated with age, malnutrition of the scalp, injuries, chronic diseases, hormonal disruptions or lifestyle.
However, in a healthy person, a new one grows in place of each lost hair. Its life cycle is up to 7 years!
Hair growth stages
This is a rather complex process that takes place in three stages:
- Anagen.
- Catagen.
- Telogen.
In the first stage, the hair follicle is very active. Cell division constantly takes place in it, which means that the hair is in the growth stage. This period lasts on average for 2-4 years. Most of the hair (approximately 85%) is in this phase of development.
The next stage is transitional. The hair follicle stops producing new cells and gradually becomes horny. The duration of the second stage is approximately 2, 5 weeks, 2% of all hairs stay in this stage.
Finally, the final third stage comes – the hair follicle gradually leaves the follicle together with the shaft, and the hair falls out. But immediately the follicle enters the initial stage, and a new one quickly grows in place of the fallen one.
What does hair growth depend on?
Since the hair is based on protein, a lack of it in food can lead to stunted growth and even premature hair loss. No less important are vitamins, especially vitamin C, as well as vitamins of group B and E, and trace elements – iron, phosphorus, calcium.
Lack of water
Hair only seems dry, but 25% of it consists of water molecules. So inadequate consumption can lead to poor growth. Remember the desert: is there a lot of vegetation in it? And water is the life of any organism.
Poisoning hair follicles with poisons greatly affects their growth. Toxins come from the bloodstream from the digestive system when taking medications, alcohol abuse, and chronic infections. Another way is directly through the skin from dirty air, low-quality shampoos, conditioners and various dyes, “dyes”.
Since the endocrine system is very complex and the influence of various hormones on each other is closely intertwined, any surges in hormonal levels can affect hair growth. Thyroid disease, diabetes, stress and associated surges in cortisol, adrenaline, and norepinephrine also affect hair health.
Temperature effects
Our hair does not like both overheating, especially excess ultraviolet radiation, and hypothermia. In the latter case, a spasm of the capillaries of the hair follicle occurs, which can completely die. Wearing a warm hat in winter and protection from the sun’s rays is a guarantee of health and fast hair growth.
Hereditary factor
Heredity most directly affects the characteristics of metabolism, the shape and “strength” of follicles, structure.
The scalp, for its normal breathing, must always be clean. Therefore, washing your hair is very important. But excessive enthusiasm for hot water and detergents can lead to dry skin. This will worsen the condition of the hair follicles. Their injury also occurs when using hard brushes and combs.
Other factors
Hair growth is also influenced by other factors – smoking, coffee abuse, wearing tight hats, and even spinal diseases that interfere with blood flow to the head.
This video contains additional and interesting information on our topic ↓
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