What about these roots?

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Roots are most often mentioned when we are dealing with pain in the lumbar spine. Nerve roots are nerve fibers that depart from the spinal cord between vertebrae. From the core there are two ventral roots that contain motor fibers and two dorsal roots that contain nerve and sensory fibers. Roots are very delicate and sensitive structures, therefore their pain is so dominant.

The causes of radiculitis

The cause of the ailments is pressure on the nerve root. However, this is not the only reason. Various diseases of the spine also contribute to radiculitis, including degenerative disease, scoliosis and discopathy. Radiculitis can also be associated with overload of the spine, which we can get during work, physical activity, training performed without warming up or taking the wrong position.

The cause of inflammation is also sudden movement when we lift something heavy (damage to the intervertebral disc, i.e. a well-known disc) and inflammatory diseases of the joints, bones, viral or bacterial infections, stress or weakness. Radiculitis is also a result of low physical activity and obesity. However, it is worth being aware that severe back pain can be a camouflage for such diseases as: diabetes, shingles, epidural abscess, chronic meningitis, cancer and cancer metastases to the spine or the consequences of injuries in this area.

In the event of a problem with the roots, it is worth visiting a neurologist or orthopedist to prevent the development of the disease. While waiting for the appointment, you can apply a warming painkiller ointment with hemp oil and Siberian fir extract to the sore spot, or use an electric warming blanket to help soothe unpleasant symptoms.

What are the symptoms of radiculitis?

The most recognizable symptom of radiculitis is a sudden and sharp pain in the lower back that radiates to the buttocks and along the arms or legs. The type of pain is also called sciatica, while the one in the lumbar region is called lumbago. Pain may also appear in the upper back, radiating to the nape or shoulder.

People who have had radiculitis report that the pain is so severe that it is impossible to get out of bed. However, this is not the only symptom of the ailment. The most common symptoms of the disease include: tingling, numbness, loss of strength in the muscles of the arms or legs, muscle contracture at the spine and curvature of the spine. It is worth knowing that radiculitis does not only manifest itself in problems with the spine. Symptoms such as trouble urinating or stools and cough typical for infections, pain in joints and muscles, fever and headaches may appear.

Do you experience the above symptoms? Be sure to contact a doctor – they may be a sign of the beginning of serious diseases. Online teleconsultation with a neurologist can now be arranged quickly and safely at haloDoctor.pl.

How to cure radiculitis?

First of all, a patient suffering from radiculitis should spend a few days lying down to relieve the spine. The treatment of radiculitis is mainly based on pain relief by taking painkillers. In addition, the patient takes medications that relax the muscles, because they are very tense due to the inflammation of the roots. However, this is not the only way to relieve pain. Massages, physical therapy (its task is to reduce pain, maintain the functions of the spine and prevent joint changes), cryotherapy, laser therapy and heating with a lamp are also beneficial.

During therapy, which is designed to reduce the discomfort resulting from radiculitis, you should also work on relaxing the tense muscles. A very important aspect is resting in such a position to relieve the spine. The situation is different when the result of diseased rootlets is paresis. In this case, surgery may be indicated.

Herbal teas, such as Hops, which you can find at Medonet Market, can be used to aid in the treatment of radiculitis. It is also worth taking baths with the addition of the iodine-bromine thermal salt from Zabłock. It has a positive effect on the joints, so you can also use it in the case of discopathy or rheumatoid arthritis without fear.

What to do in order not to heal – i.e. the secrets of prophylaxis

It is much better to prevent than to allow any illness to happen and suffer. How to take care of the rootlets? In their case, prevention consists in changing bad habits, replacing them, of course, with good ones. Regular exercise and maintaining an upright posture are important to prevent problems. Therapeutic massages that reduce pain and strengthen muscles may be helpful. It is also worth taking care of a good night’s sleep, on the right surface, which should be firm but comfortable.

Prophylaxis in the case of ailments related to rootlets also includes taking care of a proper body weight, a healthy diet and avoiding cooling down the body. To avoid radiculitis, you also need to strengthen your spine muscles. Swimming, especially on your back, and walking quickly are a good option. It is worth consulting a specialist. The trainer can show us the appropriate exercises and teach us special pain-free positions.

In case of pain, it is worth using the preparations included in the Bishofit Kit for joints, muscles and bones. These are:

  1. Mineral Biszolin gel, 
  2. Mineral Bath – Bishofit and pie oil. 

Do you have back problems? It doesn’t have to be roots. A common disease is rheumatoid ankylosing spondylitis – a disease that involves chronic and progressive inflammation of the joints. Medgen Medical Center offers genetic testing for AS, which will help determine the cause of pain and implement effective treatment.

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