What about the shyness?

Shyness covers a large psychological spectrum, starting with a slight occasional feeling of embarrassment, through an undefined fear of people, ending with traumatic and extreme neurotic experiences.

Where does shyness come from?

American psychologist Philip G. Zimbardo argues that a person who is shy finds it difficult to contact because of their timidity, caution, or distrust. Specialists also concluded that shy people can often be perceived as introverts, which is associated with an increased need for solitude and privacy. But shyness it is not related only to negative connotations. People considered shy seem modest, with a subtle disposition, they are also discreet, conflict-free and reserved. Defined shyness this is a real challenge, as it is a broad concept and unclear due to the variety of variations. Interestingly, shyness can be determined by how long it takes. Stands out temporary, situational and chronic shyness.

How is shyness manifested?

A shy person faces a real challenge. Most people would like to make a good impression on others and show their best side. However, grappling with shyness, the task is difficult, and such people inhibit, are silent or speak as little as possible, and their voice is hushed. It is natural for them to avoid eye contact. They often feel awkward around people they don’t know. The shy ones choose to be aloof and passive, and they put aside making new acquaintances and deepening interpersonal relations. Shyness it often leads to a feeling of embarrassment, embarrassment or fear. Low self-esteem and a feeling of social maladjustment it causes the shy to isolate themselves. As a consequence, such people focus even more intensively on their weaknesses. A symptom shyness there is a constant fear of criticism, embarrassment or ridicule, as well as of suffering and failure. The shy think that they are perceived negatively in the eyes of other people, despite the lack of any signs of such a situation. Shyness it is also associated with physiological symptoms. Shy people often turn red, experience tremors, stomach tightness or dry mouth, have increased heart rate and sweat. The modern term shyness has emerged, which is defined as a complex set of symptoms associated with disturbances in the behavioral, emotional-motivational, cognitive and self-orientation spheres.

The Effects of Shyness

Shyness unfortunately, it has unpleasant consequences, which are most often of a social nature. Shy people have problems with getting to know other people, and thus also with making friends. There are difficulties in expressing themselves, their beliefs, opinions, and defending their own rights. Shy people have problems communicating effectively with others. Problems with shyness they are also directly related to a person who is shy. Such people underestimate their strengths, positives and are overly concerned about their own reactions, and they may have difficulty in precise thinking.

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