What about the picnic? Expert: less dangerous than Easter
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The government extended the restrictions in Poland in connection with the third wave of the coronavirus epidemic. The current restrictions will not be lifted at least until April 18. During the conference, a question was asked about the May weekend. Adam Niedzielski stated that it will not be the picnic we remember before the pandemic. And if Poles do not comply with the restrictions? Prof. Andrzej Fal, head of the Department of Allergology, Lung Diseases and Internal Diseases at the hospital of the Ministry of Interior and Administration, analyzes the risk.

  1. Although the daily numbers of infections in Poland are falling, optimism may be premature at this stage. In a few days we will find out what the “Easter effect” will be in numbers
  2. Therefore, the government has not yet decided to loosen the restrictions introduced before Christmas. This could happen as we continue to see declines in the number of infections next week
  3. There is no hope for a picnic without restrictions. – You have to take into account the restrictions during the May season, we will inform you about the scale in the coming weeks. But it is hard to expect that it will be like two or three years ago – said Niedzielski
  4. Prof. Andrzej Fal, in an interview with Medonet, points to a light at the end of the tunnel. Two factors may reduce the pandemic risk in May
  5. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

May weekend 2021 in Poland. Prof. Fal: I would rather change my picnic for a vacation in the second half of September

Health Minister Adam Niedzielski announced on Wednesday during a press conference that we will have to take into account the restrictions during the long May weekend. It was an answer to a journalists’ question. It is not yet known what solutions the Polish government will choose. Prof. Andrzej Fal in an interview with Medonet said that Poles may decide to take a less restrictive approach to the picnic.

– I would rather exchange a picnic for a vacation in the second half of September. But in real terms, if there are not 20 or 30 thousand. infections, it may happen that something inside tells us that it is okay and we can afford to celebrate a long weekend. And the negative effect of such behavior will probably be, although it is certainly less dangerous than ignoring the restrictions during Easter, when we were sitting in crowds together at the table, and during the rising arm of the third wave of the pandemic – added Prof. Halyard.

  1. See also: Thrombosis after AstraZeneca. Dr. Grzesiowski explains

According to the professor, two factors may reduce the risk associated with celebrating the May picnic by Poles.

– If it is warm during the picnic, we will spend it outside, which reduces the danger – admitted prof. Halyard. – In addition, an element that has an increasingly clear impact and will have an impact on the decline in the number of new cases is vaccination against COVID-19. Over 2 million Poles have already taken two doses, and 7 million have received the first dose. This undoubtedly limits the propagation of the virus. It will only get better with each passing month. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that the producers will actually send as many vaccines as announced by the minister.

May weekend in 2020 What restrictions were in force a year ago?

Last year, during the May weekend, Poland was subject to a number of restrictions that made it impossible to spend it in the way we have done so far. The May weekend lasted only three days, because May 1 was Friday. In Poland, there was no ban on movement, you could leave your home for recreational purposes. Beaches, forests and some hiking trails have been opened. In these places, however, it was necessary to cover the mouth and nose, and to keep social distance (at least 2 m). The government at that stage did not allow the use of public camping or barbecuing areas.

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Hotels and accommodation places for people who are not on business delegation were closed. It was also impossible to spend a picnic with friends. It was permissible to celebrate in your own home, garden or plot, but only with people who live in the same place on a daily basis.

Coronavirus: restrictions in Poland [LIST]

On April 7, the government extended the restrictions introduced in Poland before Easter. This means that nurseries, kindergartens and schools are still closed (all classes are taught remotely). Hairdressing salons and beauty salons are also closed. Shopping malls, DIY stores and large-format furniture stores (over 2 sq m), as well as hotels and agritourism, were closed. There are no galleries, museums, philharmonics, cinemas and community centers. Pubs, restaurants and gyms are also still closed. Weddings cannot be organized.

In public spaces, you should cover your mouth and nose with a mask, and the principle of social distance (1,5 m) also applies. Public gatherings in which more than 5 people participate are prohibited.

Also read:

  1. The restrictions were extended until April 18. Is that a good decision? Expert comment
  2. Grzesiowski will lose his medical qualifications? MZ spokesman: not a word about the deprivation of the right to practice the profession
  3. What’s next for the Polish health care system? Doctors have grim scenarios
  4. Another EMA communication on AstraZeneca. Blood clots are ‘very rare side effects of the vaccine’
  5. Should I take paracetamol before vaccinating against COVID-19? [WE EXPLAIN]

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