“What a terrible mother I am, but I am not going to breastfeed my second child, and here’s why.”

The heroine of this real story asks the readers not to judge her harshly at once, but to listen and, possibly, understand.

After giving birth to her first child, this young mother tried to do whatever it takes to ensure breastfeeding. She used a breast pump all the time. She ate oatmeal, drank large quantities of milk and Kalmyk tea. She was terribly stressed because she adored her first child and passionately wanted to breastfeed him. But the milk never came, and the child became an artificial man practically from the first day of life.

She continued to lament that she could not feed him herself. I sobbed at the sight of special nursing shirts, which I bought during my pregnancy. She looked at her sleeping son, and tears rolled down her cheeks like a hail, because, as she thought, if she failed this first, such an important test, she would forever remain a bad mother, leads the story of Scary Mommy.

Now, a very important fact. The heroine suffers from bipolar disorder, in which regular sleep is very important. While preparing to become a mother, she knew in theory about the upcoming sleepless nights, early waking up and how negatively this could affect her mental health. And now the theory became reality, but nothing terrible happened to it. Why? But because she did not breastfeed.

Since the son drank powdered milk from a bottle, this meant that she was not the only one responsible for feeding him. The father could get up at night and feed him too. From the very beginning, they divided the responsibilities equally. This allowed both of them to sleep for several hours, and the heroine was able to sleep twice as much as if she was breastfeeding every two hours. Now she is sure that this is what allowed her son to gain the necessary weight, and she quickly recover from childbirth and maintain mental health, which, undoubtedly, would suffer in case of chronic insomnia.

Being a XNUMX% candidate for postpartum depression or psychosis, she was able to enjoy her first child, the process of caring for him and her role as a mom.

Two years later, a new pregnancy test showed two stripes. Moreover, it turned out to be much easier to get pregnant a second time than the first. And she plans to immediately transfer the newborn to artificial feeding, without even trying to establish breastfeeding. Many will call her selfish, who does not think about the health of her child, but only about herself.

Her answer: a healthy mother will have a healthy child who will be much better off if she is looked after by a mentally normal mother, not a hysterical woman trying to please public opinion. She believes that mother and child are connected to each other by an invisible thread. What is bad for one person negatively affects the other. For a child to grow up happy, you need a mother who is able to function as the best mother in the world, even if it means making difficult decisions like not breastfeeding.

This is what she is going to tell her husband when, seven months later, she will wake him up at night for another feed.

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