What a real bachelor’s apartment looks like: 10 real photos

Many, probably, have now imagined real chaos: scattered things, a minimum of furniture. By the way, you are not so wrong. There really are such bachelor dens, and their owners are happy with everything.

Men are natural born minimalists. Unless, of course, the matter concerns a collection of games on a laptop or tools. As for the rest … There is something to sleep on – and that’s good. There is a whole flash mob of these interiors in a Twitter account called “Men’s Space for Life”: bachelor boys share pictures of their apartments. Looking at them, it becomes clear that men and women are actually from different planets.

But not all are like that. Some guys are very thoughtful about how the house is furnished. And any girl can envy their sense of style. It is no wonder that young people are very proud of their apartments and post them in the profile community with the hashtag “My first separate home”.

There is little in common in all these interiors. But there is something. First, almost perfect cleanliness. Surely you can find fault with something, but this is not visible in the photo. Secondly, there are huge screens. There will certainly be a luxurious TV and a computer with an equally luxurious monitor. Perhaps this is the first thing that appears in a newly acquired bachelor’s home.

And in these apartments you can find very unusual furniture. Someone makes wardrobes and shelves with their own hands, someone has equipped themselves with a dressing room no worse than that of Kylie Jenner, and on their own and having saved a lot. In general, we ourselves would not refuse to live in some of these apartments. It is immediately clear that all these conversations, they say, a woman should create comfort in the house, and a stern guy can sleep on the floor, covered with a bearskin, is just a myth. But all that remains is to envy.

We flipped through dozens of photos of bachelor apartments that men boast about (oh yes, they are boastful). And we chose some of the coolest. Which one do you like best?

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