This is a period of rapid development, every day the baby can please the parents with some new skill. The most important thing is that a child at 1 year and 3 months old should be able to walk confidently, even run, and pronounce simple words.
The toddler at this age loves to imitate adults. As soon as he sees any action on the part of mom or dad, he immediately tries to repeat the same thing. He also tries to portray the speech of adults.
The main thing is that a child at 1 year and 3 months should be able to walk confidently and pronounce simple words.
A child requires attention, and without the help of his parents, it is difficult for him to know this world. At the consultation of a child psychiatrist, you can find out which activities are suitable for this age:
- Teach him simple hand movements – clap his hands or wave goodbye, blow a kiss.
- Kids love to move to the music, and you can also do gymnastics with him. He will repeat simple movements, which can be complicated and increased over time.
- You can already play ball with your child. Roll it to each other while sitting on the floor.
- Place 3-4 socks or mittens in front of him and ask him to find a pair.
- The kid should already be able to put rings on the pyramid, insert figures into the sorter, collect a set of cups. If he doesn’t know how to do this, it’s time to teach. You can play with it in a constructor with large elements.
Tell the boy about the surrounding objects, what parts they are made of, about their properties – hard-soft, warm-cold, red-green.
Girls love to carry bags, baskets, where they can put a toy or some object.
At this tender age, the correct attitude of adults is very important. Do not make mistakes that can affect the psycho-emotional state and behavior of the child:
- He wants to do everything himself, do not deprive him of this opportunity. Be patient and let him eat on his own with a spoon in hand. Let him try to drink from the glass himself. Do not select things that he could reach and take from the shelf himself.
- Do not scare the child with other people’s uncles and aunts, babies and similar things in order to manipulate him. After all, initially children are not afraid of the dark, and fears appear only when adults inspire them with the possibility of danger lurking there. As a result, he can become shy, fearful of everything, and even there is a risk of developing a neurosis.
- While the kid cannot play with his peers. He cannot explain that there are other people’s toys and his own, and often because of this, conflicts and children’s disappointments occur because of the selected thing.
This age is very interesting, every day parents can observe some new skill of their child. It can be a gesture, a word, a movement. The attention of adults is now important for a child, devote as much time as possible to him.