What a child can do in a year
When the first 12 months of life are lived, you can take stock of the first results that your child can do in a year, and compare the results with statistics. At this age, the formation of the little man continues. If you find developmental disabilities, it is not too late to step in and deal with the problems.
What a child should be able to do per year
The baby’s successes this year are colossal. His muscles are trained, his movements are confident enough. But all children are born different, and their opportunities per year are also different.
A child in a year knows how to get up on his own legs and walk, holding his mother’s hand
The main skills that are considered the norm for a one year old child are as follows:
- The ability to climb, squat, move, holding on to the wall or mother’s hand. Many children can already stomp on their own by the age of one year; others will need a little more time for this.
- Overcome obstacles, climbing on all fours up the stairs, climbing onto the sofa.
- Build a pyramid, build a tower from cubes, collect toys in a box.
- Imitate adults, swing and feed a doll, “read” a newspaper, scold someone, threatening him with a finger.
- Show curiosity about various subjects. The kid opens cabinet doors, removes and puts lids on pans, drawers open.
- Tries to eat with a spoon, can drink from a cup, bite and chew food, learn to use a pot.
During this period, the child becomes more and more independent. You don’t need to patronize him too much, without the need to pick up and transfer him to the sofa or in the sandbox. Let him try to get to the intended goal himself. Back him up, give him a little support. So the baby will sooner learn new skills.
How a child is able to communicate and express his emotions in a year
The grown-up kid has more opportunities, it is no longer enough for him to play with objects. Now the child is able to quite consciously pronounce individual words, supplement them with gestures, and express emotions. Some mothers compose a dictionary of the first words, understanding the desires of their child. But the list of what a child can do in a year to indicate his desires is already wide enough:
- His emotions can be determined by facial expressions and sounds, and not just by crying.
- He learns to express his feelings by hugging his parents, rejoicing at the arrival of his mother, upset if a stranger addresses him.
- The baby understands simple requests, determines the mood of the mother by the expression on her face, responds to her name.
- The vocabulary per year ranges from 2 to 10.
At this time, it is important to constantly communicate with the child, look at pictures with him and clearly name the objects located on them, ask the baby to show them. New experiences, additional information, frequent walks accelerate the development of the child.
If your baby has not yet learned how to perform standard one-year-old actions, this is not yet a reason to panic. Try to pay more attention to him, do not force him to do anything, consult a pediatrician. Many children, slightly lagging behind in the acquisition of skills up to a year, subsequently develop faster than their peers.