What a burger looks like that was in the closet for 24 years: video

The sandwich, along with fries, languished on a shelf in a shoebox – the hostess simply forgot about it.

Year of birth – 1996. For a person, this is youth. And for a hamburger – hoary antiquity. But the sandwich that an elderly American woman found in her closet proves that not only can people look younger than their age, but also fast food! The burger was bought just in 1996, put right in a bag in a box, a box in a closet and forgot about it. And he … was mummified.

The woman opens the box, takes out the paper bag in which her purchase was once packed. Inside is a bag of French fries. Looks like new, only slightly stale in appearance.

“It looks like it fell under the seat in the car from a month ago. No signs of damage, ”the woman says.

Unroll the wrapping paper on the hamburger. And he, too, was perfectly preserved – the bun did not even wrinkle. There are no sauce and vegetables – they were not originally there, the woman ordered the simplest sandwich.  

“He’s safe! The bread is not moldy, the cutlet too, ”the woman in the frame is surprised.

The video was watched more than 4 million times in five days, with more than 12 thousand comments under it. And only one unanswered question: why did the elderly lady decide to put her burger in the closet? Why did she keep it there for so many years?

Incidentally, this is not the only time people have experimented with burgers. Earlier this year, American David Whipple showed off his 20-year-old burger – according to him, the fast food looked like it had just been bought.

“I bought it, stuffed it in my coat pocket and forgot about it. The coat hung in the closet for two years. When I saw that the burger hadn’t changed over the years, I decided to continue the experiment, ”explains David. And he advises: “Don’t eat it!”

By the way, McDonald’s then reacted to the accusations that their food is stuffed with preservatives, and therefore does not spoil.

“For food to spoil, certain conditions are necessary, in particular, humidity. Without enough moisture, both in the food itself and in the environment, bacteria and mold cannot multiply, so the product does not rot. Take a closer look, the burgers are dry and dehydrated. They are absolutely not the same as on the day they were purchased, “- quotes the words of a representative of the Daily Mail network.

Well, we believe that the best fast food is homemade. The best recipes for the most delicious burgers and not only look at the link.

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Lay down on the sofa with a book or a movie.

Go with your loved one or friends to a cool restaurant.

Go to a club or concert and dance to your heart’s content.

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