What 30-year-old stars looked like in different eras

Modern girls are ready for anything to look young. That is why plastic surgery and injections of fillers and Botox are the most popular procedures that promise not only to smooth wrinkles, but also to rejuvenate by 5-10 years. However, about 40 and even 30 years ago, many cosmetic techniques were not even known, however, as well as creams and serums with collagen and hyaluronic acid.

That is why we decided to compare how famous beauties looked at 30 in different eras and how they look now.

For example, actress Marilyn Monroe and model Candice Swanepoel look exactly the same at this age. The fact is that Marilyn once underwent rhinoplasty, and also implanted an implant in her chin to make it look more pointed, which of course rejuvenates Marilyn. By the way, Candice also went under the surgeon’s knife to correct the shape of her nose, like Monroe.

If we compare Julia Roberts and Alicia Vikander, then we can say with certainty that Julia looks many times younger than Alicia. None of the girls had injections or plastic surgery, so we can say with certainty that Roberts has great genes.

But the star of the 60s, which all the girls in the world dreamed of being like, Twiggy, looks much older than Amber Heard. Perhaps the point is overly bright makeup and rather thin eyebrows that do not make anyone younger, or that Hurd decided on rhinoplasty and constantly does Botox injections to neutralize wrinkles.

See the gallery for what other celebrities look like at the same age.

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