Wet cough

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A wet cough, also known as a productive or a moist cough, is a situation in which a cough causes the sputum to be produced. The sputum itself may be purulent (yellowish or greenish in color, thick) or mucinous (transparent, whitish).

Characteristics of a wet cough

A wet cough is caused by irritation of the nerve receptors in the esophagus and is a consequence of a dry cough. The main task of a wet cough is to remove and clear the airways of secretions. This type of cough, unlike a dry cough, is not violent, and is coughing up when the patient feels like it. A wet cough is especially aggravated in the morning, when there is a large amount of secretions in our airways after a night. There can be many causes of wet cough, such as cystic fibrosis, an allergy or a bacterial infection. In the treatment of wet cough, expectorants are used, which at the same time thin the secretion and reduce its amount.

Symptoms of a wet cough

A wet cough that follows a dry cough may be accompanied by discharge from:

  1. throat;
  2. our;
  3. bronchitis.

In addition, shortness of breath, chest pain and a scratchy throat may appear.

Young children cough up their mucus upwards because they cannot spit it out yet, and consequently swallow it again. This situation negatively affects the stomach, which becomes automatically irritated, which may lead to vomiting provoked by coughing. When coughing wet, the patient feels that there is secretion in the respiratory tract.

What does a wet cough indicate?

Determining the cause of the cough depends on the nature of the sputum. A very disturbing symptom is the presence of blood in the sputum, which requires further urgent diagnosis. Blood in the sputum may indicate tuberculosis, lung cancer, bronchitis, or bacterial pneumonia. In addition, hemoptysis may result from lung injuries, left ventricular failure or the use of stimulants such as cocaine.

Coughing accompanied by purulent sputum discharge is characteristic of bacterial infections of the respiratory tract: sinusitis, purulent bronchitis (in fact very rare, because up to 90% of bronchitis is viral), pneumonia. A productive chronic cough with a thick mucus discharge in the morning is an axial symptom of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD – a chronic inflammatory disease of the bronchi with emphysema that affects mainly smokers). In the case of viral infections of the upper respiratory tract, it is also possible to develop a cough with a small amount of mucus discharge. If the cough is accompanied by bad breath, it is likely that you have infected with anaerobic bacteria. On the other hand, the presence of lumps and plugs in the cough suggests that we are dealing with cystic fibrosis or a fungal infection.

Wet cough – treatment

A wet cough is designed to remove the secretion in our respiratory tract, so you should not inhibit the cough reflex. To facilitate expectoration, drink plenty of fluids or use saline inhalation. In addition, it is helpful to pat your chest or put yourself in a position conducive to the removal of secretions. Patients are often prescribed expectorants (in the form of tablets or syrup), while in children and intubated patients, secretions are sucked out. Syrups intended for use in the treatment of wet coughs are designed to thin the mucus. They generally contain extracts of primrose, common ivy and plantain.

In expectorants, mucolytic preparations (thinning secretions by destroying disulfide bridges of acid mucoglycoproteins) and secretolytic drugs that increase the amount of secretion (vomiting root, sodium benzoate) are of the greatest importance. Expectorants should be used as long as expectoration is difficult.

  1. ambroxol, np. Mucosolvent lubricant Flavamed
  2. bromhexine, e.g. Flegamina
  3. acetylocysteina, np. ACC Max
  4. gwajafenezyna, np. Sudafed Muco
  5. carbocysteine ​​such as Mukolin prescription

As for patients under palliative care, they are unable to expectorate secretions – to relieve them, drugs are given to reduce the amount of secretions remaining in the airways together with antitussive preparations.

Try Herbapol syrups based on natural plant extracts. They are available at promotional prices on Medonet Market:

  1. PNEUMOPOL syrup with elderberry,
  2. Marshmallow syrup with vitamin C,
  3. Pine syrup with vitamin C,
  4. Thyme syrup and coltsfoot,
  5. Thyme syrup with vitamin C,
  6. Plantain syrup with vitamin C,
  7. Lilac flower syrup with vitamin C,
  8. Icelandic lichen and lilac syrup.

How To Take Wet Cough Medication?

Preparations thinning the secretion in the form of mucolytic drugs should be used taking into account two rules:

  1. you should not take syrups or mucolytic tablets after XNUMX p.m. so that the discharge does not disturb our sleep;
  2. drink a lot when taking wet cough preparations!

It is also worth using ON THE THROAT – sugar-free lozenges, which help not only with a sore throat, but also facilitate expectoration.

Home remedies for a wet cough

During an illness accompanied by a wet cough, we should remember to keep the rooms properly moisturized. Thanks to this, the symptoms associated with colds (runny nose, cough) are soothed. Another effective method is a proper diet – patients are advised to drink raspberry juice and onion syrup, but also eating garlic helps fight the disease. On the other hand, Grandma’s clue is patting, which we can repeat several times a day. A wet cough that does not go away and becomes more and more persistent may result in pneumonia or bronchitis – therefore it is important to consult a doctor.

Onion syrup (give it at the latest at 17.00 p.m., so that the child does not have problems sleeping).

1. First, cut the onion into several slices and place it in the dish.

2. Then sprinkle the onion with sugar or cover it with honey.

3. Next, cover the vessel and wait a few hours until the juice appears.

4. Give the prepared syrup to the toddler, 1 teaspoon each.

In both wet and dry coughs, you can use an infusion prepared on the basis of Cough – a herbal mixture for children available at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

Herbs in the fight against wet cough

Our country offers a large amount of herbs with antitussive properties. The most commonly used are elderberry, mullein, linden and thyme. Although the latter is not the most pleasant in taste, it is worth sucking on thyme tablets, such as Thyme and Podbiał, during treatment. Thanks to them, a mucous layer is created on the walls of the respiratory tract, which, in addition to protection against irritation, allows for better evacuation of the residual secretions. Mullein, on the other hand, is a herb that grows in summer and early fall. It is a component of many preparations used for sore throat and cough – Medonet Market offers, for example, Mullein Syrup.

We also recommend preparations based on licorice, which soothes ailments related to cough. Order today, for example, Pukka Three Licorice – tea with licorice.

Also try herbal teas, such as plantain plantain. Dried Plantain leaves EKO can be bought at a favorable price on Medonet Market.

Wet cough and inhalations

Inhalations are a very old home method used for wet coughing. Their action allows you to expand the respiratory tract and thin the secretion, thanks to which its expectoration is much easier. Inhalations are usually prepared on the basis of essential oils, which are poured successively with boiling water. Then you should lean over the prepared infusion and cover your head with a towel to improve the circulation of aromatic steam. Oils with an intense aroma, such as mint or eucalyptus, have the best properties. Another method is inhalation using an inhaler. In such a case, a specific amount of the medicinal substance (recommended by a doctor) should be poured into a special container, and then the whole solution should be filled with water or saline. Additionally, after taking inhalation, it is recommended to pat the back to stimulate the cough reflex.

You will need a good nebuliser to treat cough with inhalation. At Medonet Market you can find Neno brand nebulizers at attractive prices, such as the Neno Bene mobile nebulizer or the Neno Sente compressor inhaler.

Wet cough and chest rubbing

Another home remedy for treating wet cough is chest rub. For this purpose, substances available at the pharmacy that contain irritating essential oils, e.g. menthol, turpentine or camphor, are used. The patient should be lying down. Rubbing should be started from the area of ​​the costal arches towards the neck. After thoroughly smearing the patient’s chest, you can tap it with your fingers in the same direction as rubbing. This method allows for faster evacuation of secretions from the respiratory tract and stimulation of the cough reflex.

Wet cough and back patting

After using the above methods in the form of inhalation and rubbing the chest, it is recommended to pat the back. Like the previous methods, the tapping is designed to move the secretions in the airways and to facilitate coughing up. Patting, as opposed to rubbing, should be performed in a sitting or lying position on the side. The patting should be started with energetic movements from the lower back up. Remember not to pat the patient too hard, so as not to cause pain. Before starting the patting, it’s a good idea to smear your back with Amol or camphor spirit.

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