Went over the heads

Scrubs and lotions, BB and night creams, masks and oils – hair care is more and more like facial rituals. What is it – a boon for our heads or the desire of brands to earn more?

How do you take care of your hair? Do you shampoo your hair the old fashioned way and apply conditioner for a couple of seconds? This is unforgivably small. Our hair needs the same attention as our skin. Namely – multi-stage, meticulous care in the morning and evening. Therefore, all the latest hair products copy the names and functions of face products. This cosmetic sector is traditionally rich in innovation. Is it any wonder that today our curls are also offered the most unexpected and non-trivial preparations? Are you skeptical? This is quite justified.

Many hair products with tricky names and complex uses fail. We are open to everything new in terms of combating wrinkles or flabbiness of the epidermis. But in the care of hair, we show rare conservatism. “I don’t know a woman who is happy with the condition of her hair. But at the same time, few people show a willingness to seriously and systematically care for them. For example, add an exfoliant, serum or thermal protection spray to the ritual, ”says Marie-Odile Patou, training manager for La Biosthetique.


As the theater starts with a hanger, so hair care starts with the scalp. By the way, British hair guru Jamie Stevens has already announced her “detox” as the main trend of 2018. First of all, we are talking about peels. They give both an instant effect of freshness and lightness, and gradually get rid of dandruff, stop hair loss, and reduce sebum secretion.

Traditionally, these products come with granules, without them, and mixed. The latter are the most effective. AHA acids and enzymes in the composition loosen the cells of the epidermis so that the scrubbing particles sweep them away along with the stubborn dirt. Believe and check, weekly peeling gives amazing results.

Youth Team

Speaking of scalp care, serums cannot be ignored. They supply the cells with a mass of useful substances. If earlier such drugs were produced only for loss, now concentrates are becoming more and more popular to reduce sebum production and relieve irritation.

Careful care of the scalp will help to keep her youth longer, and hence the density and strength of the hair.

“Due to the fact that most people pay attention only to the appearance of the hair, and not to their condition, the strands often suffer. Indeed, many products that give gloss and shine are poorly tolerated by sensitive scalp, cause itching, peeling or discomfort, ”says Marie-Odile Patou. And special serums are just designed to restore peace and tranquility. Also, don’t forget that skin ages.

A permanent supply of nutrients will keep her youth longer, and hence the density and strength of her hair. And even delay the appearance of gray hair. True, so far no brand has provided official evidence of the latter. But the logic is clear.

Mask i know you

Another borrowing from the facial care segment is masks. It’s not even about the classic, thick products with which we replace hair balms several times a month. In their plagiarism, the producers went further. And now our heads are offered masks in monodoses and even night ones. The first launched Sephora and Kocostar. These cute “hats”, saturated with a useful composition, are put on the head after washing.

And then you can do your own thing or take a nap, then rinse your hair and marvel at the result. Night masks, on the other hand, combine powerful restorative action with a texture that does not leave marks on bed linen. These products are rubbed into the ends of the hair before going to bed. You don’t need to wash your hair in the morning. Just comb your hair. Dry hair will be happy.

two letters

Leave-in hair products each brand calls in its own way. Someone adopted the replicated abbreviations BB and SS, and someone calls their products lotion, milk or oil. There are a lot of names for final care products. The function is approximately the same: soften, protect, give shine. In the composition – vitamins, antioxidants, reflective particles. By the way, marketers were prompted to release these products by female customers from South America.

Be careful with green and blue pigments if your hair is bleached. They eat deeply

According to surveys, they deliberately left the conditioner on to provide nourishment and protection from the sun’s scorching hair. Despite the fact that all modern products flaunt a weightless texture, it is better not to overdo it with a dosage. Otherwise, the curls will hang dull, albeit well-nourished icicles.

Force of gravity

The real breakthrough is micellar lines. They were launched at once by Redken, Librederm, Kérastase and Pantene Pro-V. The inspiration was, of course, the analogue for the face. Micelles are microscopic negatively charged aggregates. They are like magnets attract particles of dirt and grease, positively charged. And not only from the skin, but also from the hair. Their main bonus is delicacy.

No damage to the rod structure, paint pigments and cuticles! “Kids” are washed off without a trace. Just a godsend for those who like to wash their hair often. With shampoo, everything is clear. Why are micelles needed in conditioners? For quick flushing. Which, again, is salvation in the case of daily “puzzling”.

Colors of life

Borrowing the maximum from the care, hair brands “swung” and make-up. Last year, almost all the giants of the industry released new products that dye hair in the most incredible colors. Even ladies over 50 do not shy away from bright strands in their hair. Why? First, the new products are easy to use. Secondly, they are easy to wash off.

So even the director of a large company can make herself a unicorn mane on the weekend for the sake of a children’s birthday. But be careful with green and blue pigments if your hair is bleached. They eat deeply. But there is no way to wash them yet.

Yves Rocher Jojoba Oil Hair Repair Overnight Mask

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