Small dense formations of white or yellow color that appear on the face under the upper layer of the epidermis are called wen. They cannot transform into malignant tumors, do not cause pain and physical discomfort due to their small size. However, the owners of wen on the face often turn to a dermatologist because of aesthetic dissatisfaction with their appearance.
Classification of wen on the face
Wen and white subcutaneous acne have an important difference from each other – if you can get rid of acne by scrubbing or banal extrusion, then the wen is not able to go out through the skin duct.
Wen on the face is a collection of sebaceous glands. It can be formed in a single copy or represent multiple defects.
Types of wen on the face, depending on their origin:
Milium (“millet”) – is a tiny dense nodule of white color, slightly protruding above the surface of the skin. Its contents are dead cells of the epidermis mixed with subcutaneous fat. Milium maintains a constant size throughout the entire period of its existence. Very often, milia form entire “colonies” on the eyelids, cheeks, chin, forehead, or wings of the nose.
Xanthelasma (yellow plaque) – is a convex spot of irregular shape, usually located on the upper eyelid, in the inner corner of one or both eyes (symmetrically). Xanthelasma has a loose structure, contains exfoliated epidermal cells, sebum and leukocytes. This defect appears in people with serious disorders of lipid metabolism, high blood cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, pancreatitis, cirrhosis of the liver. Xanthelasma tend to increase in size over time.
Atheroma (cyst of the sebaceous gland) – is a rounded subcutaneous seal, elastic and movable on palpation. The color of atheroma usually does not differ from the shade of the surrounding skin, since the secret of the sebaceous gland accumulated inside it is enclosed in a dense capsule of connective tissue. On the surface of the formation, you can sometimes notice a black dot – a clogged mouth. Atheroma, as a rule, is formed on the chin or behind the ears, that is, where the most sebaceous glands are located. Such a cyst on the face can reach a large size (with a quail egg or more), as well as become inflamed and fester.
Wen on the face are not subject to malignancy, they are safe and usually painless. But their owners experience serious psychological discomfort due to a visible defect in appearance.
Reasons for the formation of wen
Researchers of the problem have not yet figured out the exact cause of the accumulation of sebaceous secretion under the skin and the formation of wen. Not a single person is immune from their appearance, these defects occur in people of any age and physique.
Negative factors leading to the formation of wen:
Skin type inherited from parents, that is, the transfer of the gene responsible for the hypersecretion of sebum, which provokes the appearance of acne, comedones and wen;
Violation of metabolism, namely lipid metabolism, which leads to the development of atherosclerosis and increased cholesterol levels in the blood;
Liver and kidney failure, liver cirrhosis, pancreatitis, lipoid nephrosis;
Pathologies of blood circulation and the functioning of the lymphatic system, disrupting the nutrition of the skin and its cleansing from impurities, which leads to the accumulation of fatty deposits under its upper layer;
Endocrine disorders leading to hormonal changes;
Abuse of decorative cosmetics, improper cleansing of the skin, irritating it and leading to excessive secretion of sebum;
Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, impaired absorption of nutrients and elimination of toxins, poisoning with poor-quality food;
Abuse of nicotine and alcohol.
Treatment of a wen on the face is carried out by a dermatologist or cosmetologist. Attempts to remove the formation yourself are doomed to failure, because it cannot be squeezed out. If the wen capsule is pierced without observing antiseptic measures, an infection can be introduced under the skin, serious complications will appear.
Diagnosis of a wen is carried out by a dermatologist or cosmetologist on an outpatient basis. Most often, a visual inspection is sufficient. In the case of formations of a significant size, a surgeon’s consultation is required.
Ultrasound or biopsy is performed to differentiate wen from other skin pathologies.
How to get rid of a wen on the face?
There are several methods to help get rid of such formations on the face. The destruction of wen should not end with the appearance of scars and scars, the procedure must be painless and safe.
Basic methods:
The use of medicines. In the presence of small wen, a dermatologist may prescribe drugs that soften the tissues of the epidermis, disinfect the cavity of the wen and promote its resorption. These are Vitaon ointment, Vishnevsky ointment, ichthyol ointment and other means that draw deep formations from under the skin. Medicines are applied to the skin pointwise, in the projection of the wen.
injection lipolysis. A doctor can remove a small wen by injecting into it a special substance that dissolves deposits of lipid cells. After 2-3 months, the formation completely disappears. The method has a drawback – it is ineffective in 20% of cases.
Surgical operation to remove the wen. It is used for the impressive size of the focus of pathology (more than 2 cm in diameter). During the manipulation, the upper layer of the skin is dissected, the capsule is emptied and husked. After surgical removal of a wen, a noticeable scar may remain on the face, so the method is not popular. Most patients prefer to pay extra and get rid of the defect with a laser or radio wave knife in a private clinic, but this is not always possible.
The duration of a traditional surgical operation is 20-30 minutes, during which the capsule and the fat accumulated in it are removed. If the wen had an impressive size and became inflamed, drainage is first installed in the wound. Only after stopping the purulent process, the capsule is peeled off and sutures are applied.
Removal of a non-inflamed wen on the face can be done by liposuction, when the contents of the formation are pumped out using a special syringe. The advantages of the procedure include speed, low trauma and the absence of a scar. But there is a serious drawback – since the capsule remains in place, there is a high risk of relapse.
Removal of a wen on the face with a laser
The laser removal technique has many advantages:
Local action – only the tissue of the wen is subjected to destruction, healthy areas of the face remain intact.
A comprehensive solution to problems – removal of education, coagulation of blood vessels, disinfection of a postoperative wound.
The possibility of histology – the tumor is not destroyed, but removed along with the capsule.
Re-education of a wen at this site is excluded.
Before the operation, local anesthesia is administered, the skin is cut with a laser knife. Bleeding with this tactic is excluded, because with the help of a laser, the vessels are immediately coagulated. The edges of the wound are parted to the sides, a capsule with a wen is pulled out of it. With the help of a laser knife, the tumor is exfoliated, and the remnants of the neoplasm are cauterized at the same time. A miniature incision does not require suturing, a sterile bandage is applied to the wound. The operation lasts 15-40 minutes, after it there is no swelling, scars and scars. The next day, the patient returns to their normal daily routine.
During the treatment period, one should adhere to a special diet that excludes fatty foods and alcohol, do not use intensive facial cleansing, and do not abuse decorative cosmetics. To disinfect the skin of the face, you can treat it with antiseptics – a solution of salicylic acid, Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide. To prevent relapse, you should be attentive to the cleanliness of the skin and the observance of the rules of personal hygiene.