Well, the legacy: what residents find in old apartments

Sometimes you get such surprises from previous owners or tenants that you can only wonder.

Usually, in an apartment where someone else lived before you, you only come across garbage and accidentally forgotten or abandoned things. Sigh, roll up your sleeves – and head into cleaning. But some are more fortunate: in the depths of old apartments or houses, they find the most curious things.

For example, one such lucky guy, having started repairs, found a real treasure: in the basement, under the dusty ceilings, there were two metal boxes with thousands of dollars inside. “We will pay the mortgage out of this money,” the lucky man shared his plans for unexpectedly dumped wealth.

Others are less fortunate: in a rented apartment, for example, after the previous tenants, the author found some strange metal gizmos – a Google search showed that these were the keys to the handcuffs. After this find, I wanted to change the locks on the doors and consecrate the apartment at the same time.

And there are even more terrible cases: a man found in a newly bought house … a dog. He just drove in, opened the door to the basement, and found a pit bull sitting on a chain. The dog miraculously survived. Fortunately, this story has a happy ending: the pit bull now has new owners, and he is absolutely happy.

On the network, users often share stories that they found during repairs. For example, in one of the cases, the tenants found…. bath. Yes, yes, a deep jacuzzi bathtub, lined with mosaic tiles, was walled up in the living room floor.  

Another guy told how he found the treasure: there was a cache behind the medicine cabinet in the bathroom. And in it there is a jar of alkoseltzer filled with old coins. In addition, there were two gemstone rings and a tie bar.

Often, whole dungeons are found under the house. In our country, this is hardly possible, but in the West it is not uncommon. Premises that are not on the plan of the house can be almost larger than the dwelling itself. Surprise is too much of a surprise.

Among other popular finds are drawings on the walls, among which you can find real masterpieces, almost frescoes.

There are also frightening finds. For example, one of the residents of the high-rise went down to the basement and found that their house was built on the site of an old cemetery where people were buried in the 1800s. The tombstones remained intact, only the space between them was laid with brickwork.

Have you had any amazing finds? Share in the comments!

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