Weight of a child at 5 months: WHO standards, what should be a boy and a girl

Weight of a child at 5 months: WHO standards, what should be a boy and a girl

The height and weight of a baby up to a year are the main indicators that characterize its development. A child at 5 months is actively gaining weight. If the baby’s weight meets the standards, then everything is in order with his health and he has enough food that his mother feeds. There are several tables that determine the correct weight for babies.

How much should boys and girls weigh by Russian standards

According to domestic pediatricians, the weight standards of babies in our country differ slightly from international data. Moreover, children of different genders have their own indicators of normal weight.

Girls at 5 months weigh slightly less than boys

So, Russian boys at this age should weigh from 6,1 kg to 8,3 kg. And the fair sex should be no lighter than 5,9 kg and no heavier than 7,7 kg.

Measuring every month the child’s height, weight, head circumference and chest circumference, the pediatrician concludes that his development is harmonious.

What should be the weight according to WHO standards

According to international standards, future men at this age should weigh between 6 kg and 9,3 kg. And the normal weight for a girl will be 5,4 kg – 8,8 kg.

The limits of the required weight for children according to international indicators are slightly wider than for Russian children. Because foreign experts consider the development of each child individually. The weight of the child is compared with the general indicators of the inhabitants of the given country and with the parameters of his parents.

But if the baby has deviations from the weight standards, it is necessary to understand the reasons. It is possible that the baby is underfeeding or overfeeding.

What determines how much a child weighs

The weight of the baby is influenced by his individual characteristics and by environmental factors:

  • Type of food. Breastfed babies gain weight more slowly than formula-fed babies. Therefore, if the baby at 5 months does not reach the standard weight, the pediatrician recommends starting to introduce complementary foods.
  • Physical activity. It is more difficult for fidgets to gain weight, as they actively expend energy. Therefore, if a child is overweight, it is necessary to promote his activity.
  • Heredity. If one of the parents at this age was plump or very slender, then the baby may be like them.

At 5 months, the baby should double its birth weight. This will be the normal weight for a particular child.

Indicators of the weight of children are necessary in order to timely identify possible deviations and eliminate their causes. Whatever weight the baby has, the main thing for him is love, care and attention of loved ones. And if the pediatrician believes that the child does not have an ideal weight, the mother’s task is to follow the recommendations of the specialist.

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  1. wu kk edi raxmat

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