Weight Loss Supplements: Do They Really Work?
Weight Loss Supplements: Do They Really Work?Weight Loss Supplements: Do They Really Work?

With the approaching summer, the demand for slimming preparations is growing. Many people reach for them with the hope that they will quickly and effortlessly lose unnecessary ballast in the form of unnecessary kilograms. Unfortunately, nothing will work without at least minimal lifestyle modifications.

Let’s start with the fact that a supplement is not equal to a supplement. Whether it is safe for health determines its availability. If it is a legal preparation, approved by ESFA and other units, which will be taken by us in accordance with the recommendations on the leaflet, it cannot harm. The black market, especially the online one, offers many dangerous drugs, so you should steer clear of untrustworthy websites and products.

Supplements are just boosters

Many negative opinions about weight loss supplements come from the fact that they are not used as directed. The vast majority of manufacturers put information on the packaging that a given preparation is effective under certain conditions. For example, a product containing L-carnitine works with increased physical exertion. Each of these specifics is not a way to the goal, but only an element to help us on this path.

How to lose weight healthy?

Healthy weight loss is from 0,5 to 1 kilogram per week. Remember that just taking the supplement does not give you any guarantee of gaining results, it all depends on the lifestyle you lead. A person who eats sweets and fatty foods, moves little, spends most of the day sitting or lying down, and will not lose weight by swallowing slimming pills. Such a statement, although it seems trivial, is unfortunately something necessary when looking at the expectations of consumers of this type of preparations and the comments that can be found on the Internet.

Only making some changes in your lifestyle, even minimal ones, can give the expected result. For some, regular walks, cycling, dancing, or a more healthy diet are enough, which, together with taking the supplement, bring the expected effect.

Which preparations to choose?

If you feel that you need help and want to speed up the slimming process, reach for a supplement containing known and natural ingredients. Be careful with laxatives, i.e. those containing a lot of fiber and caffeine, because they make the natural mechanisms of the intestines lazy. Too much caffeine in the diet also causes irritability and high blood pressure. In addition, use supplements as intended – remember that even a multivitamin in excess is harmful!

Natural ingredients in good slimming supplements:

  • Green coffee,
  • Green tea,
  • Chrome,
  • L-carnitine,
  • HCA acid (found in garcinia cambogia fruit),
  • Chicory,
  • prickly pear,
  • Cinnamon bark extract.

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