weight loss, Slavic clinic, Serso, Stroitel sanatorium

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It is quite possible to fulfill the cherished dream – to lose a few kilograms by summer.

A measure is needed in everything. The main thing is to observe it in your diet!

The reason for being overweight is most often the wrong way of life: girls neglect the basic rules of nutrition and ignore physical activity. Hateful kilograms accumulate due to the passion for sweets, smoked meats, fried foods. What to do? There is only one answer: to lose weight!

The main leitmotif of losing weight is compliance with the measure. Weight must be shed consistently and slowly, only in this case it will not return in a few days. It should be borne in mind that diets designed for several days provide only faint hopes for weight loss. In seven to ten days, excess fluid will leave the body, but after a while it will again replenish water reserves, and the numbers on the scales will repeat the previous “record”. Note that short-term diets sometimes limit your diet to a few foods that cannot provide the vitamins and minerals you need.

It is estimated that every month you can easily get rid of 3-4 extra pounds. The body will not feel this loss especially, and with this approach, a debilitating hunger strike will not be required. It is worth mentioning that the achieved result will be consolidated for a long period, since weight loss was slow, imperceptible.

It is necessary to significantly reduce weight under the supervision of specialists: an endocrinologist, nutritionist, psychotherapist, psychologist – they will become your allies and reliable consultants. Kaluga women offer a comprehensive weight loss program Weight loss clinic of Elena Morozova “Slavic clinic”.

Every month you can easily lose 3-4 kilograms of excess weight

Today, there are many ways to lose weight. But one person’s body is different from another. Some adapt to strict diets of 800-1000 calories a day, others torture themselves in the gym, exercising on exercise machines until they sweat, others drink teas for weight loss, add sugar substitutes, which finally finish off their body.

But none of these “extreme lovers” think about the psychological component of successful weight loss. The solution to the problem of eternal harmony lies in your motivation. For the sake of what you do this or that act – this is the motive of your actions. Specialists regularly receive appointments in Kaluga medical center “Serso”… They help eliminate the main cause of excess weight – the psychological dependence on high-calorie foods.

Spring is the time for recovery

When you decide to lose weight, remember about spa treatment and mineral water

Hard work, stress, environmental conditions in the city adversely affect our health. How to preserve it and prolong youth? Most experts strongly recommend visiting sanatoriums or dispensaries located in our country as often as possible. You will be attracted by the nature in which these institutions are located, and the fresh air that can give you strength. Here people rest not only with their souls, but also with their bodies. Each such health care institution has an excellent medical base. Some sanatoriums are designed for general health improvement, there are also highly specialized sanatoriums where you can treat and prevent certain diseases.

Those wishing to lose weight will be given an individual weight correction scheme, a number of diagnostic measures will be carried out to determine the specifics of the problems, they will prescribe one or another variant of a combination of procedures in combination with the physical activity and diet that are optimal for you.

If you set out to cleanse the body of toxins, start looking for a ticket to a health institution, which has mineral water springs.

Hydrocarbonate-sulphate-magnesium waters are considered one of the most effective means for cleansing the body. In mineral water, magnesium is present in the form of ions. Experts say that magnesium more than other minerals affects a woman’s health. It is called the “anti-stress element” because it is necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses. This mineral helps to suppress depression and maintain a healthy circulatory system. After drinking mineral waters, ease in movement appears, weight decreases, and holidaymakers breathe easier.

The program “Mineral cleansing” provides sanatorium “Builder”, located in the town of Aleksin, Tula region.

To make people admire your appearance, remember a few simple rules. Eat every four hours, drink about one and a half liters of clean non-carbonated water daily, choose a balanced diet consisting of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, eat breakfast no later than two hours after waking up, eat dinner no later than two hours before bedtime, include 3-4 in your diet daily vegetables and 4-5 fruits, sleep 7-8 hours a day, forget about fast food and fast food, replace milk chocolate with bitter, walk more and walk in the fresh air.

Consult a specialist for possible contraindications.

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