- Whose weight loss result impressed you the most? Vote on the last page!
- Whose weight loss result impressed you the most? Vote on the last page!
- Whose weight loss result impressed you the most? Vote on the last page!
- Nadezhda Sklepovich, 30 years old
- Whose weight loss result impressed you the most? Vote on the last page!
- Whose weight loss result impressed you the most? Vote on the last page!
- Whose weight loss result impressed you the most? Vote on the last page!
- Whose weight loss result impressed you the most? Vote on the last page!
- Whose weight loss result impressed you the most? Vote on the last page!
- Whose weight loss result impressed you the most? Vote on the last page!
- Whose weight loss result impressed you the most? Vote on the last page!
- Whose weight loss result impressed you the most? Vote on the last page!
Still dreaming of losing weight? These Rostovites have achieved a dream figure and do not stop there!
The rules of the competition can be found here.
– I have always been bigger than my peers. Before, I didn’t care, or rather, somewhere in my heart I wanted to lose weight, but I wanted more chocolates. Weighing was the wildest shame for me. For the first time consciously, I took up myself in 2012 and lost a lot of weight, but my diet was rather meager and monotonous, moreover, far from correct, and all my weight loss was shaken during the New Year holidays, and then completely disappeared. I didn’t realize the scale of the disaster for a long time, and when a recently purchased dress creaked on me, I seemed to wake up: “Yes, I didn’t just get a little better, I’m frankly fat!” And then I decided that it was time to pull myself together again. The start was given in May 2014 with a weight of 96 kg.
My love is sweets and pastries, so I allowed myself to eat this, but in limited quantities. I clearly remember how lazy and hard it was to start and give up the habitual gluttony, especially in the evening, so I gave myself a pledge: you just need to hold out for a couple of weeks, and relief will surely come. And so it happened. Goal number one was simply not to eat baked goods for dinner. This is how I saw how my first kilograms shifted, and it gave me strength to go further! I was looking for a diet where the restrictions would be minimal. And I came to the conclusion that counting calories is the very thing that will help me. At first, I just counted the total calorie intake, then I started counting the basic elements – proteins, fats, carbohydrates and allowed myself sweets or baked goods in the morning. So, with only one food restriction, I managed to get rid of 12 kg. However, one diet still does not go far, my weight began to get stuck, and I lost my grief. It was then that I began to think about sports, but I could not get myself together until the end, I matured for several months and finally forked out for a subscription. My relationship with physical education since school was strained, because when you are overweight, it is very difficult to fulfill all kinds of standards that the school requires. Probably, I would have dared to go to the gym even longer if I hadn’t come across a photo of my university friend online – she was incredibly reincarnated into a fitness girl with a stunning figure! It was then that I realized that everything is possible and that I should at least try. At the moment, I have been training for about a year with interruptions, with the help of the gym I said goodbye to another 16 kg. Now my weight hovers around 65 kg, but for now I do not plan to stop, although every gram is given harder and harder.
I am not a supporter of proper nutrition in the sense that everything that is considered harmful is immediately excluded and only chicken breasts with a leaf of lettuce are eaten. From my own experience, I realized that such harsh measures can even harm the body. I allow myself absolutely any product – and a cake, and a bun, and a candy, if you want – the main thing is that it fits into the calorie intake of the day, it’s morally easier when you realize that there are no restrictions, and you yourself are free to choose what to eat today. I completely ruled out only mayonnaise. I eat five times a day. Over time, of course, you become more selective in products, especially when you start reading the formulations on the labels (by the way, a useful activity, I advise everyone!) And you realize how much workouts a margarine cake will cost you. So, for example, now the once beloved milk chocolate seems very sugary, but bitter is incredibly yummy. Despite such a democratic diet, I manage to break down at times, alas, this is a feature of the human body and the love of food sometimes breaks through even through the most persistent willpower. Just start and last for a couple of weeks!
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– My story began at the age of 17, when my hormones “flew”. No, this is not an invented excuse, everything was for real, one hormone was three times higher than the norm. Then I began to slowly spread in breadth, then life began to change. To be honest, I started to eat a lot, diligently eating my problems, of course it was fatty and sweet, well, chips, crackers and other nasty things, as a result, by the age of 19 I was over 90 kg.
But then I met a man who helped me wake up. I got a job, and there was no longer much time to eat, plus I worked for 12 hours and was on my feet almost all the time, so I lost about 10 kg without much effort. At a weight of about 80 kg, I met my future husband: love, wedding and the decision that we want a child. This is what led me to a doctor who prescribed me serious hormonal treatment and mandatory weight loss (14-15 kg was planned). This was one of the most difficult moments. I didn’t want to lose weight, although I was 78 kg with a height of 164 cm, I claimed that I was great in my body, but still I wanted a child much more than I did not want to lose weight. I lost weight by counting calories, without sports at all. Then I threw off only 7 kg in three months, the doctor told me not to lose weight anymore and, lo and behold, pregnancy! For her, I gained 15,5 kilos. Do you know, some people tell how they leave 10 kg in a maternity hospital? I was so unlucky, I left only 4. A couple of months after giving birth, or rather a caesarean section, and it was in the fall of 2012, I started counting calories, still no sports, my weight was around 81 kg. Then there was a time of successes and failures, failures and successes. No, I did not cut the calorie content to a minimum, like some, eating 800-1200 kcal, I just seized stress for a long time, thereby seizing my successes. So for 1,5 years, more than 10 kg could not be thrown off.
In the fall of 2014, I went to the gym with a weight of 71 kg, for a couple of months I went anyhow, I was very shy, plus I didn’t like the gym itself, I was very uncomfortable there … But for the New Year my husband gave me a wonderful gift, a good annual membership Hall! This is where my love for iron began. I began to study more seriously, to eat more correctly, although the calorie content increased, there were breakdowns, but much less often. The hall became my temple for me, where I went, even flew with pleasure, there I rested with my soul, leaving all my problems outside the door, and working hard to sweat, becoming stronger and more beautiful. As a result, I threw off another 10 kg, reaching a weight of 61 kg.
20 kg from the beginning, 20 kg in 2,5 years – that was my achievement! Despite the breakdowns, despite the fact that many believed that nothing would come of it, someone even periodically said that it was already too thin and, in general, the hardware was not for girls and other nonsense, but I could. Yes, there are people who threw off 20 kg in a much shorter period, but that doesn’t matter. It is important that I could! What I didn’t quit! But, seeing the reflection in the mirror, I still didn’t really like myself, despite the lower figure on the scales, I was kind of … soft, with bones sticking out in places, my shoulders especially irritated. So now I have a slightly different goal – to overgrow meat, so that there are no protruding bones. And I am making progress. Now my weight is now 66-67 kg, but I like myself much more than at 61. The butt and shoulders have become pleasantly rounded, the back is slightly wider, the legs and arms are stronger. Surprisingly, it is still easy for me to train in the gym, I do not need to force myself to go to training, on the contrary, I am very sad when there is no opportunity to get into the gym. I still rest my soul there, although the training has become much tougher. But I’m tired of counting calories. As strong as the motivation is, the constant monitoring is exhausting, so I put my kitchen scale on the top shelf and just eat sensibly without going to extremes.
Never give up! Lost and ate nasty things? Tomorrow back to work, and no need to scold yourself. And then she scolded herself, got upset, ate – and so on in a circle. Missed a workout? Nothing, so you won’t miss tomorrow! Are you losing weight? Analyze your nutrition and exercise, maybe you’re doing some hackwork somewhere. If everything is in order, then this is a plateau at which there is weight, but the skin is tightened, and often volumes also go away.
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– In January 2016, I decided that again, like every year, I will lose weight! But, unlike her past attempts, she decided to approach this matter more thoroughly. I read thousands of articles on the Internet, I remembered consulting a nutritionist. My head turned out to be a complete mess. Efforts spent on losing weight did not give the expected result. I decided that I needed to introduce the concept of sport into my life. The search for fitness sections has begun. It turned out that not far from my work there is a fitness section of Inna Babkina, I decided to opt for it and did not lose. After the first workout, I approached Inna with the question of what I need to do in order to lose weight without harm to my health and maintain the subsequent result. The trainer told me in great detail about proper nutrition, about calorie intake (calorie counting) and the effectiveness of combining nutrition and fitness training. I eat 5-6 times a day. With all the recommendations and weekly workout attendance for six months, the result was not long in coming, and my weight dropped from 92 to 79 kg, my waist volume decreased by 10 cm.And, what pleases me most, my performance is still decreasing without stress for the body.
By following this lifestyle, I have a lot of energy, which allows me to do more everyday activities, hiking, bike rides and other interesting activities in my free time. I would like to advise all the girls who still philosophize how and when to lose weight: do it here and now.
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Nadezhda Sklepovich, 30 years old
– At the age of 20, I weighed 94 kg. I did not have a gentleman, but I wanted attention, communication. And I thought. I began to lose weight, but slowly – almost 3 years. I sat on diets, went in for sports. I sat on all kinds of diets, limited myself. Eliminated sweets, tea with sugar, coffee, cocoa, soda, bananas, potatoes. She ate boiled chicken, vegetables, salads. The weight began to go away. Drank tea for metabolism, went to the gym and pool six days a week. The first time it was hard, then I got involved. Before that, I could have eaten a pound of bagels for breakfast and washed it down with a liter and a half of milk. Nightmare! But over a year of training and dietary restrictions, I lost 15 kilograms. I also arranged fasting days for myself. Two or three times a week I ate one buckwheat, drank kefir. My portions were getting smaller and smaller. Disruptions, of course, also happened. I gorged on, then “sat down” to unload, it was very difficult. She held on for six months, then broke down. I gathered my strength and went to the gym again. Now I rarely eat breakfast, I can drink my favorite herbal tea in the morning. I don’t eat grapes, melon, very little – sweet, potatoes. I cook rice, buckwheat without salt.
Recently I bought myself a sports bike, pedaling 40 minutes three times a week. I also have a simulator and a step platform at home. Now my weight is 64 kg, but there was a period when I dreamed of crossing the 60 kg threshold. For half a year I exhausted myself with training and ate only kefir, as a result I achieved the cherished 59 kg, but at what cost! There were big health problems, after which I gained 15 kg in two weeks. It took a lot of effort to get back to normal weight, so don’t repeat my mistake.
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– Before losing weight, I weighed about 80 kg, now – 58 kg, and I have two children. Weight problems have always been associated with hormonal problems. In adolescence, the weight grew with terrible force, given that I have always been involved in sports. Flour and sweet were in the diet, but not often. I tried diets, mono-diets, fasting days many times.
I came to step aerobics, where I met a wonderful girl, coach Angelica Krupitskaya. I turned to her for an individual training and nutrition program. This is where my love for the gym began. There is no secret: in order to lose body fat, you need an elementary mathematical calculation of the basal metabolism – there are many formulas on the Internet. We make a small calorie deficit (20%, without dropping below 1000-1200 kcal per day, otherwise the metabolism will slow down, and the effect will be the opposite). And we eat every 3-4 hours in small portions. My diet is dominated by lean meat, fish, eggs, buckwheat, oatmeal and raw vegetables. There are no rules not to eat after six! Be sure to keep a food diary at first. We write down the time of meals and KBZhU (kcal, proteins, fats, carbohydrates), and of course be sure to train, not only aerobic. Strength training speeds up metabolism. Without them, you cannot achieve a toned body!
For six months of training with a trainer, my weight dropped to 56 kg, hormonal problems finally disappeared. Thanks to my coach for the transformation of body and life! And for girls who “make” a figure for the summer on diets, I want to say that short-term diets give a short result and harm to health. Make it a way of life!
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– My standard weight was 75-76 kg, but after giving birth I recovered to 87 kg. In January 2015, she decided that something needed to be changed. I began to lose weight at home with all the diets offered by the Internet. The effect was short lived. I lost weight, then gained again. By the New Year 2016, I weighed 83 kg. I realized that I would not lose weight myself, decided to go to the gym, found the section of the trainer Inna Babkina in social networks. I liked her approach: training and eating out. At first I was just practicing, slowly dumping. Two days a week I go to the gym, two more days I train at home for one hour. Plus, every day I run 40 minutes from 5 in the morning. At first it was very difficult, it didn’t work. But if I do something, then I do it well or in no way. A month after the start of training, I began to get it, the relief of the body appeared.
In February, I stopped eating after 18:00. I even hung a picture of a slender girl on the refrigerator for motivation. It was hard for two weeks – I wanted to break loose. I stopped myself. Then he stopped pulling to the refrigerator. In the morning I felt light compared to eating at night. Remove sweets from the diet. I began to drink a lot of water – 2,5-3 liters a day. And since April I switched to proper nutrition. Potatoes, pasta, bread are now banned for me. I don’t eat anything fried, salty, sweet. A sample menu of my day: for breakfast – cottage cheese with prunes and sweet tea (with a spoonful of sugar). For lunch – baked chicken fillet and tomatoes. Dinner – baked mackerel. Total – three meals of 300 g. And all until 18:00. Of course, when I was over 80 kg, I didn’t want to be photographed, but now I do it with pleasure. I completely renewed my wardrobe – I bought clothes two sizes smaller. Now my goal is to lose weight up to 65 kg.
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– As a child, I was the most beloved and therefore the largest child in the family, everyone loved to pamper me with something tasty. At school, despite my excess weight, I was always an active teenager: I played volleyball, basketball, competed, and did belly dancing at home. But already in my student years I weighed about 90 kg with a height of 170 cm. who wrote down the basics of proper nutrition, recommendations and advice from endocrinologists, nutritionists, and later a trainer.
I am sure that many, like me, have repeatedly tried to solve the problem of excess weight with the help of various methods of self-torture, have experienced the effect of all kinds of diets and even hunger strikes. And I even admit that someone has achieved significant success. But then the weight for some reason invariably returned. The reason is that no diet teaches us about eating behavior. It is used for a short time and does not instill the skills of a rational daily diet. Diet is not a solution. Realizing this, in my third year I bought a card for a fitness club and already 3-4 times a week I had physical activity: I attended group programs, where I met a wonderful person with a capital letter and an inspiring Zumba Fitness dance instructor Yulia Velichko, strength in the gym, as well as a cardio area. Since 2013, I have been in this “topic” and I still, of course, have not learned everything and continue to struggle with myself. At the moment I weigh 70 kg and I have a little left to my ideal weight – 60 kg. The waist has decreased by 16 cm.
There must be discipline in everything, this is the half of the victory. 75-80% of success is food. I have already developed willpower, habit, harmony with the body, endurance and a certain system, these are constant containers with me, food on a schedule (every 2,5–3 hours), physical activity … Movement is life! Compliments are constantly made to me, external changes are noticeable, the skin has become velvety, the fat layer is coming off.
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– I am a vegetarian since January 2013. It’s just that at one point it became unbearably sorry for the animals that are killed for food. I didn’t set myself the goal of losing weight or getting healthier. Two years later, I came across a video by Arsen Markarian, a vegan raw foodist, author of a course on sports and raw food. After looking, I became interested in a raw food diet (eating only raw foods), and I learned that there are two types: a mono-raw food diet, in which only one type of food is eaten at one meal, and a mixed diet – it is allowed to mix different foods, for example, salad.
For a long time I did not dare to switch to a raw food diet, because I believed that in our climate there would be a very meager diet. But in fact, it turned out that there are a lot of raw food recipes from uncooked borscht to cookies cooked in a dehydrator, a dryer for vegetables and fruits. I became a raw foodist at the end of January 2016 (of course, this is not the best time to start, but it turned out that way). I didn’t have enough willpower for a mono-raw food diet, so I chose a more gentle option – mixed. For six months I have lost about 10 kilograms without any damage to my health and loss of working capacity, and I continue to gradually lose weight. I want to say right away that on a mono-raw food diet, weight is lost many times faster.
I didn’t do any physical exercises. She did not change her lifestyle and did not try to lose weight on purpose. At first, I constantly wanted to eat. I ate five to six times a day. But at the same time, she did not gain weight. Gradually, the feeling of hunger subsided. Now I eat twice a day. The attitude towards food has changed radically. I am not chasing something tasty, but I eat in order to give the body what it requires. I noticed a pattern: the more we eat some harmful substances (for example, smoked meats with liquid smoke or chips), the more the body requires it. This is due to the fact that a flora favorable for this substance is formed in the liver. When we stop consuming it, the so-called detoxification of the body occurs: all accumulated harmful substances are naturally released. After detox, you stop wanting any “chemistry”.
I want to give advice to anyone who decides to switch to a raw food diet: do not be afraid to eat a lot! The body must adapt to the new diet. Don’t confuse the amount of raw vegetables or fruits eaten with the same amount of fried or cooked food. In terms of calories, you will always win!
But it didn’t come so easily to me. At first, of course, I wanted “familiar” food. I especially missed fried potatoes and my favorite buckwheat. The raw food lifestyle is about giving up many gastronomic pleasures, but at the same time gaining beauty, lightness in the body and bulletproof immunity. A month ago, about ten people were sick in our office, with two people sitting next to me. I didn’t even sneeze. Another plus is that my hair in buns has ceased to fall out. A raw food diet does not always imply a vegetarian diet. For example, my husband is also a raw foodist, but he eats animal food. He eats bacon, pickled and dried fish – products that are not heat-treated. A raw food diet is better than any diet!
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– I’ve never been thin. My parents are cooks, so, of course, there was always a lot of tasty and varied food at home. And far from being the most useful. But who thought about this before? Periodically, there were attempts to go on a diet to lose weight. I managed to reduce weight, but, returning to the old diet, I always gained back with a plus. It upset me even more, but I didn’t give up. At that time I did not go to the gym, but I attended sports sections (I played basketball both at school and at the university). After graduation, work began, there was no longer enough time for games. It was at that very moment that I met my future husband. I must say, our couple was awkward. I am 176 cm tall and 96 kg, and my husband is 200 cm and 75 kg. After we met, my husband was taken into the army, and at that very moment I clearly decided for myself that it was time to take care of myself more thoroughly. I cut my diet. A friend at work said that she goes to aerobics and it helps her stay in good shape. It interested me, and I signed up too. I lost 10 kg, but it was very hard. Constantly there was no strength, I wanted to sleep, much around me annoyed. Of course, where would the strength come from when you eat 1 tomato, 2 cucumbers, 50 grams of breast and a few eggs? Because of work, I stopped keeping up with aerobics, so I decided to go to the gym and take a few personal sessions with a trainer. I must say that the female coach did not particularly understand me. I will never forget her words: “Yes, you can’t even squat normally, so that your knees do not go beyond your socks.” I felt so upset, but I really couldn’t sit down otherwise. Nobody taught me the correct squat technique. In general, I did not work out with the gym. But I decided to go three times to see all the exercises. The peak of our classes was the new diet, which she painted for me. The most expensive products were chosen, which were clearly not affordable (for example, rabbit meat). I roughly calculated, I got about 30 thousand a month for food. It was a disaster, I was running from this coach. Then my husband came from the army, we decided to live together and moved to another area of the city. I didn’t even think to calm down.
I decided to find myself a coach on my own from the reviews and … no matter how silly it may sound, from the photographs. I wanted to work with a professional athlete who was able to build his body. Thus, I found my coach – Olga Shcherbatykh, a performing athlete and multiple bodybuilding medalist. I wrote to her on the social network, asked if she trains people like me. It turned out that he was coaching, and I went to the first meeting. I went into the hall and, pointing to myself, said: “We need to do something about this.” She replied: “Let’s try.” Olya became a real mentor for me, a person who taught, explained, showed. Watching her, how she “plows” in the hall to the seventh sweat, I want to work even more herself. As a result, before the wedding, my weight was 75 kg. Since then, I have continued to exercise regularly three times a week, and have a healthy diet. Now I am no longer guided by the scales, my reflection in the mirror is much more important to me. There is still a lot of work and I am not going to stop!
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– I tried to lose weight many times, not unsuccessfully – there was not enough motivation. I have an athlete friend. On April 7 last year, she suggested conducting an experiment for a month, checking myself – can I stand it without flour, fatty foods. I decided to give it a try. I managed to hold out even more than a month, then I liked the effect. At work, the birthday people were treated to cakes, and I held on, I had a goal. I ate more fruits and vegetables. My friends are vegetarian, they once talked me into watching a movie by Gary Yurofsky, the famous animal rights activist and propagandist for veganism. It shows in detail how animals suffer in slaughterhouses. After that, I roared all night and realized that I could no longer eat either cottage cheese or my favorite cheese. I have always loved meat, I could not live without it. But after the film, she went to the refrigerator, said goodbye to the groceries and did not eat another piece. This is how I became a vegan.
Now I eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. I wanted to prove to myself that I can lose weight. Sporting excitement woke up. I felt a sense of satisfaction, I was proud of myself. For a year, I was sort of a tasting vegan, tasting soy sausage, soy cheese, hummus, and sometimes baking vegan cakes. My diet is not right. Rather intuitive. In May 2016, I switched to raw food. The decision to go vegan was a serious and measured decision. Homemade strawberries and raspberries, growing in my garden. I also eat melons, peaches, sweet tomatoes. In winter, I will only eat seasonal fruits and vegetables. They are easier to digest, after them you do not want to sleep, but you want to move, energy appears.
I do not do physical exercises, I just recently signed up for the pool. I began to walk more. After losing weight, the nails stopped breaking, the hair became more luxuriant. I had to change my wardrobe. I started doing vocals and performing on stage. Now, at 58 kg, I’m comfortable. In the same weight (80 kg), I would not dare to take such a step. What I want to say is that over time, motivation gets weaker. At that moment, you need to watch videos about those who inspire you, who have achieved the result that you want to achieve.
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– Since childhood, I was not thin and always dreamed of getting rid of excess weight. In different periods of his life, he was constantly changing. Yes, I went to different fitness clubs for training, reviewed my nutrition, but all this gave only a temporary result, the weight then returned with “percentages”. And in December 2015, I realized that I had to pull myself together when I saw the figure of 85 kg on the scales. I considered all sorts of fitness training options nearby and opted for the section of Inna Babkina. Before going to training, I had doubts: “Will there be a result?”, Since previous attempts were in vain. But I took a chance. In June 2016, I already got rid of nine kilograms that I did not need, my volumes “left”, and lightness appeared.
Of course, without regular training, a properly composed diet and a great desire to lose weight, it was not without. Working on your body is a huge amount of work. But one must not be afraid of changes and changes in life for the better. When you see the result and understand that you could not do this before, but now you can – it gives a tremendous charge and incentive. I’m not going to be satisfied with what has already been achieved and will continue to study further.
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Voting is over.
The three members who receive the most real reader votes will receive diplomas and prizes from Woman’s Day:
1 place – Victoria Turova – a certificate for 1000 rubles for a manicure or pedicure from
2nd and 3rd place – Evgenia Lytaeva and Nadezhda Sklepovich – invitation ticket for one free lesson from
All gifts can be received from September 5 at st. M. Gorky, 130, 8th floor. For information call 303-30-45.
Whose weight loss story is impressive?
Victoria Turova
Olesya Morozova
Daria Shcherbakova
Nadezhda Sklepovich
Oksana Milas
Zoya Komarova
Sadaf Pashayeva
Irina Kargina
Evgeniya Lytaeva
Marina Dyachkova
Maria Ageeva