Weight loss myths that interfere with weight loss

Greetings to regular and new readers! There are weight loss myths that make it difficult for a person to lose weight. I hope this information from five myths will help you to understand a little. At the end of the article, see a cool cartoon (video) on this topic.

What prevents you from losing weight

Weight loss myths that interfere with weight loss


There is a belief that when drinking coffee with milk without added sugar, you can get rid of excess weight at a rate of 1,5 kg per week, since coffee reduces appetite and increases performance.

It is believed that this drink can increase metabolism, burn excess fat and increase physical activity. In fact, this is not the case, despite the fact that recently this method of losing weight has been used more and more often.

Caffeine really speeds up metabolic processes and has a tonic effect for the whole body. However, we must remember that everything is good in moderation. With the constant use of a coffee and milk drink, you will not be able to lose weight, but you can achieve the opposite results.

With an excess of caffeine in the body, sleep is disturbed, apathy and irritability increase. In addition, coffee is a powerful diuretic that puts more stress on the kidneys and cardiovascular system, forcing them to function faster.

Ascorbic acid

Effective weight loss with ascorbic acid. It is believed that if ascorbic acid is taken in large doses, then you can quickly lose weight. It is not rare that fashionable tabloids write about the ability of vitamin C to reduce excess weight.

Vitamin C is undeniably very beneficial, and in moderation, it has a beneficial effect on the immune and vascular systems. But with its help, it will not be possible to reduce weight. The thing is that the human body is designed in such a way that the excess amount of vitamins and minerals is not absorbed by it.

In case of an overdose, ascorbic acid contributes to the development of kidney stone disease, an allergic reaction and diarrhea may occur. Thus, the use of vitamins and mineral supplements should be in accordance with the instructions for their use.

Apple vinegar

Water with the addition of apple cider vinegar can help you lose a few extra pounds if you drink it on an empty stomach or 20 minutes before meals. This blend is believed to help break down fat molecules, leading to weight loss. Science has not confirmed this fact. Vinegar can kill the liver and cause stomach ulcers.


Chili pepper will effectively help you lose weight if you season food with it, because it breaks down fats and speeds up metabolic processes.

In fact, red pepper and some other spices like cardamom, marjoram, cinnamon speed up the metabolism. With an excessive addition of pepper to food, the body experiences stress and the process of adrenaline production starts. This helps to speed up the metabolism, but the fat stays in place.

It should also be remembered that spices increase the production of gastric juice. Thus, hot chili peppers can whet your appetite, leading to weight gain rather than weight loss.

Mineral water

If you drink a lot of water during the day, then you can get rid of 5-7 extra pounds in a couple of weeks. Preference should be given to mineral water, it does not whet your appetite. There is some truth in this myth:

  • if you drink a glass of water 20-30 minutes before a meal, then the volume of the stomach will slightly decrease;
  • the digestion process will start;
  • the feeling of hunger will decrease.

Doctors advise drinking the daily rate of water at the rate of 30 ml per 1 kg of human weight. This will make up for the lack of water in the body. At the same time, drinking too much will lead to edema, stress on the kidneys and an increase in blood pressure.

Do not get too carried away with diets and believe the myths about weight loss. In everything, a measure is good, and sometimes it is enough to start eating right to reduce weight. It is advisable to arrange a fasting day once a week. Try intuitive eating. This is not a diet, but a new nutritional system. Perhaps it will suit you.


Read more in this interesting video “Weight Loss Myths”

TOP-6 myths about weight loss [120 to 80]

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