- Lunges with pulling the knee to the chest
- Raising the bent leg to the side on all fours
- Read the impressions of our contestants from the #Sekta Perfect Body School on the last page!
- Raising arms and legs while lying on your stomach
- Ascent to the half-bridge with mixing
- Breeding legs lying on your back
- Push-ups with fixation on points
- Read the impressions of our contestants from the #Sekta Perfect Body School on the next page!
Our contestants continue to study at the #Sekta Ideal Body School and have already achieved their first results! Woman’s day, meanwhile, learned what exercises can be done in the morning while exercising.
Lunges with pulling the knee to the chest
This is an exercise for training the muscles of the buttocks, front and back of the thigh.
Starting position: standing, legs together, back straight, abs and buttocks tense.
We lunge back on the right leg, the angle in both knees is 90 degrees, the body weight is exactly in the middle, the back is straight, the right knee almost touches the floor. Then we push off with our right foot and, on the rise, we pull our right knee to the chest. We perform several reps on one leg, return to the starting position and repeat the same on the other leg.
Raising the bent leg to the side on all fours
This is an exercise for the lateral thigh muscles.
Starting position: standing on all fours, wrists under shoulders, fingers pointing forward. Raise the leg bent at the knee and move it to the side to parallel with the floor, without moving the pelvis to the side and not falling on one arm, lower the leg without touching the floor. We perform several reps on one leg, return to the starting position and repeat the same on the other leg.
Read the impressions of our contestants from the #Sekta Perfect Body School on the last page!
Raising arms and legs while lying on your stomach
Exercise for the muscles of the back and buttocks.
Starting position: lying on your stomach, arms straight in front of you, legs together, lie on the floor. As you exhale, we simultaneously raise straight legs and arms as high as possible, while inhaling we lower them. We do the required number of repetitions, avoiding swaying.
Ascent to the half-bridge with mixing
Exercise for the muscles of the buttocks and the front of the thigh.
Starting position: lying on your back, hands behind your head, elbows apart, legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor. As we exhale, we raise the pelvis as high as possible, straining the buttocks, at the top point we bring our knees together, dilute them, and while inhaling we lower ourselves to the starting position. We do the required number of repetitions.
Complicated version: lifting to the half-bridge with the leg raised up (buttocks, front of the thigh).
Starting position: lying on your back, hands behind your head, elbows apart, legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor. We tear off the pelvis from the floor and raise the straight leg up, lift and lower the pelvis with an extended leg. We do the required number of repetitions for each leg.
Breeding legs lying on your back
Exercise for the muscles of the inner thigh.
Starting position: lying on your back, lower back pressed to the floor, arms extended along the body. Raise both legs up, socks pulled over ourselves, legs straight. We spread straight legs as far as possible to the sides, the socks remain pulled over ourselves, and slowly with effort we return the legs to their original position. We carry out the required amount of dilution information
Exercise for the rectus abdominis muscles.
Starting position: lying on your back, hands behind your head, elbows apart, legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor. As we exhale, we rise up, the elbows are spread apart, the back is straight, while we inhale we go down. If the exercise is performed with strong tension or a jerk, it is necessary to switch to replacement, when only the shoulder blades come off the floor. We carry out the required number of lifts.
Exercise for the oblique abdominal muscles.
Starting position: lying on your side, the lower arm is extended along the body, the upper arm is behind the head, the elbow is directed to the side. Legs are straight and raised above the floor. On the exhale, we bring the knees to the chest, lifting the body, on the inhale, we return to the starting position, keeping our legs in weight. We perform the required number of twists on each side.
Exercise for the lower press.
Starting position: lying on your back, support on your forearms, lower back pressed to the floor. We tear off straight legs from the floor and bring them together, crossing them at the knees, then we spread them. The lower back remains pressed to the floor, if the lower back flexes, raise the legs higher. So we repeat the required amount of information-dilutions, the legs remain on weight.
Push-ups with fixation on points
This exercise is for the muscles of the arms and chest.
Starting position: the support is lying, the pelvis is twisted, the wrists are under the shoulders, the legs are straightened or kneeling, the lower back does not bend, the body forms a straight line, the gaze is directed forward. On exhalation, we perform push-ups, slightly bending the elbows, without falling through the pelvis, fix the position. Next, we bend the elbows more strongly, dropping as low as possible, fix the position. We straighten our arms while inhaling. We repeat the exercise the required number of times.
Exercise for these muscle groups can be done differently:
Starting position: stand on the forearms and feet, the pelvis is lifted up, the knees are straight, the heels and crown are drawn to the floor. On exhalation, we stretch forward, lowering the pelvis and straightening the body, on inhalation we return to the starting position. We repeat the exercise the required number of times.
This is an exercise for the triceps and obliques.
Starting position: lying on its side, the lower arm is extended along the body or hugs it, the forearm of the upper arm is at right angles to the hand. On exhalation, unbending the upper arm, we raise the body without lifting the pelvis and legs from the floor, while inhaling we return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise the required number of times on each side.
Read the impressions of our contestants from the #Sekta Perfect Body School on the next page!
Girls are delighted with the first results of classes
Now that I have become accustomed to both training and the principles of nutrition, it is already much easier for me. We have new tasks. For example, body care procedures have appeared. In addition, we were allowed to add salt, spices and fruit to our food. This greatly improved and diversified the diet. The workouts are now more intense (I go there every day), but, nevertheless, some exercises have become easier to do. Most of all I love exercises for the press and squats. Not everything works out, but I’m happy with myself and I’m not going to stop. In general, #sekta has become so dear to me during these three weeks that you start to wonder: why couldn’t I have done this earlier? This is a very cool positive place that changes your life radically. You listen to your body, you want to move more, every time you get a powerful charge of such warm positive energy! And this is great!
After three weeks at the #SEKTA Perfect Body School, I already notice a change. I have already done so much for myself and my body! A glass of water, oatmeal and morning work have become absolutely familiar and necessary for my body. This is the best breakfast !!! I don’t even want to think about any scrambled eggs and sandwiches for breakfast. Getting up half an hour earlier gives a burst of extra strength and energy for the whole day. At evening workouts in the gym, you want to plow and give all your best. If in the first lessons it was just to keep up with the curator, now I have time, I want to do the same !! After a painful period, where “everything hurts” and “I am sickly” prevailed, the period of “I want to humble” came. Feelings indescribable after training. I feel like I’m getting stronger mentally and physically. An inner core has appeared that I want to strengthen. We also added massage procedures to our workouts: massage with a brush and press. The first procedure gives the result almost instantly: after a hard brush massage, the skin is smoothed out and becomes very attractive in appearance and smooth to the touch. The massage of the press is very painful, I have bruises after it. And the result takes time. But I think it’s worth it. Nutrition is still the hardest part. The struggle is in full swing here. The #SEKTA scientific department periodically publishes articles to help us, warriors for healthy eating, figure out all the subtleties. In my spare moment I try to read them, because I understand that in order to switch to correct, healthy intuitive nutrition, knowledge is needed. It’s great that there is where to draw them from. And the curators are always on guard: they help with the choice of products, explain patiently and answer all questions clearly. Our trips to the store are like a quest: find dairy products without powdered milk, whole grain pasta, sugar-free canned food. The choice of food for the baby is now very difficult. Almost all baby cereals and purees come with added sugar and other nasty things. Gradually I refuse food from store jars and boxes and with a younger child. The eldest son was also carried away and we are happy to read labels near the shelves with food. We learn to consciously choose products. The set of products is changing in the refrigerator: mayonnaise, ketchup have disappeared, now we have a whole shelf of fermented milk products and a lot of vegetables and fruits. The assortment of cereals has been replenished. The family’s diet is gradually changing, but it is very, very difficult: to give up the habits that you have had since birth. I am very glad that I decided to go through this difficult and difficult path in #SEKTA. This is not a diet, this is not a sport – this is invaluable knowledge that curators carefully invest in you every day. In the beginning it was very difficult, but it is getting better every day. Thank you #SEKTA!
Recently I met a friend whom I had not seen for two weeks, and the first thing she said to me was: “You have lost weight!” My face has really lost weight! For me, it reacts first to weight loss, so this is a very good sign. My new lifestyle (training, nutritional system) became more joyful. Firstly, fruits have returned to my diet, and I love them very much. I realized that my own taste of food is not so bad and now I still cook everything without salt and with a little spice. Already accustomed to the fact that you need to take care of the daily diet, prepare several dishes in advance and carry several containers of food with you to work. Secondly, the body is accustomed to physical activity. Some exercises are easier, some more difficult. But there is no more muscle pain that was in the first week of training, only pleasant fatigue remains. And massage and contrast shower energize for the whole day, the sensations from these procedures are very pleasant. The only negative is that sometimes there is not enough time. After work, you have to go home for a uniform and a mat for classes, then go to training and all this through our city traffic jams … It’s a little tiring, but I think the result is worth it to suffer some inconvenience.
Larisa Loskutova, Olga Smolyankina