Do you have a responsible event (business meeting, romantic date), and the arrow of the scales stubbornly points above the usual weight? Do not worry. It is possible to lose a few extra pounds even in a week, if you adhere to certain dietary rules and the most effective diets.
One of the current diets for many decades for everyone who wants to lose weight is the buckwheat diet. It is quite tough, but it helps to lose those extra pounds very quickly. The principle of such a diet is that during the day you only need to eat buckwheat, and not boiled, but cooked on low-fat kefir. You do not need to cook cereals for cooking. It is enough to pour it with boiling water in the ratio, as when cooking porridge, close the lid and put to infuse.
You can eat such buckwheat throughout the day in unlimited quantities. But the effect will be even from one glass eaten during the day. The main thing is that during the diet you need to completely exclude sugar, salt, spices from your diet. You can diversify the menu these days only with a liter (no more!) Of low-fat kefir, low-fat cottage cheese and, if you really want to, one or two apples.
As practice shows, on the first day of such a diet, you can lose weight per kilogram. This is achieved by the loss of excess fluid by the body. After which the process of losing weight slows down
You can sit on a buckwheat diet for a maximum of three days, otherwise you can seriously harm your body. To maintain the process of losing weight, it is enough to regularly (once every 1-2 weeks) arrange for yourself a buckwheat unloading day.
Observing the “Bonn soup” diet in a week, you can lose five kilograms. It is noteworthy that this diet does not require exhausting fasting and is very easy to use. You just need to eat soup and permitted fruits and vegetables, it is also allowed to drink up to three liters of water per day, including green tea without sugar.
Alcohol during the “Bonn” diet is strictly prohibited.
Making Bonn soup is easy.
For him you will need:
- 150 g onions
- 150 g green onions
- 1 tbsp. scoop of curry powder
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 tbsp. l. chopped cumin
- 20 g finely chopped garlic
- 170 g carrots, diced
- 170 g chopped celery
- 500 g shredded white cabbage
- 300 g cauliflower, sorted into inflorescences
- No 2. lavrovogo list
- 1 tbsp crushed coriander
- 2 pods of red hot pepper
- a bunch of cilantro and parsley
- 300 g tomatoes
- whisper of ginger
- 1,5-2 liters of water
Cut onions and green onions into rings and fry them in olive oil. Then season the onion with curry, cumin, and finely chopped garlic. Simmer for a few minutes over low heat. Then add vegetables to the onion: carrots, cabbage, celery, tomatoes. Pour vegetables with water, put coriander, bay leaf, pepper, herbs, ginger in the soup. As soon as the vegetables are cooked, remove the pan from the heat and you can taste it. And then already start the process of losing weight.
You don’t need to add salt to the soup
The Bonn soup diet consists of the following menu:
- 1st day: soup, fruits (everything except bananas)
- 2nd day: soup, in the afternoon – vegetables, in the evening – boiled potatoes, seasoned with vegetable oil
- 3rd day: soup, fruits, vegetables (excluding potatoes)
- 4th day: Bonn soup, bananas, skim milk
- 5th day: soup, 6 tomatoes, a portion of chicken breast or fish (optional)
- 6th day: main course – soup, chop with green salad
- 7 day diet: rice, vegetables, soup
Soup during this diet can be eaten in unlimited quantities.
Jennifer Lopez’s nutritional system is simple and powerful. For a week, you need to completely abandon sweets, salt and sugar. And, of course, try to eat less.
An approximate menu for the Lopez diet may look like this:
- Breakfast: an orange, a cup of cocoa, a glass of water (it is recommended to start with a glass of water every day to make the body work)
- After 15 minutes, you can eat another fruit of your choice.
- For lunch, cook 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese and the same amount of any fruit
- Have some dried fruit for lunch
- For dinner, 200 g of fish or poultry and 300 g of vegetables are recommended
- Drink a glass of kefir or low-fat yogurt before bed.
The author of the “Minus 60” system Katerina Mirimanova herself faced the problem of being overweight, but she was able not only to overcome unnecessary kilograms, but also developed her own method, according to which almost everything can be eaten. You just need to comply with some not very strict restrictions and have a desire to lose weight. Because it’s not just a diet – it’s a lifestyle.
Until 12 o’clock, you can network everything, Ekaterina is sure: melons, pastries, chocolate, cakes, ketchup, mayonnaise, sauce, seeds. It is imperative to have breakfast in order to start the metabolism and wake up the body.
After 12, it is recommended to eat stewed, steamed vegetables, bread, mushrooms, legumes, kefir, brown sugar, rice, buckwheat. For dessert – fruit.
Dinner (it must be no later than 18 pm) – salads of raw vegetables with dressings, boiled or stewed vegetables, rice, buckwheat, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs, prunes, citrus fruits, pineapple.
Canned foods should be completely excluded from the diet: green peas, zucchini and eggplant caviar, salted nuts, crackers with beer.
It is recommended to replace milk chocolate with bitter chocolate with a high cocoa content, alcohol – with dry wine.
See also: hanging flabby belly