Three participants in our joint project with the #Sekta Perfect Body School successfully survived the first week of classes and food restrictions. They shared their emotions and results.
A month ago, we invited our readers to participate in a competition, the main prize of which is free participation in the #Sekta School of Ideal Body Weight Loss Program. We read what came of it!
Maria, 33: learning to feel hunger
Parameters before starting to lose weight:
Growth: 168 см
The weight: 73,9 kg
Volumes: chest – 95 cm, waist – 77 cm, hips – 110 cm
Maria’s weight before losing weight is 73,9 kg.
– It turned out that after the installation training on Monday and Tuesday I was on sick leave, so I did not go to the gym, but only observed the diet.
Food. We learned to feel hungry this week. That is, you do not succumb to the general reflex to go to lunch, but you sit and wait until you feel like eating. At the same time, when you eat, you do not have to “chop” for life – you know that in the next two hours you will definitely sing again. We also learned to feel the natural taste of food – everyone ate without flavorings, without sugar, without salt. And you know, bran with kefir has a great taste!
We eat every 2-3 hours. In the morning we have carbohydrates for the first three meals. Breakfast – oatmeal, then – oatmeal or vegetables. For example, I make myself a bran snack with kefir at work. In the afternoon – proteins. Meat, fish, chicken, chickpeas, legumes. All with vegetables. In the evening – workout at 9 o’clock, after which you can kefir.
There is nothing new in the #Sekta system for me, because for 15 years I have definitely been doing the fact that I’m losing weight and getting fat. The system is important here, which structures everything and gives comfort. All the methods that I used before – I went to Bakanova and went on diets, sinned one thing – I was constantly feeling hungry. We were counting calories and thinking, “Oh my god, how many calories are left for today?” Such pressure always started to break me – I was afraid of losing food. The psychological defense of the organism worked, which thought that it would never see something tasty again!
In #Sekta, it’s hard to keep track of your reflexes and not drag everything into your mouth. Here lies the candy at the son, and the hand itself stretches. You have to constantly monitor your eating habits. The list of approved products is quite wide, so even in operating mode, you can safely choose something useful and necessary for yourself.
I quite naturally and easily switched to this regime: I always feel full, satisfied, I eat regularly and only certain foods. Every day I have to take a whole bunch of food jars to work. But what turned out this week is that it turns out that I can eat much less food, so I returned half of the jars home untouched.
Training. I periodically work out in the gym and always, when I went to training, I took 2 hours of classes. Therefore, here I really do not have enough training. But I understand that this is just a dosed load. Exercises are intense, difficult, for some they are beyond the power. I want more. But I reassure myself that 2 hours every day is already too much, here everything is philanthropic.
Feelings of the first week. The #Sekta system is a smart eating system that is very difficult to enter on your own. I could not pull myself together for a whole year, every Monday I went on a diet, bought fitness subscriptions – and everything was useless. And here for a whole week I feel the comfort of a reasonable approach!
First week results:
Weight: -2,4 kg (71,5 kg), volumes – so far unchanged.
Elena, 23 years old: it is impossible to love oatmeal!
Parameters before starting to lose weight:
Growth: 171 см
The weight: 69 kg
Volumes: chest – 88 cm, waist – 77 cm, hips – 106,5 cm
Elena’s weight before losing weight is 69 kg.
– The rules of the game are quite simple and complex at the same time. Proper nutrition and exercise, exercise, exercise … exercise …
Food. Oatmeal is not food, it’s a weird breakfast mix without salt and additives. You just have to stuff it into yourself, not breathing. For those who don’t like oatmeal, this is a problem. Because for breakfast you can eat oatmeal, or oatmeal, or oatmeal, and you can also oatmeal. You have to come to terms with this. Live through. Or love. So far, there are problems with love, but at least I try not to quarrel.
But in general, the food is good. It seems that it’s easier to get up, and you sleep better, and somehow you feel light in general … Another five containers with food that I cook at home wouldn’t pull my bag away! After all, you need to eat often, but in a cafe you have to find an assortment for #Sekta food. But there is always food with you. And you just have to get used to this too.
Not to say that #Sekta’s eating rules were particularly new. It is rather a compote of all known truths, only cooked into one understandable dish. But understandable does not mean simple: walking by the bakery, you involuntarily catch yourself thinking about some sinful delicacy. However, motivation still takes its toll, and you want to achieve your goals in the end.
Training. Training in #Sekta is something like nine circles of hell, only there are four of them. It seems that you will die right now, here, on this rug, and so every next circle, every next exercise. And then, leaving the hall, you feel an extraordinary lightness in the body, head, soul. As if all bakery sins are forgiven.
The first workout in the introductory lecture, in which you died in each of the laps, turns into an easy daily morning workout. Or not always easy, but definitely not so deadly.
However, the advantages of full-time study are felt in the room. I missed only one health workout and did one at home, but at home and in the gym – not the same thing. Standing in the bar for your first or second minute, you are ready to send everything to hell! But it is in the hall that you turn your head and see that the devils will be left without work today: next to them are the same guys who are just as hard, but they do not give up! This motivates, motivates and the guys in the older weeks – strong and fit. Curators motivate …
Curator. This is not a human being, but an energy bomb. The curator manages to explain the workout, do the workout, help you do the workout, help everyone do the workout, and then, when you are half dead, pull the expensive little hand to water, jumps like an instinct and smiles. They are very cool, support, explain, in the hall and in the chat.
General chat. The chat is fun and noisy: questions, answers. We are still just learning, and the main topic is food. Everyone in the chat is talking about food! And about oatmeal!
In general, the atmosphere in the group and in the chat is favorable – the guys are sociable, the curators are responsive. As if in a family where you have been expected for a long time, but whose foundations and rules still need to learn to understand and love.
Feelings of the first week. Is it a hurry to talk about the results? Well … a little bit 🙂
I lost a little weight at the waist, and even a little abs appeared! The skin on the face is clearer. And the stomach has ceased to grumble and ache, he now quite hums quite enough, digesting the sectarian food.
Overall, the week was not very hard or very easy. Everything seems to go on as usual (well, except perhaps for the oatmeal. Although it goes, but not without effort). If we talk about training, then all of them are difficult, but at the same time, as it turned out, not impossible. Muscles, the existence of which I did not even suspect, remind of themselves.
First week results:
Waist: -1,5 cm (75,5 cm), weight – unchanged so far.
Marina, 35 years old: “romance” with weight
Parameters before starting to lose weight:
Growth: 159 см
The weight: 79 kg
Volumes: chest – 106 cm, waist – 90 cm, hips – 107 cm.
Marina’s weight before losing weight is 79 kg.
– Once I woke up and realized: it’s time to end the overweight “romance”. Why do I call this my most obvious flaw with the beautiful word “romance”? Because I felt good, comfortable and comfortable. I’ve always liked my body, and not only me. Why then change something, when almost all your life you are in the illusion that you look great? Your figure seems beautiful to your loved one, and you believe him. I really am, probably, a rare lucky woman who has not acquired a single complex since childhood about the imperfection of her figure.
Until the age of 20, I had no motivation to lose weight. And then I got carried away by fashion and lost weight from 72 kg to 57 kg, simply by normalizing my diet – without sports. I have never had a good relationship with sports. But my pounds provoked health problems.
Food. It was very easy for me. The food system did not cause any discomfort at all, everything is delicious to me and I do not even dream of “harm”.
Training. The hardest part is training. It’s incredibly hard for me and I still feel like not even a cow on the ice, but a clumsy seal. I can’t stand in the plank for 30 seconds instead of a few minutes, I can’t do push-ups and lunges. With my zero physical fitness, this is not surprising. But on the other hand, even with my “seal” workouts, I already understood what a thrill it is – pleasant muscle pain and fatigue when you really work. I work to the best of my ability, but I really hope to overcome my weakness and clumsiness – every day is a small victory over myself.
Feelings of the first week. During this first week, #Sekta gave me what I needed most – a shake-up, positive stress and a fighting spirit to move towards my goal. And for me it is, first of all, health, and secondly, beauty and self-satisfaction.
First week results:
Chest: -2cm (104cm)
Waist: – 3 cm (87 cm)
Hips: -3cm (104cm)
Weight: -2,2kg (76,8kg)