Weight loss affirmations. Video technique

Weight loss affirmations. Video technique

Affirmations are formula phrases that help a person to consolidate a certain image or thought in their minds through repeated repetition. With their help, you can not only gain self-confidence or get rid of complexes, but even solve the problem of excess weight.

How to write weight loss affirmations correctly

According to reviews of people who have used affirmations to get rid of extra pounds, this method becomes an ideal addition to diet and exercise. It helps to lose weight even people who have already tried many different methods and become disappointed in each of them. However, in order for affirmations to be effective, they need to be composed correctly.

The secret of this method of losing weight lies in the fact that thanks to them, the body over time begins to receive special signals from the brain, and this has a positive effect on the figure.

Remember two simple rules: firstly, affirmations must include the verb in the present tense, and secondly, they must not contain negatives. A bad choice would be “I’m not getting fat” or “In the future, my weight will be ideal.”

Be sure to keep them short when writing affirmations. The fewer words you use, the better. Vivid examples of short phrases: “My weight is decreasing” or “I am getting thinner.”

It is also important to keep the affirmations simple and straightforward. Do not use metaphors and complex terms when compiling them.

It is important that formula phrases evoke only positive emotions and associations in you. Never use words that annoy you or lead to dark thoughts. Do not say: “I refuse delicious food for the sake of losing weight.” Better say: “I choose a slender, beautiful body.”

The subtleties of using affirmations

Make your own personalized list of phrases and use them daily. Repeat your chosen formulation throughout the day. Putting yourself in order in front of the mirror, look at your body with pleasure, imagining how it is becoming more beautiful every day. Fall asleep thinking that you are attractive and sexy. Enjoy diet and exercise. Rest assured, this will help you get your weight off the ground.

To remind yourself of affirmations, write the wording on sheets of paper and place them in the parts of the house you visit most often. You can hang one such sheet in front of your computer desk so that you do not forget to regularly repeat the selected phrase and cheer yourself up with it. Such a simple method will soon give a result, and you will notice that you began to love yourself more, and your figure gradually began to take on the desired forms.

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