Weight in pregnancy – norms, underweight, overweight, proper diet. How should weight change in pregnancy and what does it depend on?

Pregnancy is a special time for a woman, not only because she will soon give birth to a baby, but also because of the exceptional changes that take place in her body. One of the most important and most noticeable changes is weight gain. This is, of course, a completely natural symptom that indicates that a fetus is developing in the womb. But what should be the correct weight in pregnancy? How to control it and what is worth knowing about extra pounds during this period? Here is a short article that will help every mother-to-be to control her weight in pregnancy.

How much does pregnancy weigh, or why do we gain weight?

Pregnant woman should notice an increase in weight. This is because the woman’s body develops not only the fetus, but also the elements that allow it to develop. Pregnant weight depends on many factors, including the weight of the woman prior to pregnancy. It is generally accepted, however, that during pregnancy, a woman’s body weight is greater by about 9-15 kg. Where did this result come from? On this weight consists of the following elements:

  1. fetus – about 3,5 kg,
  2. bearing – about 0,5-1,5 kg,
  3. uterus – about 2 kg,
  4. amniotic fluid – about 3 kg,
  5. breasts – approx. 1-3 kg,
  6. adipose tissue – approx. 2-5 kg.

What affects weight in pregnancy?

Pregnancy may vary depending on your organism and weight gain may differ. Pregnant weight It depends on many factors. The most important ones include: weight before pregnancy, lifestyle, woman’s height, diet, diseases and genetic conditions.

Pregnant weight in each trimester

Pregnant woman gains weight differently in different trimesters. Depending on the weight of the woman before pregnancy in pierwszym in the trimester there should be an increase in weight of 2-4 kg, in others trimester – 4-5 kg, and in third trimester – 5-6 kg. The less weight a woman is before pregnancy, the more she can gain weight during pregnancy.

Overweight during pregnancy

Many people mistakenly believe that the more a pregnant woman gets fat, the bigger and stronger the baby will be. This is not true. For this reason, it is wrong to advise that a woman should eat for two during pregnancy. Such action may lead to overweight in pregnancy. Future mothers should definitely avoid such a situation, including using a proper diet and leading an active lifestyle. If we have the opportunity, it is good to sign up for special exercises for pregnant women, which will not only help to keep the woman’s body in a proper condition, but also make it better prepared for childbirth, and after childbirth it will recover faster. Remember that obesity in pregnancy it can lead to back pain and varicose veins in a mother-to-be, and also increase the risk of certain diseases. Overweight in the mother can cause, among others macrosomia and abnormal postpartum glycaemia values ​​in a child.

Low weight in pregnancy

Some pregnant women struggling with overweightwhile others have too little weight gain during pregnancy. What does such a situation mean and how to react to it? It is worth realizing that too low weight in pregnancy it can cause various complications for both the baby and the mother. As a result, it can lead to premature birth or too slow development of the fetus, among other things. Low weight in pregnancy it can also result in premature separation of the placenta, giving birth to a low-weight baby, which in turn increases the risk of disease and even death after birth.

How to take care of weight in pregnancy?

Every woman should learn to be in control to stay fit and healthy pregnant weight. How to do it? First of all, it is good to keep a diary in which we will write down our weight every day. In addition to the exercises already mentioned, it is also worth paying attention to your diet. Diet of a pregnant woman it should contain many ingredients that have a positive effect on both the mother and the baby. The body of the future mother mainly needs vitamins, such as A, B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, C, E, and minerals, primarily calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, copper, iodine and selenium. Down diet it is worth including fruit and vegetables, as well as protein, but you should give up highly processed products, sweets and salty snacks. It is important not only what we eat, but also how. Meals should be eaten regularly, several times a day. Thanks to this growth pregnant weight will be normal, adipose tissue will not accumulate excessively and we will ensure proper insulin secretion. Any supplementation of vitamins and minerals should be ordered by a doctor – during pregnancy it is safer not to take any medications on your own.

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