Weight gain during pregnancy – photo

It took her three years to get back to normal weight.

To be honest, Sophia Vyshinsky was not thin even at the time of conception. And the point here is not a hormonal failure, not a disease. The girl said that after the death of her mother in 2009, she began to eat twice as much as before: she filled the void. Grief stuck. It is unlikely that food helped to reduce the pain of loss. But Sophia got better – that’s for sure. By 2014, the girl already weighed 135 kilograms.

“While I was eating, I was happy. The very process of eating food calmed me down, ”Sophia explains.

At the age of 20, the girl became pregnant.

“I was both scared and joyful. When the test showed two strips, I realized that I really want a child. I promised myself that I would do everything for my baby to make him feel good, ”Sophia recalls.

The aspiration is commendable. But, unfortunately, Sofia took the common phrase that expectant mothers should eat for two literally. Not only did she eat a lot, but her diet was not at all healthy. The girl managed to absorb 4000 kilocalories per day – this is more than two times more than needed.

“When it comes to food, I went to an even greater extreme than before. I ate a pound of ice cream in one sitting and told myself that it was because the child needed calcium. And so every day, ”explains the girl.

On the threshold of her 21st birthday, Sophia gave birth. Looking in the mirror at herself with her son in her arms, she realized that she had to change her life, she couldn’t go on like this. Indeed, for 9 months, while she was carrying a child, Sophia added more than 50 kilograms. The nose was buried in the cheeks, the eyes seemed slanting – behind the pile of fat, the young girl, which she, in essence, was, was not visible.

Sophia could not lose weight on her own. The eating disorder was so severe that she was unable to cope with it. And the girl decided to resort to surgery. A year after the birth of her son, she underwent an operation to reduce the stomach. This helped – in the first three months, Sophia lost 44 kilograms.

Then – a strict diet, a gym, work on yourself. A lot of work.

“I limited both the portion size and the daily calorie intake. She allowed herself no more than 800 calories a day. It was not easy, but I kept telling myself that it was for my son. I had to save myself and do everything for my son that he deserves, ”says Sophia.

The girl recalls that at first she was so huge that it was difficult for her to move. But gradually she could get more and more. Now Sofia still restricts herself in food – the daily calorie intake for her is 1200-1500. She goes to the gym three or four times a week.

Sofia lost 108 kilograms in two years. But there was another problem – extra skin. The girl decided on one more operation – to remove the excess. So it became smaller by another 5,5 kilograms. To say that she has changed is to say nothing. A completely different body, a different face. Even the forehead seems to be taller.

“Now I finally like my reflection in the mirror. I feel like I can do more, so I will continue to diet and exercise. I realized that I need to fight for what you really want. It’s never too late to change yourself, the main thing is to find motivation. For me, my baby became such a motivation. He is worthy of a healthy mom. He deserves the best, “- said Sofia in a conversation with Daily Mail.

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