Weigh it all: how to lose weight without stress?

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It is rare for a woman to dream of losing weight without eating restrictions and tedious workouts, but not everyone can find the perfect way to do this. Why are the most popular weight loss methods good and how to choose the best one?

It is no secret that each product has its own calorie content, that is, it is equivalent to a certain amount of energy. Have spent the energy contained in it, which means that you have not gained a single gram, have not spent – sooner or later the excess will backfire in the form of accumulated body fat. That’s the whole principle of the calorie-based diet. In order for you to work out everything you eat during a normal day at the office, leisurely walks or household chores, you should consume at least 1500 kcal per day. Taking into account the table of calorie content of products (it is easy to find it on the Internet), proceed to simple mathematical calculations and thinking over the menu. So, 100 g of minced lamb contains about 280 kcal, curd cheese will “cost” you 330 kcal, and grana padano cheese of the same weight will cost 400 kcal. The method is attractive in that it is not necessary to change your eating habits, the main thing is not to go beyond the norm and moderate your appetites after you have given up slack. The effect will be, but this method is definitely not healthy, because, let’s be honest, the choice between a serving of vegetables and an appetizing pasta will not always be decided in favor of the former.

The most popular of Hollywood diets lasts two weeks, therefore it is so in demand among the stars – thanks to it, you can noticeably lose weight by the appointed social event or the beginning of filming in a new film. However, there is much more harm in it than benefit. So, you have to eat only twice a day (breakfasts are canceled) and only eggs, boiled fish and meat, fresh vegetables and fruits with a minimum of carbohydrates. In this case, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water. Needless to say, the portions for lunch and dinner are tiny? The main disadvantage of the diet is that from such a sharp change in diet, your body will experience serious stress, which means that you, no doubt, will gain even more lost immediately after the diet is over. Remember that the wasp waist of celebrities sometimes costs them their health.

A common practice among those who prefer to take a break from food from time to time, in principle, is fasting for 3 hours. At the same time, you cannot just take it and stop eating with a strong-willed decision, it is too dangerous. You should smoothly enter and exit the fasting day no less carefully. On the first day, you need to limit the consumption of fatty and carbohydrate foods, exclude any cereals and legumes, drink only unsweetened tea. For example, if you decide to make a vegetable salad for lunch, season it with a little olive oil and do not salt it. It is better to refuse dinner altogether. The next day, you are only allowed to drink 4-XNUMX liters of water. Be careful: weakness and slight dizziness are possible. On the third day, you can eat exactly the same as on the first day, gradually adding some protein foods. Ideally, if, having decided on fasting, you still consult with your doctor in case of an unexpected reaction of the body.

Once the great ballerina Maya Plisetskaya, not hesitating in expressions, said that the guarantee of a good figure lies only in one thing – you need to eat less. But for those who want to lose weight, this is often the most difficult thing. How to voluntarily cut back on the usual portions and not leave the table half-starved?

Medical device “Porziola” specially designed for those who want to moderate their appetite without giving up their favorite foods. You just need to take two capsules of “Porziola” half an hour before meals and wash them down with 350 ml of warm non-carbonated water. The capsules are saturated with water and form a hydrogel that partially fills the stomach. As a result, you will eat exactly as much as will fit in the free space, that is, much less than before. Now, when you say that you just do not master the dessert, it will be pure truth, and not slyness. Important, that “Portion” does not interact with the cells of the body, does not contain calories and is completely excreted from the body unchanged. You can take capsules as a standalone weight loss product or in addition to your diet. In any case, centimeters at the waist and hips will melt day by day, and you will get rid of restrictions and feelings of hunger. Combine the reception “Portion” with any activity – swimming, running, dancing or just walking for pleasure – and the result will not take long.

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