Weigela Red Prince (Red Prince): planting and care

In its natural environment, weigela is common in East Asia, three species are found in the Far East. On the basis of wild-growing varieties, a large number of hybrids have been created (from dwarf to medium-sized shrubs). Varieties differ from each other in the color of leaves and flowers. Weigela Red Prince is the result of American selection. The culture is adapted to the climatic conditions of Our Country, shrubs are grown for decorating gardens and household plots.

Weigela Red Prince (Red Prince): planting and care

Description Weigel Red Prince

Weigela blooming Red Prince is a perennial, deciduous hybrid belonging to medium-sized shrubs. The height and volume of the crown in an adult plant is 1,5 m. The duration of the biological cycle is 30-35 years, the main increase in height and width occurs in the first 5 years of life, the culture adds 15-20 cm per year.

External characteristics of the shrub:

  1. The crown is spreading, dense, rounded. Shoots are upright with drooping tops, perennial dark brown, the current year is green with a gray tint.
  2. Weigela shrub Red Prince densely leafy. The leaves are opposite, without petioles, light green with a yellow central vein, yellow in autumn. The edges of the leaf plate are serrated. The surface is smooth, matte. Do not fall until the first frost.
  3. The root system is powerful, overgrown, superficial, mixed type.
  4. Seed boxes are oval, dark gray, contain 2 seeds with lionfish. They ripen after each flowering in July and September, take summer material for breeding.

Fallen seeds germinate on their own in the spring only in the southern regions. In areas with cold winters, next year’s planting material does not produce young shoots.

How weigela Red Prince blooms

Variety Red Prince blooms 2 times during the growing season and refers to the average flowering time. Weigela forms buds in mid-May at the top of last year’s stems; flowers appear after 14 days. The first flowering in weigela is abundant for 1-1,5 months. The second wave is shorter and more intense. The buds are formed on young shoots in August, the flowers are smaller in size and fade in September.

The flowers are large, bright carmine in color, grow up to 6 cm in length, collected 4-6 pieces in inflorescences. Thomas is bell-shaped, consists of 5 petals. White anthers located on long light pink stamen filaments give decorativeness to the flower. Unlike other representatives of the species, Red Prince weigela flowers do not change color and have a delicate aroma.

Application in landscape design

The perennial shrub Red Prince blooms profusely and for a long time, retains its decorative habit for a long time. These qualities are a priority when choosing a variety. They grow a plant for decorating a backyard landscape, summer cottages, gardens. They are used for landscaping urban recreation areas, microdistricts, territories adjacent to administrative buildings.

Variants of design techniques for using the Red Prince weigela for landscape design are presented in the photo below.

Weigela Red Prince (Red Prince): planting and care

As a tapeworm in the center of the flower bed.

Weigela Red Prince (Red Prince): planting and care

In composition with dwarf and coniferous shrubs in mixborders.

Weigela Red Prince (Red Prince): planting and care

At the edge of the park.

Weigela Red Prince (Red Prince): planting and care

As a color accent in rockeries.

Weigela Red Prince (Red Prince): planting and care

To create a hedge.

Weigela Red Prince (Red Prince): planting and care

For lawn decoration.

Weigela Red Prince not only harmoniously combines with plants, but also gets along well with them. The shrub is not affected by diseases, therefore it is not a source of infection. It is not afraid of parasitic insects that can spread to it from other representatives of the flora.

Breeding methods

Weigela Red Prince is propagated by seeds, layering, cuttings and dividing the bush. The generative method is longer, seedlings will bloom only for 3 years, gardeners rarely use it. A faster and less time-consuming method is the vegetative one:

  1. Cuttings. The material is harvested after flowering from last year’s shoots. They take the central part of the stem with a size of 20 cm. The cuttings are planted in the soil, constantly watered. By autumn, the material will take root, it is insulated for the winter, and planted on the site in the spring.
  2. By dividing the bush. Weigela Red Prince takes root well in a new place. For division, a bush is taken at least 5 years old. Work is carried out in the spring before sap flow.
  3. Layers. To obtain planting material, last year’s lower shoot is bent to the ground, fixed, covered with earth. During the spring-summer period, they are watered; for the winter, the layers are covered. In the spring, young shoots will appear, in early June, plots are cut and planted on the site.
Important! When vegetatively bred, weigela Red Prince will bloom the next year.

Rules for planting Weigel Red Prince

Weigela Red Prince is an unpretentious plant, takes root well, does not require increased attention from the gardener. To get a healthy plant with a dense crown and the ability to bloom twice in a season, a number of rules must be followed.

Recommended timing

According to gardeners, in a temperate climate, the Red Prince weigela is planted on the site in the spring, when the soil has warmed up to +6 0C. Estimated dates are at the end of April or at the beginning of May. Autumn planting is suitable only for the Southern regions, in the Middle lane the weigela will not have time to take root before the onset of frost, the seedling will die during the winter.

Site selection and preparation of soil

For abundant flowering weigela Red Prince needs a sufficient amount of light. A shrub is planted in an open area, a place with periodic shading (no more than two hours a day) is suitable. Hybrid Red Prince will not give abundant flowering if the landing site is in a draft. To exclude the influence of the north wind in an open area, the plant is placed near tall trees or ornamental shrubs that are taller and wider than the weigela. The optimal place is the southern slopes or the southeast side behind the wall of the building.

Suitable soils for Red Prince weigela are sandy or loamy, light, fertile, enriched with oxygen. Lowlands and wetlands are not suitable. Weigela does not tolerate even slight waterlogging of the soil. The composition of the soil should be neutral or slightly alkaline. For spring planting, the site is prepared in the fall, dug up, if necessary, neutralize acidity, add organic matter and urea.

Weigela Red Prince (Red Prince): planting and care

How to plant

Before planting, Red Prince weigels prepare fertile soil, mix equal parts sand, compost, and soil from the landing site. Add ash and a product containing phosphorus. The seedling root is disinfected with a solution of manganese, then dipped into Kornevin to stimulate growth.

Weigela planting sequence:

  1. They dig a planting hole with a diameter of 50×60 cm, the depth is equal to the length of the root system to the neck, plus 20 cm for drainage and 15 cm for a layer of fertile mixture.
  2. Gravel or small stones are placed at the bottom of the pit, a layer of prepared nutrient soil is placed on top.
  3. The seedling is placed in the center, covered with the rest of the mixture and soil.
  4. Compact the near-stem circle, water, mulch.
Important! The root neck is not deepened, leaving it 3 cm above the ground level.

When creating a hedge, maintain a distance between seedlings of 1,5 m.

Growing rules

Weigela Red Prince is grown on the site as an element of decor, so the shrub should bloom profusely and have a well-formed crown. To achieve the desired result, you must follow the care instructions.


Weigela Red Prince is a plant with medium drought resistance, periodic watering is necessary for young seedlings throughout the growing season. Do not allow the root ball to dry out and waterlogging. If there is no precipitation, the plant is watered three times a week with a small amount of water. An adult shrub is abundantly moistened during the budding period. The following procedure is carried out in mid-June – during abundant flowering, as well as in mid-August. If the precipitation is normal, the adult weigela is not watered.

Additional fertilizing

The young shrub of the weigela Red Prince is not fed up to 3 years. The plant has enough micronutrients introduced during planting. In the early spring, an adult weigel is given a complex fertilizer, potassium-containing agents are given at the beginning of flowering, and superphosphate after 2 weeks. In autumn, the near-trunk circle is covered with wood ash.

Loosening, mulching

An adult plant does not respond to soil compaction, weeds do not grow under a dense, low-lying crown. Loosening is necessary for young seedlings, for the growth of the root system, unhindered access of oxygen is needed. Loosening is relevant after each watering or precipitation, weeds are removed if necessary.

Mulching a plant is a necessary and multifunctional procedure. The covering layer retains moisture, protects the root system from overheating, and is an element of decor.

Weigela Red Prince (Red Prince): planting and care

A mixture of peat and sawdust, crushed pine cones, tree bark or wood chips are used as a mulching material, giving a neat aesthetic appearance to the site. By autumn, the layer is increased with needles or straw, and the mulch is renewed in spring.

Pruning, crown formation

The natural form of the Red Prince weigela is compact, the branches do not protrude beyond the boundaries of the visual framework. The formation of the crown of the plant is not required. Pruning is carried out after flowering in July. Last year’s shoots, on which there were peduncles, remove the upper part by 15-25 cm. In the spring, cosmetic pruning is done, dry fragments, twisted, weak shoots are removed. The shrub is thinned out if necessary. Rejuvenating pruning of the Red Prince weigele is done 1 time in 2 years. All old branches are cut off near the root, work is carried out before sap flow.

Preparation for winter

Hybrid varieties of the crop are less resistant to low temperatures, the frost resistance of Red Prince weigela is no exception. A plant without serious losses of the crown and root system can withstand -28 0 C, but in spring the difference between plus day and minus night temperatures causes freezing of the shoots. Therefore, young seedlings and adult shrubs in a temperate climate need shelter for the winter.

Preparing for winter:

  1. An adult plant is irrigated with moisture.
  2. Young bushes spud.
  3. The entire age category of Red Prince weigels increase the layer of mulch.
  4. The stems are collected in a bundle, tied with a rope.
  5. Bend to the ground, fix.
  6. They are covered with a special material that does not allow moisture to pass through.
  7. Around the bushes make a fence about 35-50 cm high.
  8. Dry leaves fall asleep inside, cover with spruce branches on top, in winter the structure is covered with snow.
Attention! Open the plant in spring, when the night temperature does not fall below +4 0C.

Pests and diseases

The Red Prince hybrid has a high immunity to bacterial and viral infection. The plant does not get sick, if the plant is located in a wetland, rotting of the root system is possible. Of the pests on the weigel, aphids parasitize. An effective remedy for insect control is the preparation “Keltan”. The reason for the appearance of aphids are ants, after processing the bush, anthills are removed from the site. For the prevention of a bear in the spring, water the weigela with Aktara solution under the root.


Weigela Red Prince is an ornamental flowering shrub of American selection. They grow a culture in order to design the landscape of a city, garden, backyard or summer cottage. Weigela is unpretentious in care, retains its decorative effect for a long time, does not get sick and is rarely affected by pests.

Weigela Red Prince and Hydrangea pinky winky


Karina Tatarintseva, 48 years old, Moscow region
Weigela Red Prince spread cuttings in her suburban area. Of the 10 pieces, 8 took root. 7 seedlings took root on the site, the result for the hybrid is good. I planted a weigela along the perimeter of the central hedge, at a distance of 2 m. I have been growing a shrub for 6 years, blooming for three years. The sight is magnificent, from June to September the bushes are like bright crimson balls. Crop care is minimal, for the winter I cover the plant completely.
Valentina Khristenko, 50 years old, Voronezh region
Weigela Red Prince pleased with its flowering for several years, 2 years ago it divorced aphids on a shrub, all measures to get rid of the pest did not bring a positive result, in the fall the shrub had to be cut off completely. She left shoots about 10 cm from the root, covered well for the winter. In the spring, the shrub gave new shoots, but did not bloom. This year the hybrid was completely covered with flowers.

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