Weigela Middendorf – a representative of the Honeysuckle family, in terms of flowering comes to replace the lilac. In its natural environment, the plant is found in the Far East, Siberia, Primorsky Krai, Sakhalin. Weigela is represented by numerous varieties with a variety of colors and bush sizes. They grow a culture for landscaping the territory, use it in landscape design.

Weigela Middendorf (Middendorffiana): ornamental trees and shrubs, planting and care

Description of Weigela Middendorf

In the middle of the XNUMXth century, Middendorf’s weigela was listed in the botanical reference book, the plant got its name in honor of the secretary of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, explorer and naturalist A. Middendorf. Currently, the shrub in the wild is on the verge of extinction, it is listed in the Red Book and is under state protection. In its natural environment, the plant is found in the undergrowth of coniferous forests, on the edges of cedar trees and shrubs, coastal areas and on rocky slopes.

Weigela Middendorf (pictured) is a perennial deciduous shrub. In Our Country, the variety has been grown since 1950 in botanical gardens. It has successfully adapted to the conditions of the Altai climate, recommended for breeding in the Leningrad, Moscow region, Western Siberia, Altai. The frost-resistant variety of Middendorf tolerates temperatures as low as -38 0C without freezing of the root system. Weigela is also characterized by high winter hardiness, spring temperature changes do not affect the vegetation of the plant. Culture successfully resists drought. Deficit of moisture tolerates much better than excess.

Description of Weigela Middendorf:

  1. The variety grows in the form of a multi-stemmed shrub up to 1,5 m tall, the crown is oval, overgrown to the sides. The culture is intensively leafy, perennial shoots of a dark brown color.
  2. The leaves are opposite, lanceolate, pointed upwards. The surface is finely pubescent with a pronounced network of veins, bright green, petioles are absent.
  3. The root system of the Weigela Middendorff is slightly deepened, of a mixed type, the root circle is wide, with a volume of 1,5 m.
  4. Seeds – small boxes, equipped with a lionfish, are formed in the fall after the second flowering.

Weigela Middendorf planting material is suitable for generative propagation. The annual growth of the plant is insignificant, by the age of five the shrub reaches the end point of growth and is considered an adult. The duration of the biological life of the weigela is 55 years.

How Weigela Middendorf blooms

The variety belongs to crops with an average flowering period, a distinctive feature of the Middendorf weigela, which makes it attractive to gardeners, is double flowering. The first wave begins at the end of May, the next – in August. The duration of flowering is 4 weeks. Therefore, the entire season, the shrubs look aesthetically pleasing.

The first buds are formed at the top of last year’s stems, at the end of summer on the shoots of the current year. Weigela blooms with single large flowers, less often they are collected in inflorescences of 2-3 pieces. The shape is funnel-shaped or tubular in the form of a bell. The color during flowering changes from bright yellow to light lemon. A bright crimson blotch in the middle of the pharynx makes the flower decorative.

Weigela Middendorf (Middendorffiana): ornamental trees and shrubs, planting and care

Important! Weigela Middendorf blooms without aroma.

Application in landscape design

Due to the decorative habit of Weigel Middendorf during long flowering, it is widely used for decorating household plots and landscaping urban recreation areas. An unpretentious plant requires minimal care, the only condition for abundant flowering is that the shrub should be in an open area, periodic shading is acceptable.

For landscape design, all varieties of weigela with different colors are used. A few examples of the use of the Middendorf weigela in design are presented below:

  1. Imitation of a corner of wild nature in a city square.

    Weigela Middendorf (Middendorffiana): ornamental trees and shrubs, planting and care

  2. As a tapeworm in the center of the flower bed against the wall of the building.

    Weigela Middendorf (Middendorffiana): ornamental trees and shrubs, planting and care

  3. Along the garden path.

    Weigela Middendorf (Middendorffiana): ornamental trees and shrubs, planting and care

  4. Near the garden bench.

    Weigela Middendorf (Middendorffiana): ornamental trees and shrubs, planting and care

  5. Slope design.

    Weigela Middendorf (Middendorffiana): ornamental trees and shrubs, planting and care

  6. Near the wall of the gazebo.

    Weigela Middendorf (Middendorffiana): ornamental trees and shrubs, planting and care

  7. In a composition with conifers.

    Weigela Middendorf (Middendorffiana): ornamental trees and shrubs, planting and care

  8. As a hedge.

    Weigela Middendorf (Middendorffiana): ornamental trees and shrubs, planting and care

  9. Making the foreground rabatok.

    Weigela Middendorf (Middendorffiana): ornamental trees and shrubs, planting and care

  10. To decorate the banks of an artificial reservoir in rockeries.

    Weigela Middendorf (Middendorffiana): ornamental trees and shrubs, planting and care

Varieties of weigela harmoniously look in any composition: in mass planting and as a single shrub.

Breeding methods

According to gardeners, Middendorf weigela can be bred in any convenient way:

  1. Seeds. Sowing seeds in containers is carried out in April, after 3 weeks shoots will appear. The sprouts are in the container until the next spring, then they are placed on the site.
  2. Layers. The lower branch is bent to the ground, fixed, covered with soil. The buds give roots in about 1 month. In the South, rooted material can be cut and planted before winter, in a temperate climate they are planted in spring.
  3. Root shoots. The fastest way.
  4. Cuttings. The material is cut from last year’s shoots, about 15 cm from the central part. Harvest time – August, the material hibernates in containers with soil until spring.
Advice! The strongest cuttings of the Middendorf weigela are planted on the site before the main sap flow.

Planting and caring for Weigela Middendorff

Weigela Middendorf is an unpretentious plant that gets along well with any representative of the flora, except for the dense planting of large-sized trees, whose dense crown creates a shadow. In such conditions, you should not expect secondary flowering from weigela.

Recommended timing

The best accommodation option on the weigela site is early spring, the end of March – the beginning of April. Terms are conditional, for each climatic zone, the landing time is individual. The earth should warm up to +8 0C, after planting there should be no frost. Autumn planting of Middendorf weigela in regions with cold winters can lead to death of the plant.

Site selection and preparation of soil

For Weigela Middendorf, a sufficient amount of light is vital. In the shade, the shrub loses its decorative effect. Shading of the site is allowed for 2-3 hours a day. A suitable place for Middendorf’s weigela will be the slopes of ravines, open areas in the garden, the south side of the building. When choosing a place, take into account that the culture does not tolerate drafts.

The composition of the soil at the landing site of the Middendorf weigela should be neutral or slightly acidic, light, nutritious, drained. The plant will react calmly to dry root coma, waterlogging can cause rotting. Lowlands and wetlands are not suitable for Middendorf weigela. Before spring planting, they dig up the site in autumn, add organic agents, urea, and ash.

How to plant

Before planting, a nutrient soil is prepared, consisting of equal parts of sand, humus, peat and soil from the planting site. Fertile land is divided into two equal parts. The root of the seedling before being assigned to a permanent place is treated with an antifungal drug, dipped in Kornevin for 4 hours.


  1. They dig a hole 50 * 60 cm in size, 70 cm deep.
  2. Gravel of medium fraction is laid at the bottom, the layer must be at least 10 cm.
  3. A fertile mixture is poured, a cone-shaped hill is made in the center of the pit.
  4. The root is installed on the embankment, covered with the remnants of the soil.
  5. Tamped, watered.
Important! The root neck is left above the surface.

During mass planting, the interval between Middendorf weigela seedlings should be 1,5 m.

Growing rules

Weigela Middendorf requires certain conditions for care, especially in the first three years of growth, and then annually during flowering.

Weigela Middendorf (Middendorffiana): ornamental trees and shrubs, planting and care


The adult Weigela Middendorf is calm about the lack of rainfall. Watering is carried out at the time of budding and further flowering, the frequency is 1 time in 6 days. For the second flowering, watering depends on rainfall. A large amount of moisture during autumn flowering can give a negative result, the flowers do not have time to fully open, they begin to fall off. Young seedlings of Middendorf are watered periodically with a small amount of water. The soil should be slightly damp.

Additional fertilizing

The first top dressing of weigels is carried out immediately after the snow melts. Complex fertilizers are scattered around the bush, urea or potassium salt is suitable. At the time of the formation of flower buds, weigel is given superphosphate. Before the second flowering, organics are introduced.

Loosening, mulching

After each watering of young seedlings, the root circle is loosened, and weeds are removed along the way. Loosening is carried out shallowly to raise the top layer by about 5 cm. Adult plants do not need loosening. Weeds must be removed, this measure prevents the spread of aphids.

Weigela Middendorf is mulched immediately after planting. In the autumn the layer is increased, in the spring it is renewed. It is recommended to use chopped tree bark as mulch. The material retains moisture well, looks aesthetically pleasing on the site.

Pruning, crown formation

Weigela Middendorf is compact, not sprawling, has a natural decorative habit, so the shrub is often left in its original form. Sanitary pruning is carried out, dry areas and shoots that have died during the winter are removed in the spring. Every three years, the culture is rejuvenated by cutting out 3-4 old branches. Weigela Middendorf responds well to cutting shoots, keeps its shape for a long time, therefore it is used by landscape designers.

Preparation for winter

Weigela Middendorf is characterized by increased winter hardiness. An adult plant after 6 years of growth does not require crown shelter; abundant watering and a layer of mulch from straw or needles will suffice. You can cover the basal circle with spruce branches. Young bushes of the Middendorf variety need solid measures for wintering:

  1. The plant is spudded.
  2. Cover with a layer of mulch.
  3. The crown is collected in a loose bundle, carefully fixed with a rope.
  4. I bend down to the ground, install arcs, stretch the covering material.

From above, the structure is covered with spruce branches, in winter they throw a snowdrift.

Pests and diseases

Weigela Middendorf can hardly be called resistant to infections. The plant reacts painfully to the slightest deviations from the required norms, for example, too high humidity of the air and soil. Spotting develops on the leaves, rot in the form of growths on the roots. If a juniper is planted next to the weigela, rust appears on the foliage. Eliminate all manifestations of fungal and bacterial infection with Bordeaux liquid.

Parasitize on culture:

  • aphid;
  • caterpillars;
  • thrips;
  • spider mite.

Eliminate pests Middendorf “Keltan”, “Nitrofen”, “Rogor”. To exclude the bear and the larvae of the May beetle, “Karbofos” or “Aktara” is brought under the root.


Weigela Middendorf is a perennial deciduous shrub. The plant is widely used in the design of sites, urban recreation areas, landscaping microdistricts. A beautiful dense crown and the possibility of two-time flowering throughout the season make it attractive for design. The culture is frost-resistant, it is grown in areas with a cold climate. Safely tolerates drought, weigela can be found in Central Asia and the North Caucasus.


Maria Sorokina, 45 years old, Krasnoyarsk
We have our own household with a small garden in the suburbs. Weigela Middendorf is planted on both sides of the garden path. The variety has been on the site for more than 5 years. I planted six plants (3 on each side), leaving a distance of 2 m between them. During this time, the bushes started up root shoots and completely occupied the free space, forming a continuous green mass in the form of an alley or hedge.
Lyubov Ryzhova, 50 Moscow Region
A few years ago, the Middendorf weigela with large bright yellow flowers replenished my collection of seedlings. The crown is dense, flowering is plentiful both in spring and autumn. Near the rock garden, the plant is included in the composition with red and blue-flowering varieties, located against the background of low conifers. Thanks to the delicate color of the shrubs, the alpine hill looks solemn and elegant.
Weigela middendorf (weigela) 🌿 middendorf weigela review: how to plant, weigela seedlings

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