Planting and caring for weigela in Siberia and the Urals have their own characteristics. If in a warm climate the cultivation of this ornamental shrub does not require much effort, then in regions with harsh winters, weigel should be given more attention.

Is it possible to grow weigela in the Urals and Siberia

Subject to the cultivation techniques and the right choice of variety, the shrub will delight gardeners with lush flowering even in these cold areas.


Varieties of weigela for Siberia

In Siberia, the most unpretentious varieties of weigela should be planted, since frost is the greatest danger to plants. With proper shelter for the winter, weigels of these varieties can withstand a short drop in temperature to -40 ° C.

Weigel’s early

As the name suggests, this variety is characterized by early flowering. From mid-May, abundant pink or light purple-red flowers about 5 cm long bloom on this spreading shrub. The bush is compact, does not exceed 2 m in height. The leaf plate is about 7 cm long, pubescent, elongated with a sharp tip, serrated along the edges. The grade is frost-resistant, well maintains spring frosts.

Weigela in Siberia and the Urals: planting and care, varieties, growing features

Veigela blossoming

This variety blooms twice a year: in June there is abundant flowering lasting up to 20 days, under favorable weather conditions it can bloom a second time at the very beginning of autumn. Weigela blooming combines several subspecies:

  1. Purpura with dark pink flowers and red-brown leaves.

    Weigela in Siberia and the Urals: planting and care, varieties, growing features

  2. Alba, white flowers become pinkish when flowering.

    Weigela in Siberia and the Urals: planting and care, varieties, growing features

  3. Nana Variegata with bright pink corollas and light edging of small leaves. This variety tolerates frosts down to -24°C.

    Weigela in Siberia and the Urals: planting and care, varieties, growing features

Weigel’s pleasant

The shrub of this variety reaches a height of 150 cm. The crown is formed by pubescent shoots covered with elongated oblong leaves up to 6 cm long. Weigela pleasant begins flowering in the last days of May, may re-bloom in the third decade of August. Differs in rather large flowers in the form of a funnel. Outside, the corolla is painted pink with a purple or lilac tint. The inside of the flower is light pink.

Weigela in Siberia and the Urals: planting and care, varieties, growing features

Varieties of weigela for the Urals

The climate of the Urals is heterogeneous, and in different territories the weather conditions differ significantly. Whether weigela can grow in the Urals depends on the variety and the gardener’s ability to provide her with proper care. As well as when growing in Siberia, for the cultivation of this shrub in the gardens of the Urals, it is worth giving preference to hardy frost-resistant varieties.

Veigel Middendorf

This variety of weigela is one of the most hardy, however, in terms of decorative qualities, it is in no way inferior to more capricious varieties. Thanks to unpretentiousness, he will feel good not only in the Urals, but also in Siberia. The bush reaches a height of 250 cm, has oblong pointed leaves and large (up to 4 cm) flowers in the shape of an elongated bell. Corollas are yellow with orange dots. Flowers can be either single or collected in small inflorescences. The flowering period falls on the beginning of May and lasts up to 1 month. In early August, repeated flowering is often observed.

Weigela in Siberia and the Urals: planting and care, varieties, growing features

Weigel Maksymovich

The shrub of this variety has a beautiful spreading crown and grows to a height of 150 cm. Green leaves up to 8 cm long have an oblong shape with a pointed tip. In the second half of May, Maksimovich’s weigela blooms with pale yellow flowers of medium size in the form of a bell funnel. The flowering of this variety is not prolific. Although this weigela does not have increased frost resistance and without shelter it can tolerate colds down to -10 ° C, with proper shelter it winters well in the Urals with a milder climate.

Weigela in Siberia and the Urals: planting and care, varieties, growing features

Planting and caring for weigela in the Urals and Siberia

The cultivation of shrubs in Siberia and the Urals does not differ significantly from weigela agricultural technology in other territories. Numerous photos indicate that the right choice of location, adherence to planting and care technologies make it possible to obtain beautiful healthy, abundantly flowering weigels even when grown in Siberia and the Urals.

Recommended dates

In Siberia and the Urals, weigela is planted in open ground in early spring, when the danger of frost returning has passed, especially since young plants up to 4 years of age, which are especially sensitive to frost, are best suited for planting. Only with the spring planting of shrubs in these regions will the young plant have time to take root and endure the winter well.

Site selection and soil preparation

When planting weigela in the Urals or Siberia, the right choice of location plays an important role. Relatively short summer, the presence of hot summer days, cold winds – these features of the climate of the Urals and Siberia can significantly damage the shrub. In order for the weigela to feel good and not lose its decorative effect, it should be given a place protected from drafts and well warmed by the sun. At the same time, you need to consider shading the landings from the midday sun. You can plant a shrub in the partial shade of tall trees with a loose crown. According to the reviews of many flower growers who grow weigela in Siberia and the Urals, areas on the south side of buildings are best suited for it, since direct sunlight does not fall on them.

Attention! The less sunlight the plant receives, the less abundant and bright the flowering will be.

Weigela prefers loamy or sandy soils with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction, to which humus, sand and soddy soil should be added before planting. The shrub does not tolerate stagnant moisture in the soil, so areas prone to waterlogging must be drained. Areas with groundwater close to the surface should be avoided.

Landing algorithm

The technology for planting weigela in open ground in Siberia and the Urals is quite simple:

  • dig a hole for planting about 40×40 cm in size;
  • pour broken brick, crushed stone or other drainage material on the bottom;
  • add compost mixed with nitrophoska;
  • treat the root system of the seedling with a root growth stimulator;
  • place the cutting in the center of the hole and fill it with earth;
  • compact the soil and water abundantly;
  • mulch the trunk circle.

Features of growing weigela in Siberia and the Urals

According to flower growers, growing weigela in the Urals and Siberia is not very difficult. Shrub farming involves watering, fertilizing, mulching or loosening, pruning and preparing for winter.


When watering a shrub, the main thing is to keep a balance: weigela does not tolerate waterlogged soil, but dry land does not benefit her either. The frequency and volume of irrigation depends on the characteristics of the soil and the prevailing weather. During the period of active growth and flowering, the plant needs moisture more than at other times. In addition, in the spring, immediately after removing the winter shelter, weigela needs to be watered abundantly.

Mulched shrubs need less watering.

Additional fertilizing

The first top dressing is done in the spring, even before the snow melts. Potassium fertilizer, superphosphate, urea are scattered around the plant. During the period of bud formation, potassium sulfate and superphosphate are added.

Attention! Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers should be stopped from mid-summer, so that the weigela does not grow, but accumulates strength by winter.


When pruning weigela, it is important to remember that flower buds are formed on the shoots of last year, so you should not make an autumn haircut.

In early spring, immediately after the plant is released from winter shelter, sanitary pruning is carried out, and in summer, after flowering is over, old and faded shoots are removed, that is, they produce a shaping haircut.

Preparation for winter

Proper preparation for the winter of weigela grown in the Urals and Siberia is of paramount importance. Even the most frost-resistant varieties need reliable shelter. In order for the weigela to endure the winter well, the following procedures must be performed:

  • pre-winter watering;
  • formation around the trunk of a hill from the soil;
  • mulching the trunk circle with organic materials;
  • shading from sunburn;
  • covering the crown of the plant with agrotextile, burlap or other insulating material.
Attention! Frost resistance of weigela increases with age. Young shrubs are especially sensitive to severe frosts and temperature changes.

Pests and diseases

With good care, weigela rarely gets sick, but it can be affected by insects.

Most often, plantings are annoyed by aphids, spider mites, thrips, which in advanced cases can even destroy the plant. Insecticides and folk remedies work well with them, for example, an aqueous infusion of onion or garlic husks, tobacco dust, laundry soap, and hot peppers. If the plantings have been invaded by these insects, you should be prepared for the fact that the treatment of the affected plants will have to be carried out several times.

Attention! The defeat of weigela with diseases is associated with insufficient care.

With prolonged stagnation of moisture in the soil, the appearance of gray rot is possible. In this case, fungicides and proper shrub care will help the plant: optimal irrigation regime, mulching or loosening, weeding.

Fusarium can affect weigela due to non-compliance with the rules for pruning shrubs – the causative agent of this disease enters the plant through untreated cuts and wounds. If most of the bush is not affected, apply Fundazol and cut off the diseased parts of the plant.

Powdery mildew, as a rule, appears on the lower branches. For prevention purposes, shoots that are close to the ground should be cut off, and already diseased plants should be sprayed with fungicides.


Planting and caring for weigela in Siberia and the Urals do not fundamentally differ from growing this shrub in other territories, but the peculiarities of climatic zones should be taken into account. So, short summers and cold winters, characteristic of the climate of Siberia and the Urals, place special demands on the frost resistance of weigela. However, even sometimes harsh growing conditions, subject to agricultural technology, will not interfere with the cultivation of this oriental beauty.

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