Every summer resident or owner of a private house wants to make his site bright and unique. Weigela Carnival is an excellent solution for decorating the local area. The shrub blooms incredibly beautifully, unpretentious in care and undemanding to environmental conditions.

Description weigela Carnival

The plant was first introduced to European soil from the far eastern regions. This variety is one of the most widespread in the world. A feature of the shrub is its significant size. Adult plants are able to reach a diameter of 3,5 m with a bush height of 50-70 cm. The shoots of the shrub grow straight up, falling a little closer to the ground with age, forming a lush spherical crown. The leaves are green, elongated, slightly pointed towards the end.

Weigela Carnival (Carnaval): planting and care

Weigela variety Carnival is one of the most frost-resistant among other representatives of this plant. He calmly endures the winters of central Our Country. An exception for growing can only be the northern part of the country with heavy and prolonged snowfalls.

How weigela Carnival blooms

A feature of this variety is that the flowers can be painted in different colors. Unlike traditional solid colors, Carnival pleases with three different colors at once – white, pink and purple. A scattering of multi-colored buds makes a great impression on the guests of the adjacent area.

Flowering shrub begins at the age of 4 years. The period of active flowering begins in early summer and lasts until about the end of June. The flowers are small but frequent. Flowering lasts constantly – dead flowers are replaced by new ones. A photo of a blooming weigela Carnival strikes with an abundance of blossoming buds.

Weigela Carnival (Carnaval): planting and care

Application in landscape design

Weigela Carnival can be used in landscape design in different ways: you can create twists on the lawn, you can plant it alone in a remote area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe territory or attach it to trees with a wide crown. Low-growing weigels are best suited for rocky surfaces, tall ones are used to create hedges.

Important! Plants of different species should not be placed in the same group. The same appearance guarantees a more harmonious combination.

With about 10 seedlings, you can break them into 2-3 groups, depending on the overall desired composition. Each group for a more spectacular appearance includes from 3 to 4 bushes. They all land side by side on the lawn, forming lines or circles. For each group, they try to create a common trunk circle, be sure to mulch. If weigels Carnival are planted far from each other, it is necessary to fill the distance between them with green spaces – ferns or hosta.

Breeding methods

Reproduction of weigela Carnival can be done in two ways – by seeds or cuttings. In the first case, sowing is carried out in the spring without preliminary seed preparation. They are placed in a pot and covered with a transparent film or glass. After the second leaf appears in the seedlings, it is necessary to thin out the crops. A one-year-old weigela plant is approximately 6-7 cm in height and 3 cm in diameter of the root system.

Weigela Carnival (Carnaval): planting and care

The following year, weigela Carnival in pots is taken out into the open air. It is placed in a slightly shaded area of ​​the garden – a tree with a sparse crown is best suited. For the winter period, the plant is brought back into the house. The result of 2 years of such cultivation will be a seedling 40-50 cm long, ready for transplanting into open ground.

Important! Seeds collected from a site where several species of weigela grow can produce hybrid offspring. To maintain the purity of the variety, it is better to use cuttings.

To get a cutting of the weigela Carnival, a fresh green branch is cut off from an adult bush, which is just starting to become stiff. An ideal cutting is considered to be a shoot one internode long with two pairs of leaves. A straight cut is made with a sharp knife.

The leaf blades are removed from the shoot and placed in water for a couple of hours. Then a special nutrient liquid is prepared, which includes 150 mg of a growth stimulator per 1 liter of water. After 12 hours of preparation, the plant is ready for planting.

Planting weigela Carnival

Planting in open ground is one of the most important moments in the life of every plant. If it is done incorrectly, the future shrub will not take root and will soon die. Strict observance of all norms and rules of planting guarantees the health and intensive growth of the bush.

Weigela Carnival, like other flowering shrubs, requires a fairly strict adherence to the rules of planting. The accustomed plant becomes more unpretentious in the future, but it still requires care. Need regular watering, mulching the soil around the shrub and periodic pruning of the crown.

Recommended timing

For the plant to take root well, the soil must be as warm as possible. The ideal time for planting carnival weigela cuttings in open ground is considered to be early to mid-June. Warm soil and plenty of water will speed up the formation of new roots.

The young weigela Carnival absolutely does not tolerate cool nights. Since the root system of the plant is not yet fully formed, lowering the thermometer below 6-8 degrees can ruin the nascent roots. It is necessary to make sure that warm weather is established – over the past 2 weeks, the night temperature should not fall below 10 degrees.

Planting seedlings grown from seeds is carried out in the third year of the plant’s life. Since at this age the root system of the weigela Carnival has already been formed, it is possible to plant from May. The main thing is that at night there are no sharp cold snaps that are detrimental to this plant. You can also plant a plant in the fall – in September or early October.

Site selection and preparation of soil

Despite the fact that some types of weigela love shady areas, flowering Carnival grows best in open spaces. The place of growth should not be closed from direct sunlight. You should not place the weigela in the shade of a country house or near a fence on the south side of the site.

Weigela Carnival (Carnaval): planting and care

The right soil for planting weigela Carnival is the key to a healthy plant in the future. Carnival is very demanding on the substrate in which it grows. To prepare the ideal soil, mix:

  • 2 parts of sheet land;
  • 2 parts sand;
  • 1 part of sod land.

Carnival most of all does not like the wind. The shrub has too thin flowers that easily come off with strong gusts of the elements. The site should be fenced with a high solid fence.

How to plant

A week before planting, it is necessary to prepare the pits. The ideal size of the recess for planting the weigela Carnival is 50x50x70 cm. A drainage layer of sand, gravel and coarse gravel is lined at the bottom of the pit. The layer height must be at least 15 cm.

The planting depth should be such that the root neck of the weigela is at ground level. The roots are deepened by 40-60 cm. In the spring, the plant is placed perpendicular to the ground. In autumn, it is advised to tilt it on its side so that the vegetative system gives additional roots.

Growing rules

In order for the weigela Carnival to receive the maximum amount of nutrients from the soil, it is very important to weed its near-stem circles from weeds. Weeding should be done every 2 weeks. A large number of foreign plants absorb water, leaving the Carnival without a source of food.

It is important to avoid overflowing the weigela Carnival. This shrub does not like areas with close groundwater. Therefore, watering should be carried out as carefully as possible. In constantly wet ground, weigela may refuse to bloom.


If the winter was not snowy, and also if a large number of frostbitten shoots were found, the plant is watered abundantly. The main watering is in March, when the soil has completely thawed. The norm per bush is 8-10 liters.

Weigela Carnival is also watered before flowering. During this period, about 4-5 liters of water are poured under each bush. Of course, the plant should not be forgotten during dry periods. If there has been no rain for a long time, the soil looks very dry, preventive watering with a garden hose is recommended.

Additional fertilizing

Applying the right fertilizers is the key to the health of the weigela. Variety Carnival is fertilized 2 times a year. The first application occurs immediately after the snow melts and the soil thaws. A full range of fertilizers is applied so that the plant recovers faster from wintering. At this time, urea, superphosphate and complex potassium fertilizer will be the best bait.

The second prikormka occurs in the summer during the swelling of the flower ovaries. Weigela is watered with double superphosphate and potassium sulfate at the rate of 30 ml per 1 sq. m of soil. Such a fertilizer prolongs flowering, filling the Carnival with all the substances necessary for the plant.

Loosening, mulching

For the proper development of the weigela bush, it is recommended to keep the tree trunks in good condition. Constant loosening and mulching of the soil will improve the health of the plant and accelerate its growth. Loosening must be done after each serious watering of the plant. The area around the trunk of the Carnival should be loosened to a depth of about 7-8 cm. The diameter of the serviced circle around the weigela should be at least 2 m.

Mulching is necessary to slow the evaporation of water from under the roots of the tree. The mulch layer should be at least 8-10 cm. Traditionally, sawdust is used for it. An oak or apple tree is best.

Pruning, crown formation

In early spring, it is imperative to remove shoots damaged by severe frost. This will speed up the set of green mass of the Carnival weigela due to the fact that excess juices will not be supplied to the affected areas. Pruning is done with secateurs. After removing the dead parts, weigela is treated with garden pitch.

Weigela Carnival (Carnaval): planting and care

Also, once every 2 years, pruning is carried out to form the correct crown of the plant. It is best to produce it after flowering has ended. Remove too long lateral shoots, as well as new branches growing inside the crown.

Preparation for winter

From mid-October, weigela Carnival begins to prepare for wintering. The first task is to collect fallen leaves and bend the branches to the ground. At this time, additional soil mulching is carried out. The layer of mulch should be more than usual. Usually, peat and dry oak chips are added for wintering.

Important! The lower the weigela branches are to the ground, the thicker the layer of snow they will rest in winter. This will protect them from severe winter frosts.

In November, young plants are covered with a film to protect them from severe frosts. Around weigels set rodent traps. After the first snow falls, it is trampled down to create a kind of thermos around the landing pit.

Pests and diseases

The biggest disaster for weigela Carnival is the common aphid. These flies can completely destroy the leaves and young shoots of the plant. To get rid of uninvited pests and diseases, apply:

  • anabazine sulfate solution 0,2%;
  • karbofos 0,2%;
  • chlorophos 0,4%;
  • nicotine sulfate 0,4% with soap solution.

Natural ingredients will also help protect weigela from diseases. Decoctions based on shag, garlic and onions are very effective. Among spices, allspice and black pepper show the best efficiency.


Weigela Carnival will decorate any garden and house territory. It is ideal for landscape design, combined with other shrubs and small trees. Subject to planting technology and constant painstaking care, the plant will delight its owners with lush flowers during the long summer months.


Valentina Sergeeva, 39 years old, Syzran.
For the first time I saw a weigela at the dacha of a friend at work. The flower surprised with an abundance of flowers. Of all the variety of varieties, I chose Carnival for myself. For the second summer, I can’t get enough of the lush flowering bushes near the house.
Irina Oblyakova, 25 years old, Kursk.
I have loved flowers since childhood. When my husband and I bought a private house, it was decided to decorate the plot with flowers and fruit trees. The nursery advised weigela Karnaval. Three-year-old seedlings took root surprisingly quickly. The flower garden is pleasing to the eye.
Vasilisa Kabanova, 43 years old, Krasnodar.
In our warm climate, weigela feels just fine. On my site, Carnival begins to bloom from mid-May and continues until early September. I breed seedlings myself and give them to my neighbors in the dacha cooperative.
Weigela blooming Carnival. Brief overview, description of the characteristics of weigela florida Carnaval

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