Weigela belongs to the Honeysuckle family. Distribution area – the Far East, Sakhalin, Siberia. It occurs on the edges of cedar thickets, on rocky slopes, along the banks of reservoirs. Wild varieties formed the basis of numerous varieties. Weigela Nana Variegata is a hybrid representative of culture created for landscape design.

Description of weigela Nana Variegata

Weigela Nana Variegata is a low deciduous shrub designed for growing in temperate regions. The hybrid is less resistant to frost than the wild species taken as a basis. Without damage to the root system, it tolerates a decrease in temperature to -30 0C. The indicator is not bad, but without warming, young seedlings are unlikely to overwinter.

The plant has a high drought tolerance. It can go without water for a long period. Low air humidity is perceived by the shrub as normal; the lack of moisture does not affect the decorativeness of the habitus. A high rate can lead to the development of bacterial or fungal infections.

Weigela Variegata grows slowly, the growth of the culture is insignificant, no more than 20 cm per year. Hybrid forms bloom earlier than varietal representatives – in the fourth year of vegetation. At 5 years old, the culture is considered an adult, it no longer gives an increase in height. Refers to perennial plants, the biological cycle of weigela Nana Variegata is 35 years.

Weigela blooming Nana Variegata (Variegatnaya, Nana Variegata): photo, description, reviews, winter hardiness

Description of weigela Nana Variegata (pictured):

  1. The shrub is formed by numerous dark brown shoots. It reaches a height of 1,5 m, the shape of the crown is broadly oval, the diameter is up to 2 m. The bush is sprawling, the tops of the shoots are slightly lowered.
  2. Ornamental shrub densely leafy. Leaves with an unusual color: the central part is dark green, along the edge is a beige stripe. Each drawing on a separate sheet plate is unique. The leaves of the plant are oppositely located, finely serrated along the edge with a sharp tip, with a mesh of veins and no petiole.
  3. The root system is superficial, mixed, widely grown to the sides.
  4. Seed boxes are small, contain two seeds with lionfish.
Attention! Weigela hybrid seeds Nana Variegata are not used for generative propagation, planting material does not retain the external characteristics of the mother plant.

How weigela variegated blooms

Weigela blooming Nana Variegata forms buds of the first flowering on the shoots of last year. The flowering of the shrub is long, begins in early June, and ends in mid-July. The second wave of flowering begins from August to September, flowers are formed at the ends of the shoots of the current season.

In terms of flowering time, the hybrid belongs to the middle ones; in the garden it immediately replaces the faded lilac. The pause between flowering is insignificant, about two weeks, at this time leaves with a motley unusual color give decorativeness to the weigel.

The plant forms large buds – up to 4 cm long, rich pink in color, collected 3-5 pieces per inflorescence. The flowers are bright pink with a slight purple hue, funnel-shaped bell-shaped. The coloration varies from light white tones to darker ones (depending on the lighting). The decorativeness of the weigela Nana Variegata directly depends on the ultraviolet, the more heat and light, the brighter the color of the habitus. The aroma of the flowers is light, with subtle sweet notes.

The use of weigela Nana Variegata in landscape design

The hybrid was created for the design of personal plots, gardens, for gardening squares, parks, urban microdistricts. A long flowering time and a decorative crown make the shrub desirable in the most sophisticated gardens, decorated according to modern trends in design. A few examples with photos of the use of Nana Variegata weigela in design are presented below.

Weigela blooming Nana Variegata (Variegatnaya, Nana Variegata): photo, description, reviews, winter hardiness

In a composition with coniferous trees, as a foreground accent.

Weigela blooming Nana Variegata (Variegatnaya, Nana Variegata): photo, description, reviews, winter hardiness

On the edge of the edge.

Weigela blooming Nana Variegata (Variegatnaya, Nana Variegata): photo, description, reviews, winter hardiness

Along the garden path.

Weigela blooming Nana Variegata (Variegatnaya, Nana Variegata): photo, description, reviews, winter hardiness

As a tapeworm in the center of a flower bed.

Weigela blooming Nana Variegata (Variegatnaya, Nana Variegata): photo, description, reviews, winter hardiness

Nana Variegata as a decor for the central part of the lawn.

Weigela blooming Nana Variegata (Variegatnaya, Nana Variegata): photo, description, reviews, winter hardiness

Framing the banks of an artificial reservoir.

Weigela blooming Nana Variegata (Variegatnaya, Nana Variegata): photo, description, reviews, winter hardiness

To create a color of wildlife in the depths of the garden near the bench.

Weigela blooming Nana Variegata (Variegatnaya, Nana Variegata): photo, description, reviews, winter hardiness

In mass planting to obtain a hedge that delimits garden areas.

Weigela Nana Variegata gets along well with any representatives of the flora, except for junipers. There is a risk of rust spreading to the leaves.

Important! The plant does not tolerate a lack of light, will not grow in the shade of tall trees.

When deciding on the design of the territory, the varietal characteristics of the Nana Variegata hybrid must be taken into account.

How the hybrid weigela Nana Variegata breeds

The reviews of gardeners with experience in growing weigela Nana Variegata are ambiguous. Many consider the plant rather capricious in reproduction. Like all representatives of non-varietal species, Nana Variegata does not propagate seeds. If cultivars give a sufficient amount of root shoots, which are quite suitable as planting material, then the Nana Variegata hybrid has practically no shoots.

The most guaranteed option to breed the Nana Variegata hybrid on the site is to purchase three-year-old seedlings in the nursery. Two years later, layers can be made from the lower branch, work is carried out in the spring before the leaves appear. Bend the stem to the soil, cover with earth. Plots can be planted next spring. For the winter, layering must be covered.

The grafting method is used less frequently, it is less productive, because the survival rate of the weigela planting material Nana Variegata is low. Cuttings are cut from last year’s shoots in August, 15 cm long. Placed in wet sand until spring, in the middle of summer, cuttings can be placed on the territory. By the fall, the degree of survival of the material will be visible.

Planting and caring for weigela Nana Variegata

Planting and agricultural technology for weigela Nana Variegata is ordinary, not requiring additional skills. The culture is quite unpretentious in care. Weigela Nana Variegata does not lose its decorative effect for many years.

Recommended timing

Planting dates depend on the region of growth. Weigela blooming Nana Variegata – a hybrid with medium frost resistance (climatic zone – 5) in the South can be planted in spring when the soil has warmed up to +8 0C. In a warm subtropical climate, autumn planting is suitable – a month before the temperature drops, approximately in October. In the temperate climate zone, autumn planting is not considered if the weigela is weakly rooted, the plant will die before spring. The culture is planted in the spring in late April – early May.

Site selection and preparation of soil

The culture does not respond well to the effects of the north wind; when choosing a place for the weigela Nana Variegata, areas closed from drafts are suitable, for example, the south side behind the wall of the building. The plant feels comfortable on the southern and eastern slopes, on a flat area, as well as in the company of flowering shrubs that do not shade the weigela.

For vegetation, the shrub needs light sandy loamy soils with a fertile composition and satisfactory drainage. The soil is neutral or slightly acidic. If the soils are acidic, dolomite flour is added to them. They prepare a place, dig it up, add organics, superphosphate, urea, ash.

How to plant

Before planting, a mixture is made consisting of soil, compost, sand, peat in equal parts. For 8 kg add 250 g of wood ash and 150 g of mineral fertilizers.


  1. Dig a hole 65 cm deep and 60 cm in diameter.
  2. Fine gravel or crushed stone of a large fraction is placed at the bottom.
  3. A layer of the mixture is poured on top, from which a cone-shaped embankment is made in the center.
  4. A seedling is placed in the center on the resulting hill, covered with a small layer of soil. Tamp, fill up to the edge of the pit.
  5. Watering, mulching.
Important! The main task during planting is to ensure that there is no empty space between the root and the edges of the recess.

Growing rules

Caring for a young seedling of weigela Nana Variegata after planting does not differ from the agricultural technology of any flowering shrub. Subject to certain rules, the hybrid will give 2 blooms and retain the bright color of the leaves until autumn.


Weigela is a drought-resistant crop that tolerates overdried root soil more easily than excess moisture. An adult plant is watered with a large volume of water before bud formation. The next watering is carried out at the time of flowering. At the end of summer, watering should be moderate. All these measures are relevant in a dry summer. If the amount of seasonal precipitation is normal, weigela is not watered. In the first year of growth, seedlings keep the near-stem circle moist, avoiding excess water.

Additional fertilizing

After planting the nutrient mixture in the hole, the weigel will last for 3 years. The shrub is not fed, you can add a weakly concentrated solution of organic matter in the spring. An adult plant is scattered around the trunk circle with urea and potassium-containing agents. During the formation of the buds of the first wave of flowering, superphosphate is applied, in August they feed the weigela Nana Variegata with organic fertilizers.

Loosening, mulching

Weigela seedlings Nana Variegata up to 2 years of vegetation after each watering or rainfall loosen the soil. At this time, the plant forms the root system, so a sufficient amount of oxygen is needed. The formation of a crust is not allowed. At the same time, weeds are removed, the growth of weeds should not be allowed – this is the main place for the accumulation and growth of fungal spores.

Mulching of the Nana Variegata hybrid is carried out immediately after planting. By autumn, the covering layer is increased. In the spring, the material is replaced with a new one. For mulch in the spring, crushed tree bark is used. The material retains moisture well, allows air to pass through, and looks aesthetically pleasing. In autumn, straw and pine needles are used.

Pruning, crown formation

Weigela Nana Variegata with a spreading crown, densely leafy, completely covered with delicate flowers. The unusual color of the leaves only adds decorativeness, so the shrub is not formed, leaving it in its natural form. In the spring, sanitary pruning of dry and dead shoots during the winter is carried out. Cut inflorescences after flowering. Rejuvenate the shrub 1 time in two years. The procedure is carried out after the second flowering. Remove a few old shoots. In the spring, weigela will form a replacement.

Preparation for winter

Weigela Nana Variegata is a hybrid characterized by relative winter hardiness, but it is not left at low temperatures without shelter. Activities are relevant for young seedlings and adult shrubs. Preparing for the winter weigela Nana Variegata:

  1. An adult plant is watered abundantly.
  2. A young seedling is spudded, a layer of mulch is increased for all age groups.
  3. The branches are gently pulled to the center, fixed with twine.
  4. They bend to the ground, install arcs, and cover material is attached to them.
  5. Top cover with spruce branches.
  6. In winter, they throw snow on the spruce branches.

Pests and diseases

Hybrid varieties differ from cultivars in more stable immunity to infection. Weigela Nana Variegata practically does not get sick. With high humidity and prolonged precipitation, powdery growth may appear. The fungus is eliminated with Bordeaux liquid.

Of the garden pests on the Nana Variegata hybrid, aphids and spider mites parasitize. Effective means in pest control: “Nitrofen” and “Keltan”. For prevention, the bears are brought under the root of “Karbofos”.

Weigela – planting, care and description of the plant


Weigela Nana Variegata is a decorative flowering perennial obtained by hybridization of wild varieties. A culture was created for use in landscaping the urban area and household plots. The plant is unpretentious in care, frost-resistant, does without water for a long time. Differs in exotic color of leaves and plentiful blossoming 2 times for a season.


Vyacheslav Sidorov, 35 years old, Moscow
Nana Variegata is a beautiful plant that blends harmoniously with dwarf pines. I used this version of the composition to decorate the rock garden in my country house. Care for the weigela is minimal, the culture blooms profusely throughout the season, the low shrub seems to be covered with a pink cloud. Decorative effect is complemented by green leaves with a yellow frame.
Tatyana Zaitseva, 40 years old, Penza
Weigela Nana Variegata 4 years ago took from friends. A small rooted cutting took root in a new place without problems. Last spring, the shrub bloomed, cuttings were cut from biennial stems immediately after the first flowering. I put them in water, a month later the cuttings gave roots. In the autumn I placed them in the sand and put them in the basement. This spring I will land on the site, see how they take root. If half of the 15 pieces of harvested material takes root, the result will be good.

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