Weigela belongs to the Honeysuckle family, grows throughout the European part of Our Country, and is found in the Caucasus. The culture is represented by numerous varieties with different colors of flowers, leaves and bush shape. Weigela Alexandra is a flowering representative of the species, winner of the silver and gold medals of the Dutch and American horticultural communities. The plant is grown in temperate climates and in the South, used for decorative landscape design.

Weigela blooming Alexandra (Alexandra): photo and description, reviews

Description of Weigela Alexander

Weigela Alexandra is a deciduous, winter-hardy shrub, reaching a height of 1,2 m, crown volume – 1,5 m. The main increase occurs in the first two years of life and is 20-25 cm, then growth slows down. At the age of five, weigela is considered an adult, its dimensions no longer change. The culture is perennial, the duration of biological life is 35-40 years. Drought resistance is average, periodic watering is necessary.

External characteristics of the weigela of the Alexandra variety:

  1. Shrub rounded, compact crown, formed from numerous shoots. Stems erect, dark brown.
  2. The foliage of Alexander weigela is intense, before and after flowering, the unusual color of the leaves gives the culture a decorative effect. The leaves are lanceolate, oppositely arranged, length – up to 9 cm, width – 3-4 cm. Leaf plate with finely serrated edges, smooth, matte. The color is maroon with beige veins. In the shade, the color is closer to brown, with sufficient light, the color of the leaves has a purple tint, yellow in autumn. The leaves are formed without petioles, do not fall off until the onset of frost.
  3. The root system of a mixed type, not deepened, overgrown.
  4. Seed boxes are dark gray, small, contain 2 seeds each, ripen in September.

Seeds are equipped with lionfish, scatter not far from the mother bush, germinate the next year.

Important! Young shoots completely retain the varietal characteristics of the plant.

How weigela Alexander blooms

The flowering period of Alexander weigela is long, the duration is about 40 days. The buds are large (4 cm), formed in mid-May on last year’s shoots, bloom in early June. Flowering continues until mid-July.

After flowering, it is recommended to cut off the tops of last year’s stems by 40 cm. After 14 days, approximately in early August, Alexander’s weigela will bloom again. Buds are formed on young shoots. The peculiarity of the variety is that the second wave of flowering is not much different from the first.

The flowers of Alexander’s weigela are large, funnel-shaped, tubular. Outwardly, the shape resembles a bell. The color is dark pink. At first lighter, darkens towards the middle of active flowering. On the shrub, single flowers and inflorescences of 3-5 pieces are formed, which form in the leaf axils. In partial shade, flowering is plentiful, but the flowers are smaller than in an area open to the sun.

Application in landscape design

Weigela Alexandra is one of the most popular and fairly common varieties in landscape design. The shrub retains its decorative effect from the appearance of the first leaves until their fall. The crown is compact, dense, takes up little space on the site, lends itself well to molding. The plant is used for landscaping urban microdistricts, public places and recreation areas. The shrub serves as a decoration for household plots and gardens.

A few examples with photos of the use of blooming Alexander weigela in landscape design are presented below.

Weigela blooming Alexandra (Alexandra): photo and description, reviews

  • To create a central color accent in planting with decorative perennials and flowering plants.

    Weigela blooming Alexandra (Alexandra): photo and description, reviews

  • As a solitaire for lawn decoration.

    Weigela blooming Alexandra (Alexandra): photo and description, reviews

  • On the edge near tall trees and shrubs.

    Weigela blooming Alexandra (Alexandra): photo and description, reviews

  •  Along the garden path.

    Weigela blooming Alexandra (Alexandra): photo and description, reviews

  • Weigela Alexandra is ideal for creating hedges.

    Weigela blooming Alexandra (Alexandra): photo and description, reviews

  • In the center of the flower bed against the wall of the building.

    Weigela blooming Alexandra (Alexandra): photo and description, reviews

  • In composition with coniferous trees and dwarf shrubs.

    Weigela blooming Alexandra (Alexandra): photo and description, reviews

  • To decorate the banks of an artificial reservoir.

Weigela Alexandra is combined with all types of plants, if their proximity does not affect the development of the shrub. Do not plant crops near large trees with a dense crown. In the shade, the weigela loses its decorative effect.

How weigela Alexander breeds

Weigela Alexandra, like any shrub, is bred generatively and vegetatively. This is a variety, not a hybrid, so the seeds in 100% retain the characteristics of the parent plant. The collection of planting material is carried out at the end of September. Sow seeds in spring in warm soil. The following spring, they are seated in a permanent place, after 3 years the plant blooms. The breeding method is reliable, the seeds germinate well, but the process takes a long time before flowering.

Gardeners use faster and no less productive methods of reproduction:

  1. By dividing the bush. Plants at least 3 years old are suitable for this purpose. Weigela is planted in the spring, by autumn the culture is fully adapted to the new place.
  2. Layers. In the spring, the lower perennial shoot is fixed to the ground, covered with soil from above. Until autumn, constantly watered. In the spring, layering will sprout, they are separated and seated. Next summer, the Alexandra variety will bloom.
  3. Cuttings. Cut material from last year’s shoots. After flowering, the tops are cut off, at this time cuttings are harvested 20 cm long. They are taken from the middle part. Placed in the ground, create a greenhouse effect. In the spring, rooted material is seated in a permanent place.
Advice! If there are seedlings near the shrub, they are quite suitable for breeding Alexander’s weigela.

The plant will bloom in the third year after transplantation.

Planting and caring for weigela Alexandra

In planting and subsequent care of the weigel, blooming Alexandra is absolutely not a problem plant. The survival rate of the variety is good, agricultural technology is standard. The culture tolerates temperatures down to -35 without loss 0C. Responds well to shaping pruning.

Recommended timing

In temperate regions, Alexandra’s weigela is planted in early spring, around the end of April. Soil temperature must be at least +70 C. Autumn planting is not recommended, the plant will not have time to fully take root before the onset of frost, the seedling may die by spring. In areas with a warm climate, planting work is carried out in spring (early April) or autumn (late September).

Site selection and preparation of soil

Weigela Alexandra is a light-loving plant, the decorative effect of the crown will be complete only with sufficient lighting. For landing, choose an open area, protected from the north wind. Suitable south or east side of the slope. The plant feels comfortable behind the wall of the building and near ornamental shrubs that do not obscure the weigela.

The shrub requires moderate watering, but constantly waterlogged soil can cause fungal diseases. The site for Alexander’s weigela is chosen without close groundwater, and it should not be in a lowland. The soil should be light, fertile with satisfactory drainage, the composition is slightly alkaline or neutral. The site is dug up 2 weeks before planting, organic fertilizer and superphosphate are applied. If necessary, the acidic composition is neutralized by means containing alkali.

Weigela blooming Alexandra (Alexandra): photo and description, reviews

How to plant

Before planting, a fertile mixture is prepared, consisting of a sod layer, compost, sand (in equal parts). For 10 kg of soil, 200 g of mineral fertilizers and 0,5 kg of ash are added.

Landing weigela Alexander:

  1. A landing recess is prepared with a depth of 70 cm, a diameter of 50 * 50 cm.
  2. Gravel of medium fraction or broken brick is placed at the bottom. The layer must be at least 15 cm.
  3. The next layer is a nutrient mixture (25 cm).
  4. The seedling is placed in the center of the pit, covered with the remains of the prepared soil on top.
  5. The landing recess is filled to the top with soil.
  6. The trunk circle is tamped, watered, mulched.
Important! The root neck is not deepened, it should be at ground level.

Growing rules

Subject to the recommendations for planting and care, Alexandra weigela retains its decorative appearance throughout the spring-autumn period.


The frequency of watering depends on precipitation, if the indicator is normal, Alexander’s adult weigela is not watered. In the dry season, the bush is watered abundantly during the formation of buds. The following procedure is shown in the main flowering. In autumn, water-charging irrigation is carried out. Young seedlings are watered more often, the main task is to prevent the root ball from drying out.

Additional fertilizing

Every year, in early spring, potash fertilizers are applied to the adult weigele Alexander, and urea is scattered around the bush. At the beginning of flowering, they are fed with superphosphate. At the end of August, they are watered with a concentrated solution of organic matter. Young seedlings up to 3 years old do not fertilize, they have enough nutrients introduced during planting.

Loosening, mulching

Weigela sapling forms a root system in the first two years, at this time the soil should be light, well enriched with oxygen. Loosening the near-stem circle is carried out after each watering, at the same time weeds are removed.

After planting, Alexander’s weigela is mulched with sawdust mixed with peat, crushed tree bark or crushed coniferous cones. The cover material retains moisture, protects the root system from overheating, and reduces the growth of weeds. In autumn, the layer of mulch is increased with straw or needles, and completely renewed in spring. Weigele mulching is carried out throughout the entire biological cycle.

Weigela blooming Alexandra (Alexandra): photo and description, reviews

Pruning, crown formation

The first pruning of Alexander’s weigele is carried out in the second year of growth in early spring (before sap flow). Two full-fledged buds are left from the root, the rest of the stems are removed, the length of the shoots will be about 10-15 cm. Over the summer, weigela from the buds will give young shoots. If the bush is not thick enough, the procedure is repeated the next spring.

For an adult plant, crown molding is done after flowering. 1/3 remove the upper part of last year’s shoots. After 5 years of vegetation, the shrub is rejuvenated, old trunks are cut out near the root, by autumn the weigela will form a replacement.

Every year in the spring cosmetic pruning is carried out, weak, frozen over the winter, twisted and dry stems are removed. The bush is thinned out for better air circulation, some of last year’s shoots are cut off.

Preparation for winter

Shelter for the winter is necessary for Alexander’s weigela until the age of five. Preparatory activities:

  1. Young seedlings spud.
  2. Increase the layer of mulch.
  3. The branches are tied into a bundle.
  4. Bend to the ground, fix.
  5. Install arcs with covering material.
  6. Top cover with spruce branches.
Important! After five years of vegetation, Alexander’s weigela is not covered, only plentifully watered and mulched.

Pests and diseases

Weigela varieties Alexandra has an average immunity to infection and pests. With constantly high soil moisture, signs of rot appear on the root system. Bacterial infection is eliminated with the drug “Topsin”, in the spring, for preventive purposes, weigela is treated with copper sulphate. Rust often affects the plant; Bordeaux liquid is effective in the fight against fungal infection.

On the bush parasitize:

  1. spider mite, he is eliminated with “Keltan.
  2. Aphid, in the fight against it, “Rogor” is used.
  3. Thrips and caterpillars eliminate “Nitrofen” or “Aktara”.

In the spring, in order to prevent the bear and the larvae of the May beetle, a solution of “Karbofos” is introduced under the root. Nearby, flowering repellant crops are planted near the shrub. For example, calendula, tansy, pelargonium or feverfew. These plants repel insects with their smell.


Weigela Alexandra is a deciduous ornamental shrub popular with professional designers and amateur gardeners. The culture is used for landscaping parks, home gardens or summer cottages. High frost resistance allows you to grow shrubs in the European and Central strip of Our Country.

Weigela “Alexandra” – video review from Greensad


Vitaly Shapkin, 42 years old, Chelyabinsk region
In the backyard, the Japanese rock garden is my pride. Weigela Alexandra, in combination with other varieties of the species and dwarf conifers, is included in the rockery decoration composition. The plant is compact, with beautiful bright flowers and leaves, blooms for a long time and does not require special care.
Inna Bezrukova, 38 years old, Moscow
I can’t imagine my summer cottage without Alexander’s weigela. The culture is included in my collection of flowering shrubs. I brought a seedling of this variety from a nursery 6 years ago. In the second year, weigela gave the first flowers. After four years of growth, the shrub was propagated by cuttings. The survival rate of Alexander’s weigela is good, the planting material has taken root completely.

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