Baby side
Your baby is 4 to 6 centimeters from head to tailbone, and her weight is around 12 grams (almost double from last week!).
Its development during the 9th week
At the end of this week, the embryo becomes a fetus. This means that it is formed, that everything is there. It only remains for him to grow up to finalize his development and put his organs into function. On his face, the eyes on the sides begin to migrate to the front of the face. Thin eyelids cover them. The ears, still at the base of the neck, have also begun their migration to their final place, on the sides.
The placenta is more and more irrigated. Its multiple vessels allow the fetus to receive all the nutrients and oxygen molecules necessary for its development.
On our side
It is the beginning of the third month. Our uterus has grown and is now the size of a grapefruit. Our basal metabolism has changed and our body is burning extra calories. It is possible that because of this phenomenon, we sometimes get hotter. There is a risk of sweating more. Once again, we don’t worry, it’s normal!
We hydrate! First, because our body is managing more blood volume. However, water is an essential component of cells. It is therefore necessary to drink accordingly. Finally, during pregnancy, urinary tract infections are more frequent and drinking plenty of water is a very effective prevention method.
The pregnant woman’s memo
We make an appointment with the doctor during the next week to establish a declaration of pregnancy. Before the end of the 14th SA (week of amenorrhea), you must return the pink sheet that composes it to your Health Insurance Fund (CPAM) and the two blue sheets to your Family Allowance Fund (CAF), in order to to benefit from 100% coverage of compulsory examinations.