Baby’s 36st week of pregnancy
Your baby measures 46 centimeters from head to tailbone, and weighs approximately 2 grams. He is approaching his birth weight and height.
His development
Your baby is well “done” now. During the past few weeks, meconium has accumulated in his intestines. These are his first bowel movements. Usually, they are not expelled until after birth. It may happen that the baby releases them into the amniotic fluid, which will have the effect of staining the amniotic fluid. This is why we monitor the color of the amniotic fluid with an “amnioscope”, a glass cone, inserted into the neck of the mother-to-be.
Now your baby moves a lot less because of lack of space. And the little down (lanugo) that hitherto covered his whole body has disappeared.
The mother’s 36th week of pregnancy
If the doctor (or you) are considering an induced birth, by appointment, it is likely to happen soon. Note also that childbirth can be triggered when the term is exceeded. Expert recommendations state that induction without medical indication can be performed from 38 weeks, if the cervix is ​​“favorable”, ie sufficiently softened.
Our advice
You may be feeling painless late pregnancy contractions. Your belly hardens and then relaxes. As long as these contractions do not occur regularly, every 5 minutes for two hours, it is considered that labor has not really started. Trust yourself: when it really comes to labor contractions, usually, we don’t get much wrong.
Your memo
If she’s not ready, it’s time to pack for maternity! For your baby, think in particular of pajamas, bodysuits, bibs, diapers, without forgetting a toilet kit (bath thermometer, hairbrush, etc.). For you, plan for night clothes, comfortable clothes for the day, a beauty case and something to distract you (books, magazines, etc.). If you want to breastfeed, also bring a book or articles on how to start breastfeeding, as this can be complicated in the maternity ward (see the La Leche League France website)
This is also a good time to have your last prenatal visit. The practitioner will check in particular if the baby is well positioned.