Baby’s 27st week of pregnancy
Our baby measures approximately 26 centimeters from head to tailbone (almost 35 centimeters in total) and weighs between 1 kg and 1,1 kg.
His development
Our baby is more and more hairy! At birth, the bones will still be quite “soft” and not united. It is also this absence of welding that allows the baby to have the flexibility to pass through the genital tract without being compressed. It also explains why his head is sometimes slightly deformed at birth. We reassure ourselves: everything will return to normal in two or three days. As for the respiratory system, it also continues to develop.
The mother’s 27th week of pregnancy
It’s the start of the 7th month! The weight gain is really stepping up a gear. On average, a pregnant woman can gain 400 grams per week, part of which now goes directly to the fetus. However, we pay attention to our diet so as not to gain too much weight. Our figure has also changed a lot in recent weeks, since our uterus easily exceeds our navel by 4-5 centimeters. It weighs so heavily on the bladder that it causes frequent urges to urinate. Our backs are also arching more and more. We rest as much as possible and we avoid carrying heavy things.
Remember to drink at least 1,5 liters of water per day. Reducing the amount of water would not change our pressing desires, or even our small urinary leaks. However, it could lead to a urinary tract infection (cystitis).
Our exams
It’s time to make an appointment for our third ultrasound. It takes place around the 32nd week of amenorrhea. During this ultrasound, we can no longer see our whole baby, he is now too large. The sonographer checks the proper growth of the fetus, as well as its position (whether it is upside down for childbirth, for example). This ultrasound is also used to plan the afterbirth and possible specific care of the newborn in the event that a pathology (cardiac or renal) is detected.