25th week of pregnancy: baby side
Our baby is already nearly 35 centimeters from head to tailbone and almost weighs a kilo.
25th week of pregnancy: Baby’s development
Our baby is always upside down, or even lying across the womb, because there is still enough room in our womb to move as he wants. At this point, it begins to accumulate fat under the skin. It is this that will allow him to regulate his temperature in the days following his birth. Recently, our baby has opened his eyes and now he is able to cry. He continues to alternate phases of wakefulness and sleep which are not necessarily modeled on ours!
25th week of pregnancy: mother’s side
It’s always surprising when this happens. Sometimes, at this stage, there is a slight discharge of colostrum (yellowish opaque liquid) from the nipples. It is a sign that on this side, we are ready to breastfeed our baby, if that is our choice at birth! It is also advisable to think about it now: do you want to breastfeed or bottle-feed instead? If you want to breastfeed, you have to start getting information right now. We take as much information as possible before the birth of our baby, because the beginnings are not always obvious.
25th week of pregnancy: our steps
If desired, we could recognize recognize our child, as a couple, before his birth. How? ‘Or’ What ? All you have to do is go to a town hall with an identity document, make a declaration to the civil status and you’re done! The registrar who receives us draws up an act of recognition that must be signed. He then gives us a copy of this act which must be presented when declaring the birth.
25th week of pregnancy: our advice
While pregnancy is not an illness, sometimes it takes an unexpected turn. When certain signs appear, it is necessary to consult as soon as possible. This is the case if you have a fever, stomach ache, headache, if you lose fluid (this may be a sign of a crack or premature rupture of the water bag), or if we start to bleed.