Baby’s 13st week of pregnancy
Our baby is about 11 centimeters. He has grown little in a week, but he has put on weight well, he weighs 100 grams on average!
Baby’s development during week 13 of pregnancy
Our baby’s face is finished: his eyes are in their place, as are his ears, nose and mouth. Tiny eyebrows appeared. Outlines of hair are starting to take shape, sometimes already pigmented if they are intended to be very dark. His movements are more and more numerous and lively. They stimulate the limbs (legs, hands, arms and head), but also certain organs. The baby opens and closes his mouth. He also swallows amniotic fluid and would even appreciate its sweet flavor …
The mother’s 13th week of pregnancy
Our uterus has grown again. At each prenatal consultation, the doctor or midwife continues to measure, with a seamstress meter, the uterine height, that is to say the distance between the pubic symphysis (pubic bone) and the uterine fundus. This measurement makes it possible to check the good development of the pregnancy. At this stage, the uterine height is approximately 7,5 cm.
Our advice: even if you feel very fit, you think about yourself and your baby. In short: we take care of ourselves! While pregnancy is not an illness, it takes a lot of energy from us. Time for rest and relaxation is more than desirable.
Our purchases during the 13th week of pregnancy
I feel cramped in my clothes! It’s normal. We think of doing a little shopping to buy maternity clothes. Many ready-to-wear brands (H&M, Esprit, Etam…) offer affordable maternity clothes. Other brands specializing in clothing for pregnant women (Envie de Fraises, Mamma Fashion, Séraphine, Véronique Delachaux, Firmaman, etc.) offer a wider range. Depending on our budget, you will easily be able to put together a pretty wardrobe.