The 1st week of pregnancy for the future baby
Our future baby is measuring less than 0,1 millimeter when it attaches to the uterine wall. It is then a “blastocyte”, that is to say a cell originating from one of the first divisions of the fertilized egg.
- Its development at 1 week of pregnancy
The barely fertilized egg begins its cell division between 12 and 20 hours later. It also sets off, leaving the fallopian tube where fertilization took place and heading towards the uterine cavity. Around the seventh day, it implants itself in the lining of the uterus. This is called the implantation phase. The cells which are anchored in the mucosa will gradually transform into “ chorionic villi Then, later, in the placenta.
The first week of pregnancy, or 3 weeks, on our side
Before knowing that you are pregnant, you may have had excess: Céline’s party where we drank and smoked too much, Jean-Claude’s departure drink which ended at karaoke…. This has happened to all of us! However, some molecules are toxic, in particular those of tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, solvents, paints and glues … This is why it is better completely eliminate alcohol and tobacco if you are trying to have a baby. If you drank or smoked a little before you found out about pregnancy, don’t worry. The important thing is to try not to do it again once you know you are pregnant!
- Our exams and procedures
This week, no special exam or procedure awaits us since we do not yet know that we are pregnant. Only our breasts may be a little swollen and / or sore.
The adventure has only just begun. An extraordinary adventure that we can’t wait to share!