Weed-Killing Lawn Grass

Weed-Killing Lawn Grass

The appearance of a well-groomed lawn with lawn grass can significantly spoil the penetrating weeds. Fighting them takes a lot of time and effort. Otherwise, the beauty of the site may be severely affected. Not everyone knows yet that there is a lawn grass that destroys weeds. This is its main advantage, and it attracts the attention of gardeners.

What kind of weed-killing lawn grass can grow in your area?

It is very difficult to answer this question. After all, there are quite a few varieties of these plants and they all have their own advantages. A good herb should have the following characteristics:

  • short stature;
  • resistance to trampling;
  • high density;
  • drought resistance.

Weed-killing lawn grass makes your lawn care much easier

How does the lawn grass affect the weeds so that they do not spoil the appearance of the emerald lawn? It’s very simple. Over time, the plants form a dense interlacing of roots, which is simply unrealistic to break through. For a weed, this is tantamount to overcoming a coating of glass or stone. If his seed hatched and tries to reach for the sun, then it will be unrealistic to break through. And if the weed was carried by the wind and began to germinate, then the weak root system will never reach the soil.

What should be the grass that destroys weeds?

In order to use as little manual weeding as possible, you need to properly mix the lawn grass seeds. It must include:

  • meadow bluegrass;
  • escaping bent field;
  • red fescue;
  • ryegrass.

In the presence of these components, a lawn grass is obtained that destroys weeds on its own. Its name has not yet been invented, since such a mixture is rarely found in finished form. It is easier to cook everything yourself, mixing in equal proportions the seeds of each of these plants.

It is clear that the dense cover of green vegetation inhibits the development of weeds. Just in order for the desired density to be achieved and constantly maintained, it must be properly cared for. The first step is to sow the seeds correctly. If a manual seeder is not available, then first planting along the site, and then across. After all this, they are rolled on the soil with a garden roller.

We must try to carry out a haircut in a timely manner in order to awaken dormant kidneys. This is what helps young plants to achieve the desired density. After wintering, gaps may form. To eliminate them, such areas are sown with fresh seeds.

If you properly care for the lawn and follow all the recommendations listed above, the lawn will always be neat, clean and beautiful. Weeds will not form in the middle of it and spoil the overall impression of the well-groomed site.

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