Weed killer – Hurricane 

Weeds annoy people not only in gardens and orchards. Often weed thorny plants fill the yard area, and even a trimmer cannot cope with them. Sometimes it becomes necessary to free industrial areas from rough vegetation when it interferes with the passage of vehicles and the implementation of loading and unloading operations. In all these cases, instead of mowing the area, it is more advisable to use effective continuous herbicides. One of these drugs is called Hurricane Forte and it will be discussed in detail in this article.

Weed killer – Hurricane 

Description of the preparation

Hurricane Forte is produced by the Swiss company Syngenta. That alone says a lot about its quality.

The drug is one of the most effective systemic herbicides of continuous action. A herbicide is a specific weed killer. Systemicity in this case means the features of its action on plants. The active active substance, upon contact with any part of the vegetative plant, spreads through all tissues to the growth points of the weed. The consequence of this is the death of both the aerial part and the root system of the treated weeds.

Continuous action, as you might guess, means the destruction of all representatives of the plant kingdom that come across in his path. Naturally, this also applies to cultivated plants. Even shrubs and trees are affected by Hurricane Forte – in this case, only the concentration of the solution prepared for work increases.

Based on its characteristics, the scope of this drug for weed control is very extensive: it is actively used in the development of new agricultural lands, in orchards and vineyards, in fields and industrial facilities, as well as in household plots. There are no plants resistant to this herbicide. In private gardens, it is used primarily for clearing yard areas, killing weeds along fences and on paths and walkways. Often it is also used for the development of new neglected virgin areas.

Weed killer – Hurricane 

Externally, it is a yellow-brown liquid. It can be stored at a fairly wide temperature range: from -20°С to +40°С without losing its herbicidal properties.

Comment! The drug is odorless and does not form foam when diluted and applied.

Composition and principle of action

Weed killer Hurricane is a concentrate of the potassium salt of glyphosate acid in the form of an aqueous solution. It dissolves very well in water and, compared to many analogues in the form of the sodium salt of the same active substance, has a faster effect on vegetation. In addition, the composition of the drug is enriched with surfactants. Getting sprayed on the leaves of weeds, they moisturize them, washing off the protective wax coating, and allow the active substance to easily penetrate inside.

With a systemic effect, the drug does not directly affect the leaves. When the active substance reaches the roots, it blocks the biochemical reactions responsible for energy metabolism. After 2-3 days, yellowing of the tops and main points of growth begins. At the same time, adult lower leaves may still retain a green color. Within 7-9 days, annual weeds die from exposure to the drug, perennial plants need a period of 10-15 days, and extra trees and shrubs usually dry out within 1-2 months. Since the complete death of all, including the underground organs of plants, occurs, they are no longer able to grow anew.

Attention! Please note that Hurricane Forte does not apply to weed seeds.

And since the latter can remain in the soil for many years, after a while it is still possible to overgrow the site again.

Weed killer – Hurricane 

You also need to understand that the drug works best on green, actively vegetating parts of plants. If the plant is already quite old, sluggish or semi-dry, then the active substance will not be able to spread inside it.

Instructions for use of Hurricane Forte from weeds states that the herbicide is completely inactive in the soil and relatively quickly decomposes into safe substances: water, carbon dioxide, ammonia and inorganic phosphorus compounds. That is, two weeks after processing them in the ground, you can plant or sow cultivated plants intended for use as food.

How to use Hurricane Forte

Hurricane Forte is applied by spraying on vegetative weeds using any type of sprayer. To prepare a working solution, you must first fill approximately half of the sprayer tank with clean water. Then it is necessary to dilute the required amount of the drug in the tank, mix thoroughly, add water so that the desired volume is obtained and mix again. Before spraying, it is advisable to shake the container with the solution again so that the solution during processing is completely homogeneous.

Weed killer – Hurricane 

If you are planning to use Hurricane Forte in a mixture with other drugs, then it should be diluted in water first. And only after making sure that it is completely dissolved, you can add other components.

Important! The working solution must be used within a day from the moment of preparation. With further storage, it loses all its properties.

To destroy annual weeds, it is necessary to use 0,2-0,3% of the working solution, that is, 20-30 ml of the drug is added to a ten-liter bucket of water. This amount of diluted solution is enough to process 300-400 square meters. m area depending on the density of plant growth. For perennial weeds, the concentration should be increased to 0,4-0,5%. To destroy trees and shrubs, the concentration of the finished solution should be at least 0,6-0,8%. One liter of working solution is enough for one bush. For trees, consumption can already be about 2-3 liters per tree.

Weed killer – Hurricane 

Features of the drug

When working with Hurricane Forte, the following features must be taken into account in order to obtain an effective result.

  • Treatment with the drug should be carried out in warm, calm and dry weather. There is no point in using Hurricane Forte if the weather forecast is for rain within the next 6-8 hours.
  • It is also undesirable for dew to fall within 4-6 hours after the application of the Hurricane. That is why it is recommended to carry out processing in the morning.
  • When using Hurricane Forte, it is important to consider the growth phase of weeds. For annual plants, the optimal time for processing is when they reach a height of 5-10 cm or release the first 2-4 leaves. It is desirable to treat perennial plants in the flowering phase (for broadleaf weeds) or when they reach a height of 10-20 cm.

    Weed killer – Hurricane 

  • To prepare the working solution, it is important to use clean, preferably filtered water. If only contaminated water is available, then the effect may decrease several times, so it is not advisable to carry out poisoning treatment. It is better to use other methods.
  • The use of the drug is also undesirable under adverse weather conditions – the onset of frost, drought, or, conversely, when the soil is waterlogged.
  • It is undesirable to combine the use of Hurricane Forte with mechanical methods of cultivating the land, since as a result damage to the root system occurs, and the drug cannot be absorbed. Also, you can not loosen the ground within a week after applying the drug.

The effectiveness of Hurricane Forte has been proven by many examples of its use. It is only necessary to carefully observe all the conditions for its use.

Hurricane Forte – get rid of weeds, my experience

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