We found out from the stylists what hairstyles and accessories will make you the most beautiful bride.
The perfect wedding hairstyle should be not only beautiful but also practical. Alas, not every styling can withstand dancing or weather whims. Plus, it should be combined with the dress, emphasize the dignity and not require close attention of its owner. Agree, on this day you want to have fun, and not run every hour to the mirror. What styling is better to choose and stay in trend, said the experts of the “Fen Dry Bar”.
Stylist and director of the Fen Dry Bar school.
Perfect hairstyle for long hair or medium length hair. Boho styling will be trendy when the waves are slightly careless. “We do not make sure that the curls are in perfect order. Less gloss, more naturalness, ”says Tatiana Belchenkova.
Small nuances
“There is one moment with loose curls: if the weather turns bad or there is a strong wind, they can fall off, and the bride will be without her hair. You can adjust the durability using fixing parts. For example, putting the curls on their side and securing them with invisibility looks very sophisticated, ”Tatiana comments.
Trainer and stylist “Dry Bar Hair Dryer”.
“Most girls post photos with loose braids on Instagram,” notes Yana Khalaimova, coach and stylist at Fen Dry Bar. Indeed, a voluminous braid is another trend among wedding hairstyles. The Greek braid is especially popular. Stylists note that such styling can be played up with ribbons, fresh flowers or thin wire.
“Classic forms like a sloppy shell or a babette are also in vogue now,” Tatyana recalls. Such hairstyles are best combined with a veil, and you can fix it both above and below the bun. However, as fashion reviews show, not all brides consider the veil to be an essential part of the wedding look.
“In vogue came headbands… Once upon a time, tiaras were in great demand, but now they are not so often used. Just before, brides loved fluffy dresses and sleek hairstyles topped with tiaras. And now everything that is flying and natural is in fashion, ”says stylist Elena Chelnokova.
Some of the most stylish decorations this season are Natural flowers… They can be casually scattered over braids, decorated with wire, which will become a hairstyle frame, or used as an accent.
Along with flowers are popular ribbons и decorative invisibles… They can easily replace the veil without overloading the image. “You need to know when to stop. Wire, flowers and veil together is too much, ”adds Yana.
And Elena draws attention to the usual invisibility, which are needed to fix the hairstyle: “It is better to choose those where the lower canvas is straight, the upper one is embossed, while the tip should be round. If it is dull, then there is a risk of breaking hair or injuring the skin. “
“If the stylist before the wedding decided that the bangs are necessary, then we leave it and smoothly integrate it into the hairstyle,” says Tatiana. “It is better to meet with the master in advance, even if you don’t do a rehearsal hairstyle. It is important for a professional to see the hair with which he will work on the day of the celebration. The optimal time for a meeting is a week before the holiday. “