Weather dependence: why do we react to the weather and how to deal with it?

Some of us know a thunderstorm is coming by a headache, or a heat wave is coming by a pressure surge. How do we acquire such a “superpower” and how to get rid of it?

It is known that a perfectly healthy person does not react to weather changes. As a rule, meteorological dependence is one of the symptoms that something is wrong with the body, and most often it is associated with the state of the cardiovascular system. Meteorological dependence is manifested, as a rule, in headaches and dizziness, weakness and jumps in blood pressure.

Doctors of Chinese traditional medicine by no means ignore this symptom: if you do not take care of the heart and blood vessels in time and do not change your lifestyle, over time, you can “grow” much more serious diseases out of meteorological dependence. What steps should be taken?

Heart Care

If, in response to a sudden change in weather, the body reacts with weakness, dizziness (sometimes even fainting), and jumps in blood pressure, this is an occasion to contact a therapist who will refer you to a cardiologist. The most effective way to check the work of the heart of a patient who does not particularly complain about it is an ECG under stress: for example, on an exercise bike or a treadmill.

If any problems are found during the examination, the doctor will prescribe treatment. If, as such, he does not reveal obvious problems, it is worth taking care of the heart with the help of preventive procedures.

It is generally accepted that you can strengthen the heart and blood vessels with the help of cardio training. This is true, but before you start jogging or aerobics, it is important to take care of the normalization of the body structure.

Chinese experts insist that heart health is directly related to posture – the structure of the spine, and it is important to start restoring heart health with work on posture. Why?

If we stoop, and under the neck we have a small hump, it means that the volume of the chest is less than the norm conceived by nature. By stooping, we seem to “fold” the chest inward and reduce its volume. All the organs inside our body are already located very tightly, and if you still press from above, then the space becomes critically small and the heart becomes cramped.

Recovery of the heart must begin with the restoration of the normal structure of the body: give the organ more space

And where there is little space, blood is pumped with difficulty. The heart, which pumps blood throughout the body, must itself be nourished by fresh, oxygenated blood, receiving enough nourishment to renew itself. If the blood supply deteriorates due to tightness, then the work of the heart becomes more difficult, it begins to work for wear and tear.

Now imagine: the heart is deficient in nutrition, but holds on. It does not signal difficulties every day, but only during a sharp change in the weather. And in response, he receives not tenderness and care, but an additional load: jogging, dancing, jumping, fitness. What will happen? Nothing good.

Therefore, the recovery of the heart must begin with the restoration of the normal structure of the body: to provide the body with more space for full-fledged work. And for this it is necessary to build such a posture in which the shoulders will be relaxed and open, the position of the head is proud and free.

Moreover, “keeping your back” due to muscle tension in this case is not an option: the more tension in the chest, the more difficult it is for the heart to live. Posture should “keep” itself, easily and relaxed. How to achieve this?

Any procedures and practices for relaxing the muscles of the spine that are currently available to you will help. Of the procedures, you can recommend a competent massage or visits to an osteopath. Of the practices – those that allow you to develop and deepen muscle relaxation, for example, qigong for the spine Sing Shen Juang. Ideally, procedures and gymnastics for relaxing the spine should complement each other.

As the correct posture is restored, you can add active cardio exercises to improve blood circulation.

Brain care

Another possible reason for the development of meteorological dependence is a violation of the blood supply to the brain. If the brain experiences a slight nutritional deficiency, does not receive enough blood, at first it can also be “silent” and signal a problem only during sharp weather surges.

What causes poor blood supply to the brain? Among the obvious reasons are the ecological situation (there is little oxygen in the city air and a lot of impurities), and a sedentary lifestyle (blood circulation slows down, and the blood “does not get” to the head), and, of course, the structure of the body is still the same wrong posture.

If in the case of the heart one can guess about the deficiency of its blood supply by the characteristic hump at the base of the neck, then problems with the blood supply to the brain are visible by the position of the person’s neck.

Take a look around: if there is someone at the computer next to you, it is very likely that this person is sitting, slightly hunched over, and his head literally “dives” into the screen. Without noticing it, we reach for the computer, the neck moves forward, and the region of the first cervical vertebra (the base of the skull) is compressed, it is inside the fold. Familiar situation?

It is necessary to adjust the lifestyle and get rid of the habit of reaching for the screen – “dive” into it with your head

By pinching this area, we impair the outflow of blood from the head, and hence the inflow of new, fresh blood, which should bring nutrients. If such a position of the head becomes habitual, then the brain begins to experience regular nutritional deficiencies. Over time, the symptoms of meteorological dependence, and just headaches become the norm.

How to be? First of all, take care of a sufficient amount of oxygen where you work and sleep. The office should not only have an air conditioner that cools the air inside the room, but also supply ventilation – a source of fresh air. At home, the room in which you sleep should also be well ventilated. If you’re not sensitive to stuffiness, buy a device that measures the level of carbon dioxide in the room – these days it is often built into bathroom scales.

Secondly, take care of the health of the neck: to relax the muscles of the neck and restore the correct posture, the qigong procedures and practices described above are suitable. And besides, it is necessary to adjust the lifestyle and get rid of the habit of reaching for the screen – “dive” into it with your head. How to do it?

Regular exercises for the spine, which can be performed right at the workplace, and, say, a small mirror that can be hung next to the monitor, will also help. Regularly seeing your position in front of the screen, you will automatically correct it, and very soon the correct position of the neck will become familiar.

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