Weakness in “these days”: what to do?

Weakness in “these days”: what to do?

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The experts have their own solution.

Lethargy, dizziness, lack of desire and strength to do something … Many women are familiar with this condition that sometimes accompanies the first days of menstruation and reduces the level of our usual activity and productivity. Can you fight it? And, most importantly, how?

Fortunately, the answer to this question is unequivocal: it is possible and even necessary to fight. You should not consider weakness during menstruation as something inevitable – a kind of “payback” for the reproductive capabilities of women. In fact, such a condition, although it occurs for natural physiological reasons, should not be the norm for the body. However, let’s go in order.

Why can menstruation cause weakness and fatigue?

Natural blood loss and the associated fluctuations in the level of iron in the blood are considered one of the main reasons for this condition. During menstruation, a woman can lose from 50 to 250 (with excessively heavy periods) mg of iron1… This can lead to unpleasant manifestations: weakness, fatigue, decreased productivity, lack of strength and desire to do something.

We repeat again: these sensations are associated not so much with the very fact of blood loss (which cannot be canceled), but with a potential decrease in iron stores in the body. Therefore, you can (and should) fight them!

How to deal with this condition?

You need to understand that it can be quite difficult to replenish iron stores in such a volume from food alone. Only 10-15% of the iron contained in food is absorbed into the blood2… However, of course, it is important to ensure that the diet is adequate and balanced and contains various sources of iron: both heme (meat and organ meats) and non-heme (vegetables). 1.

One solution to maintaining the balance of iron in the body is to take appropriate balanced iron complexes.

How do I find the right iron source?

It is very important to find the optimal – easily digestible and bioavailable – form of iron, preferably in combination with the necessary vitamins. A good example of a remedy with such a composition is the original modern complex. VitaFerr.

The composition VitaFerrbut includes:

  • ferrous bisglycinate – easily digestible3 a form of iron with a low risk of gastrointestinal discomfort4;

  • vitamins for better absorption of iron5, support the normal functioning of the hematopoietic and nervous systems;

  • Calcium L-methylfolate (folate) is a special form of folic acid that does not require additional transformations and is immediately involved in the reactions taking place in the body.

Such a synergistic composition allows an innovative6 complex VitaFerr to fight the manifestations of weakness and fatigue during menstruation. It also contributes to maintaining the balance of iron in the female body, increasing its activity and efficiency.

VitaFerr very convenient to take: it is enough to take 1 capsule (containing 30 mg of iron) per day. One package is designed for an optimal 30-day course of administration.

Of course, feeling good these days is a complex issue. In addition to having adequate nutrition, taking additional sources of iron is very important and taking care of yourself in general. Distribute home and work tasks, taking into account the characteristics of the cycle, rest more, walk in the fresh air and replenish all the internal resources of the body!

Dietary supplement. NOT A DRUG.


one . A.Z. Khashukoeva, S.A.

2. National Hematological Society, National Society of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, Federation of Laboratory Medicine, “Clinical Guidelines for Iron Deficiency Anemia”, 2020.

3. Possesses high bioavailability – 46,3% of iron is absorbed when taking iron bisglycinate. When taking inorganic salts, the bioavailability of iron is not more than 10-30%. Olivares M., Pizarro F. Bioavailability of iron bisglycinate in water. Archives of Latin American Nutrition. 2001, March; 51 (appendix 1): 22-5.

4. Ahmed M. Abbas, Safaa A. Abdelbadi, Ahmed Alanwar and Syed Mostafa (2018). Efficacy of ferrous bisglycinate versus ferrous glycine sulfate in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy: a randomized, double-blind clinical trial. Journal of Neonatal Medicine. DOI: 10.1080 / 14767058.2018.1482871.

5. Rebrov V.G., Gromova O.A. Vitamins, macro- microelements. – M .: GEOTAR-Media, 2008.

6. Official Rospotrebnadzor website

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